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Kofi Annan is a piece of shit.


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How dare he say what he said in that article.


How dare he take credit for the liberation of Iraq and the democratic reforms that have taken place.


How dare he refuse to acknowelege the sacrifices of Coalition forces in bringing about change in that country.


What a total f***ing hypocrite this guy is. His own personal corruption allowed the Hussein regime to profit by hundreds of millions of dollars and simultaneously consigned the Iraqi population to starvation and disease. Now he wants to come out and say that his U.N. was responsible for change in Iraq when he was bought off by the Hussein regime to oppose it.



People wonder why the U.N. is so despised by conservatives........THIS IS WHY.

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The article made no direct criticism of the insurgency



There are, of course, those who wish to exacerbate communal tensions and prevent the emergence of a democratic, pluralist, stable Iraq. They seek to capitalize on the serious difficulties faced by ordinary people, and to exploit popular anger and resentment to promote hatred and violence. Their work is seen on the streets of Iraq every day.



Oh but it's not a direct criticism... shut up! :angry:


Annan’s letter gave aid and comfort to some of the most barbaric terrorists of modern times.


There are so many of these crazy statements being thrown around these days. If you oppose anything about the War you're just helping the terrorists. Puhleeeeeez!


Annan has never apologized to the victims of the Rwanda genocide, whose slaughter was the consequence of the U.N.’s failure to intervene


How about how no countries intervened, where was the American and British and Canadian militaries then. That's an asanine statement but it's not surprise seeing as the author is a member of the very mainstream Heritage foundation


If you read the article it's obvious Kofi is just outlining where the United Nations is contributing. He is supposed to be positive about the organization he runs afterall. Annan may be a completely hateful, corrupt sob but his article doesn't say much... other than he's quite articulate. :)


I do agree he should give credit to the coalition forces, but that's just not really what this article is about. That or he's just so spiteful to them for going over his head.


Oh and maybe I missed it but I don't believe he takes credit for the liberation of Iraq.

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while I'm debating


The Senate committee assigned to investigate the scandal has also concluded that


"The United States (government) was not only aware of Iraqi oil sales which violated UN sanctions and provided the bulk of the illicit money Saddam Hussein obtained from circumventing UN sanctions. On occasion, the United States actually facilitated the illicit oil sales."



Why are conservatives mad when their own government, a conservative government, seemed to have done nothing about it.

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Kip, can you read? Maybe you should take off your anti-Bush blinders first,then maybe you can understand the words in front of you. The op-ed piece starts off with Kofi telling us about the resolution that the UN passed, outlining the timetable that Iraq was to fulfill. Who made up the timetable? Not Kofi, we did. Who was responsible for the implimentation of it? Not the UN, the US was. Then he talks about elections, which would have NEVER HAPPENED, if not for the US.

Indeed, just last week an agreement was achieved to expand the committee drafting the constitution to ensure full participation by the Sunni Arab community. This agreement, which the United Nations helped to facilitate, should encourage all Iraqis to press ahead with the drafting of the constitution by the Aug. 15 deadline
Sure, just take credit, when you did NOTHING. Oh wait, they have sent about 800 or so 'personnel' to help assist with the constitution making. Then, when he does mention the terrorists, he says that we need to 'include' them in the process
For such measures to be successful, they must be part of a broad-based and inclusive strategy that embraces the political transition, development, human rights and institution-building, so that all of Iraq's communities see that they stand to be winners in the new Iraq
Does this go for the terrorists blowing up police stations and mosques? Shoudl they be 'included'?


Then he tries to take even more credit for stuff the US has done.

In aid of the transition, the United Nations is at work, both inside and outside the country, to support donor coordination, capacity-building of Iraqi ministries and civil society organizations, and delivery of basic services. Reconstruction of schools, water-treatment and waste-treatment plants, power plants and transmission lines, food assistance to children, mine clearing and aid to hundreds of thousands of returning refugees and internally displaced persons -- all of these activities occur every day in Iraq under U.N. leadership
The UN hasn't built s***! They have supplied beaurocratic layers of bulls***, and thats about it. Seriously, what have they done? Hey, here's an idea Kofi, how about thanking the US for removing the evil Hussain and spending so damn much of our own resources and money to try and help the Iraqi people? Don't people usually thank their larger doners or benefactors? f*** you, Kofi. Edited by EvilMonkey
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That's bulls*** you can slam the UN all you want but I'm sure they've played a played a large part in the rebuilding process and as a spokesman for the UN Kofi is outlining what they have done. He's not lying about anything here.


So basically what you're saying is he has lied about basically everything the UN is doing, f***ing bulls***. And he doesn't say anything about including the terrorists, gosh. I'd like to see the f'n mess Iraq is left in if UN just pulls out of that hole and leaves everything up to the Iraqi government.

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here's the resolution 1546



and Allawi and Powell agreeing to it


Then he talks about elections


Elections were held in January, on schedule.


OH my god he's just raving about how the UN successfully held the elections! :lol: And he goes into such great detail about how the UN was involved.

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QUOTE(KipWellsFan @ Jul 3, 2005 -> 05:44 PM)
That's bulls*** you can slam the UN all you want but I'm sure they've played a played a large part in the rebuilding process and as a spokesman for the UN Kofi is outlining what they have done.  He's not lying about anything here.


So basically what you're saying is he has lied about basically everything the UN is doing, f***ing bulls***.  And he doesn't say anything about including the terrorists, gosh.  I'd like to see the f'n mess Iraq is left in if UN just pulls out of that hole and leaves everything up to the Iraqi government.

Take the words "UN" out and put "US" in and you have it about right on your last paragraph.


For once, I really wish we WOULD stay out of everyone's business, including that great country to the north of the United States, and see how long you people last on your own.

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QUOTE(kapkomet @ Jul 3, 2005 -> 12:16 PM)
Take the words "UN" out and put "US" in and you have it about right on your last paragraph.


For once, I really wish we WOULD stay out of everyone's business, including that great country to the north of the United States, and see how long you people last on your own.


You're right I should have put US as well, but I think many people probably underestimate the UN's role in Iraq now. And the whole Canada would be screwed without the US point is getting old.

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QUOTE(kapkomet @ Jul 3, 2005 -> 01:16 PM)
For once, I really wish we WOULD stay out of everyone's business, including that great country to the north of the United States, and see how long you people last on your own.


About as long as we would. Without international markets, our economy collapses. How many Americans have jobs because we import so much? How many Americans have jobs because we export so much s***? We cannot even feed ourselves or run our machines without imports.


I for one sleep better knowing we have friendly neighbors on both sides.

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QUOTE(KipWellsFan @ Jul 3, 2005 -> 05:44 PM)
That's bulls*** you can slam the UN all you want but I'm sure they've played a played a large part in the rebuilding process and as a spokesman for the UN Kofi is outlining what they have done.  He's not lying about anything here.


So basically what you're saying is he has lied about basically everything the UN is doing, f***ing bulls***.  And he doesn't say anything about including the terrorists, gosh.  I'd like to see the f'n mess Iraq is left in if UN just pulls out of that hole and leaves everything up to the Iraqi government.


Kip, you don't know s***. You profess to 'be sure' that the UN is doing more than can be seen or proven. Why is that? Maybe because you want to believe it. Show me something they are doing other than creating layers of government and red tape. They didn't want to be there, they didn't want us there, and they sure as hell aren't doing anything to help the situation, except trying to take credit for whatever successes are there. And why wouldn't Kofi lie? He lied about everything else. You seem to ascribe a 'can do no wrong' attitude to those that you agree with (kofi, Kerry, etc.), but a 'can do no right' attitude to those you don't (Rove, Bush, etc.). Get your head out of your ass and wake up. They all lie, they all tellthe truth, they all are in it for themselves, they all f*** up.

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QUOTE(KipWellsFan @ Jul 3, 2005 -> 11:44 AM)
That's bulls*** you can slam the UN all you want but I'm sure they've played a played a large part in the rebuilding process and as a spokesman for the UN Kofi is outlining what they have done.  He's not lying about anything here.


So basically what you're saying is he has lied about basically everything the UN is doing, f***ing bulls***.  And he doesn't say anything about including the terrorists, gosh.  I'd like to see the f'n mess Iraq is left in if UN just pulls out of that hole and leaves everything up to the Iraqi government.



Large part my ass. They cut and ran after that bomb attack killed their main representative back in 2003 and weren't heard from again until they sent a few election monitors. Its been the Americans and the British doing nearly ALL the work to rebuild that place.

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On May of 2003, following the Invasion of Iraq the Development Fund for Iraq was set up. United Nations resolution 1483 transferred the authority to authorize expenditures from Iraq's oil revenue from the United Nations to the Coalition Provisional Authority. The Coalition Provisional Authority was to administer this fund, on behalf of the Iraqi people.



sounds like they are cutting through some red tape there


The UN has been s*** on like crazy with Hans Blix and going over their head to fight this whole f***ed up War. The US has delegitmized themselves with their allies around the World and they've taken the United Nations with them.


I'm no expert on how the United Nations is involved in Iraq right now. But I doubt Kofi is just straight out lieing about their involvements. Prove that they are just stalling progress with this "red tape".

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QUOTE(EvilMonkey @ Jul 3, 2005 -> 02:24 PM)
Kip, you don't know s***.  You profess to 'be sure' that the UN is doing more than can be seen or proven.  Why is that?  Maybe because you want to believe it.  Show me something they are doing other than creating layers of government and red tape.  They didn't want to be there, they didn't want us there, and they sure as hell aren't doing anything to help the situation, except trying to take credit for whatever successes are there.  And why wouldn't Kofi lie?  He lied about everything else.  You seem to ascribe a 'can do no wrong' attitude to those that you agree with (kofi, Kerry, etc.), but a 'can do no right' attitude to those you don't (Rove, Bush, etc.).  Get your head out of your ass and wake up.  They all lie, they all tellthe truth, they all are in it for themselves, they all f*** up.


Lied about everything else? What in gods name are you even talking about?


When did they say they didn't want to be there? Aren't doing anything to help, f***, that's clearly bulls***.


Talk about being blinded

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How did the United Nations contribute to the success of the Iraq elections?


• The UN provided support for the formation of the Independent Electoral Commission of Iraq (IECI) and the recruitment and training of 900 IECI staff. The Commission is comprised entirely of Iraqis, plus one UN expert who is a non-voting member.


• A UN electoral team of more than 50 staff members in Baghdad, Amman and New York engaged in a wide range of work to provide the IECI with the technical, logistical, financial and administrative assistance necessary to conduct successful national elections.


• The UN recommended the proportional representation system, which has been successful in encouraging the participation of Iraqi moderates.


• UN election experts, both inside and outside of Iraq, trained more than 8,000 Iraqi electoral workers to assist the IECI in conducting a fair and free election.


• The UN helped to recruit and train up to 148,000 poll workers for the estimated 5,578 polling centers around Iraq.





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QUOTE(EvilMonkey @ Jul 3, 2005 -> 11:09 AM)
Kip, can you read?


I just farted, and yes I can read.


he op-ed piece starts off with Kofi telling us about the resolution that the UN passed, outlining the timetable that Iraq was to fulfill. Who made up the timetable? Not Kofi, we did.


His piece doesn't claim to have created it, they passed in in the UN security council. And please give me where it says the US came up with this timetable.


Then he talks about elections


Yah I already refuted this stupid point. If you could read you'd notice he barely gloated at all, and seeing as what they did for the election, they should be able to take some credit


Then, when he does mention the terrorists, he says that we need to 'include' them in the process


If you could read you'd realize he never mentions including terrorists.


Hey, here's an idea Kofi,


Here's an idea Evil, thank Kofi for warning that there were no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, no threat to the United States, for trying to stop tens of thousands on innocent civilians from being killed, from 1800+ US soldiers from being killed in a War that really doesn't affect them or their families


And just to make sure I have all my bases covered, I said earlier

I do agree he should give credit to the coalition forces


Something which he has yet to really do... that I know of

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QUOTE(KipWellsFan @ Jul 3, 2005 -> 09:50 PM)
If you could read you'd realize he never mentions including terrorists.



Insurgents = terrorists. You like to play the semantics game when it suits your purposes. And you please tell me just what the UN actually DID to help facilitate the election. Did they supply troops, or security forces to help ensure that the people could freely vote? What did they actually do? If they did something, please tell me.


As for your parsing on all the rest, if someone read that piece that didn't know anything prior that happened, they would come away with the impression that the UN played the main, pivitol role in the liberation and elections in Iraq, which is as far from the truth as Kip Wells is from being a good pitcher

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QUOTE(EvilMonkey @ Jul 3, 2005 -> 04:50 PM)
Insurgents = terrorists.  You like to play the semantics game when it suits your purposes.  And you please tell me just what the UN actually DID to help facilitate the election.  Did they supply troops, or security forces to help ensure that the people could freely vote?  What did they actually do?  If they did something, please tell me. 


As for your parsing on all the rest, if someone read that piece that didn't know anything prior that happened, they would come away with the impression that the UN played the main, pivitol role in the liberation and elections in Iraq, which is as far from the truth as Kip Wells is from being a good pitcher


:D I do completely agree with your last sentence.


I already outlined the UN's involvement in the elections. I guess they didn't facilitate the elections and the coalition troops deserve props for that, but Kofi as I noted wasn't really taking a ton of credit for it anyways.



How did the United Nations contribute to the success of the Iraq elections?


• The UN provided support for the formation of the Independent Electoral Commission of Iraq (IECI) and the recruitment and training of 900 IECI staff. The Commission is comprised entirely of Iraqis, plus one UN expert who is a non-voting member.


• A UN electoral team of more than 50 staff members in Baghdad, Amman and New York engaged in a wide range of work to provide the IECI with the technical, logistical, financial and administrative assistance necessary to conduct successful national elections.


• The UN recommended the proportional representation system, which has been successful in encouraging the participation of Iraqi moderates.


• UN election experts, both inside and outside of Iraq, trained more than 8,000 Iraqi electoral workers to assist the IECI in conducting a fair and free election.


• The UN helped to recruit and train up to 148,000 poll workers for the estimated 5,578 polling centers around Iraq.


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I'd agree that insurgents are terrorists but I don't think Kofi is implying that they should be included. He says that the process needs to be all inclusive, but makes a point of mentioning those who aren't interested in contributing. I'm just not sure what you mean EM.


EDIT: Also Kofi never even mentions the Liberation, his piece is about progress after liberation.

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QUOTE(KipWellsFan @ Jul 3, 2005 -> 06:20 PM)
You're right I should have put US as well, but I think many people probably underestimate the UN's role in Iraq now.  And the whole Canada would be screwed without the US point is getting old.

As is your rhetoric about how great the UN is and how f***ed up the US is.


We ain't perfect, far from it. But it seems like our system is the envy of the world. So much so, that communist China has thrown in the towel on the hard-core socialist programs and they realize that they have to play the capital game too. That is why these terrorists hate us so much is because of the wealth creation - they can't have it in their eyes without destroying us first.


The whole thing is a house of cards that is about to fall.

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Rhetoric praising the UN? :lol:


Terrorists hate the erosion of their ultra conservative values. Don't they want to live without amenities such as heat and electricity. I didn't think it had much to do with wealth but I could be wrong.


EDIT: of course there are all kinds of different terrorists, with different aims and reasons

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QUOTE(KipWellsFan @ Jul 4, 2005 -> 12:27 AM)
Rhetoric praising the UN?  :lol:


Terrorists hate the erosion of their ultra conservative values.  Don't they want to live without amenities such as heat and electricity.  I didn't think it had much to do with wealth but I could be wrong.


EDIT: of course there are all kinds of different terrorists, with different aims and reasons

Those amenities (heat, electricity) are made available by wealth. That's what is at the heart of it all.

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QUOTE(KipWellsFan @ Jul 3, 2005 -> 11:05 PM)
I'd agree that insurgents are terrorists but I don't think Kofi is implying that they should be included.  He says that the process needs to be all inclusive, but makes a point of mentioning those who aren't interested in contributing.  I'm just not sure what you mean EM.


He starts with mentioning that there are those who don't want a stable Iraq.

There are, of course, those who wish to exacerbate communal tensions and prevent the emergence of a democratic, pluralist, stable Iraq. They seek to capitalize on the serious difficulties faced by ordinary people, and to exploit popular anger and resentment to promote hatred and violence. Their work is seen on the streets of Iraq every day.

next paragraph, he says we need to include all Iraq"is, so that they can see that they all stand to be winners here.

For such measures to be successful, they must be part of a broad-based and inclusive strategy that embraces the political transition, development, human rights and institution-building, so that all of Iraq's communities see that they stand to be winners in the new Iraq

So he is basically saying "Hey, we need to show these people that they can be prosperous too, and maybe they will put away their guns, and forget their hatred towards all things American and discover the joys of being an Iraqi." Or is it OK for Kofi to have MEANT all, except terrorists? Being the career politician that he is, I am sure that he is as careful with his words, if not MORE so, than say, Karl Rove.

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He says "all...communities". The (Iraqi) insurgents aren't a "community" unto themselves, they are rogue members of particular communities. What he's basically saying is that Sunnis, Kurds, Shia, women, etc must all have a voice and believe in their own importance. Which is just the same detailless drivel we've heard for the past year, but it's not an argument for a special Department of Terrorist Affairs in the new government.

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