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Commentary: Bullpen Fiasco


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Commentary: Bullpen Fiasco

By Rob Knowles

April 28, 2003



While pondering the White Sox bullpen after one woefully recent series, Manager Jerry Manuel stated, “We knew coming in if they (starters) did what they could, we could have some six inning games, turn it over and the bullpen could take us in from there. [Now] we have to get that area straight.”


Ask the fans taking cover in the outfield seats – they’ll tell you all about Manuel’s bullpen. They’ll talk at length, with wide-eyed disbelief, about the blizzard of transactions Kenny Williams made during the off-season to strengthen the bullpen, only to watch that infamously fickle Lake Michigan wind blow it all back in our collective faces.

Billy Koch was the first reliever brought in during the off-season. In previous years, Koch’s fastballs blazed past opposing hitters like bullets. This season, though, the bullets are going the other way, landing not only in the gaps, but all too often in the beautiful blue outfield seating sections of the Cell. Koch has watched his ERA soar to 9.00, and he has already blown two saves in this short season.


The first omen of Koch’s struggles occurred April 3 at Kansas City. In that game, the Royals scored four runs off Koch, delivering the heaviest barrage of punches since the last Lewis-Tyson fight. Yogi Berra would have called it déjà vu all over again when the Royals dialed long distance off Koch on April 15 (using U.S. Cellular, one would hope). The Royals’ four-run smack down once again cost the Sox a victory. Koch has watched himself go from closer of the year to a late inning circus in just 6 months. Don Cooper has blamed Koch’s problems on his mechanics. Until Koch works through those difficulties, there’s no doubt opposing hitters will continue to enjoy late-inning batting practice.


Tom ‘Flash’ Gordon was acquired as a free agent over the off-season. Gordon has watched his fastballs morph into frozen ropes this season, and has blown two saves. He looks more like Gary Gaetti on the mound nowadays rather than a former All-Star. At his current pace, Gordon may need to drop ‘Flash’ from his name simply to make room for his hefty ERA.


Then there’s Rick White, who from a distance resembles a right-handed David Wells. Unfortunately for Sox fans, White also does a dead-on imitation of how Wells pitched in a Sox uniform - poorly. White pitched terribly in spring training, but appeared to pull things together in time for the season - he began the year with a low 1.59 ERA. Through April, though, White served up a few whoppers and his ERA currently weighs in at a husky 4.82.


Now on to the incumbents: Damaso Marte, Kelly Wunsch. Marte may have been a great reliever last year, but this year he is pitching similar to Koch and Gordon - throw the heat, watch it soar. Marte’s 2.61 ERA doesn’t sound terrible, but he too has squandered two saves, equaling Koch and Gordon. Do I sense a bit of competition?


Gary Glover and Kelly Wunsch have been the exceptions. Both have pitched extremely well, forming the White Sox bullpen equivalent of Drysdale and Koufax. In fact, Wunsch hasn’t yet yielded a hit in six innings. And to think that Manuel questioned his ability to pitch this spring!


While the bullpen is performing its rendition of a Stephen King nightmare, Sox fans are left wondering what happened to the successes of Bobby Thigpen, the 1996 performances from Roberto Hernandez, and the heroics of Keith Foulke just two years ago. What has happened to this Sox bullpen? Let’s all try to read a bit deeper into Manuel’s words, shall we? “We have to get that area straight. ” Thank you, Captain Obvious. In the meantime, Sox fans, find your Pepto-Bismol. This suddenly looks to be a gut-wrenching season. And the end of this one may very well leave us feeling like we’ve just been snowed, Chicago-style.

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Let’s all try to read a bit deeper into Manuel’s words, shall we? “We have to get that area straight. ” Thank you, Captain Obvious. In the meantime, Sox fans, find your Pepto-Bismol.

Heh, what else is Jerry supposed to say?


We've got the personnel -- they need to do their jobs, bottom line.

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I think the term "fiasco" is a wee bit of a massive overstatement about the legitimate woes that we have had, expecially since we have seen some good too from the pen

I'll also agree with that.


While we're on the subject of the good things overlooked...why not bring up Flash Gordon?


In Saturday's game...Jon Garland got tossed while pitching great, and there seemed to be no apparent reason why he was tossed, other than the fact that he hit Mientkiewicz in the ass. I didn't see Froemming throw out Lohse after he hit Maggs, who hit a homer his previous at bat....so why the hell did he toss Garland?


Anyways....Flash came in on short notice, warmed up, and threw 2 1/3 very, very good shutout innings...and helped get the ball to Koch, who then gave up a 2-run dinger in the 9th.


People who might not be able to watch the games look at stats and make assumptions that he's getting rocked....when in reality, our bullpen, aside from Koch, has thrown the ball real well....and the reason the stats are inflated like they are is because the opposition is killing the mistakes right now. Our bullpen really has to pitch pefect or else the ball will end up in the cheap seats.


Our guys have looked good....their mistakes have just gotten the s*** hit out of them.

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I think the bullpen will get better, if for no other reason that JM will stop giving the ball to Koch in the ninth with a 1-2 run lead. Someone else will get it. How could you possibly have confidence in Koch untill he has some success in mop up relief roles? And, have you noticed Rick White has not worked much lately? No confidence there either. If he doesn't get in the game, he can't hurt us.


I think our biggest problem is the lack of clutch hitting. We've had several tight games where we get runners on, but whoever comes up cannot drive them in.

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Guest hotsoxchick1

well i seem to remember some people pretty content with koch coming here..... :o .....i would have much rather held onto foulke and joe valentine but..........you know how that goes.......anyhow.......i never did like gordon coming here, and as for white i really think once he settles into the al he will be fine.........hes got the stuff to be good we just need to find a way to channel it out for us.......mho :D

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