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Liggy Cleans Up PURTY!!!

The Critic

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What exactly were his previous crimes killa..? Possession (I have seen posts of several here that are "users" - he just got caught) is the only one I heard of. The battery charge was against his son (against his mother) and if you know anything about a battery charge, they are handed out like candy which is another reason the penalties are so lax.

LOL..... I think I know a little something about the Criminal Justice system :rolleyes:


And trust me when I say this..... no cop is gonna do anymore paperwork than is necessary on anybody. If a complaint for battery is signed..... especially if the cop is the complainant..... there is more than enough evidence to pursue the charge. What the court decides to do with it afterwards is out of the complainant's or cop's hands.


And let's not forget..... we have undeniable proof that this battery did occur! It's not like this is a case of he said-he said.


I'm not worried though. Jail time or no jail time, these two will be in and out of jail their entire lives.

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It's inconceivable to me that someone can attack someone, unprovoked, in front of thousands of people and receive probation. There's something SERIOUSLY wrong with that.


10 years is too much, but I don't think that at least one year in jail is unreasonable, especially considering the fact that they caused irreversible hearing damage to Gamboa.


Mistakes are one thing, criminal activity is quite another. That doesn't make me "perfect", it just means that I respect the laws of our society. That's not too much to ask of civilized human beings.

In this case, if Gamboa had pressed the issue, I'm sure it would be more than probation. He didn't/isn't. Every case is different, but there is a guideline (as sad as it may be) to follow.


And critic.. I wasn't calling you "perfect". It was a specific comment to clujer.

it shouldnt be up to gamboa to decide what happens to these guys....the court has to take everything into consideration...


1. the supposed drug and alcohol abuse...


2. the blindside attack by 2 individuals younger and physically superior men on an elderly man...


3. the permanent injury gamboa suffered...


4. these two perps were supervisiong children at the time


5. the brazeness of the attack


this wasnt like 2 guys in a bar getting drunk then going out in the street and getting it on...these two guys at a public sporting event knowing it would be captured on tv for the whole world to see ran onto a baseball field and attack a man in his 50's?? maybe 60's??...the age of those involved should be a factor...plus that looked like more like attempted murder to me than simple assault...if no one would have came to gamboa's aid (lets say it took place in a more private setting) they would have killed him..that im sure of....just looked at how viscous the attack was before it was broken up...the man suffered permanent injuries and the attack only last about 5 seconds...give those 2 animals one minute and gamboa was a dead man...


if he gets off on probation what does that tell the next dumbass at a ballpark anywhere in the country???...


im not for locking this guy up and throwing away the key..if he has shown signs of honestly repenting and working through his addictions and maybe fixing up his life thats great....and should be taken into account...but he is still responsible for his actions...


id offer him this....5 years in prison or 1 year in a boot camp style drug rehab program...hes locked down in drug rehab for one year..one year of basic training type enviorment where he has no access to drugs..where he is in a controlled enviorment 24-7...not one of these one month rehabs where you stay clean that month then you get a pass where you can go out and get drugs....he is under constant supervision for one yeart where he can really dry out...there should also be phychiatric help for mr lique to deal with his past demons..


after completion of that...he still stays in the program..locked down for another year so we are all positive he cant get drugs but now the focus should move towards eduacation..i dont know what his education level is but from his history as it was portrayed by his sister he's probably lucky to have a high school diploma...so the 2nd year should be giving him a chance to develop skills that should benefit him and give him a better sense of self worth once he leaves prison..


after returning to society..one year of probation with monthly drug testing..he stays clean for the year the his debt is paid and he is done..if he tests positve his probation is revoked at that point and he serves out the rest of his 5 year probation (minus time served and time on probatio nwhere he stayed clean) in jail...


that would be 2 long years of drug rehab and education for mr lique and one year probation where he must stay clean.....this would satisfy imo mr lique's debt to society , in the long run it helps him deal with his personal problems hopefully giving him the tools and skills needed to become a more peaceful and positive person , and it sends a message to other who might be thinking of doing the same thing that you will pay bigtime for your transgressions..



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These two are scumbags and they need to serve atleast some punishment. 1-2 years. What they did is unacceptable. They made a choice, which may have been influenced, but either way, it was the wrong choice.


And Mr Ligue was chaperoning a childrens birthday party. He did so while being drunk out of his mind and having five illegal substances, including marijuana, in his system. Am I the only one who sees something wrong with that? What kinda family gives the kids a nite out with such a person? That is messed up.


As for the kid, he made the wrong choice. But I do believe Mr Ligue may have been abusive (I think I read it somewhere). So it was beat the crap out of Gamboa or get the crap beaten out of yourself. I would have refused but I can still see why someone would go the other way. The kid also gets good grades I have heard. But his conduct was unnacceptable, and he deserves a punishment. Lesser than what his father gets but not probation. I suggest two months in prison and shipment to a military school where he is under around the clock supervision by responsible adults. I suggest they rate his conduct and at the end of one year at this school, report to the court and give their judgment on whether the younger Ligue is ready to return to civilized society. Once his father is released, he shall be allowed periodic supervised visits but he must never return into Mr Ligues custody. He can live with a friend or relative. When paired together, these two have been shown to be a danger to society.

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grace is an issue -


also an issue is what do we really need to do with these two?


For the 15 year old, the idea of 10 years is appalling.  When the 15 year old comes out of the state penal system at 25, what kind of person do you rationally expect him to be?    This is  a person whose life is ahead of him and the proper mix of being in a juvenile home or controled environment with counseling and other assistance, the full range of hard core probation (drug and alcohol testing, etc) and we might hend up with a person who made a dumb mistake when he was 15 but has turned his life around.


For the older one - 10 years?  Sounds good in theory.  Where you going to put all these people and who is to pay for it?  Certainly some jail/prison time may be appropriate but the courts will work that out.  It is easy to say everyone gets off too light and some sometimes do, but factor in jail populations and overcrowding, and weigh the offense in with the penalties for other like offenses.    What we are looking for as a society is deterrance as well as trying to get someone's life turned around.


I work in a law office, we do criiminal defense.  Sentencing is a complex process and takes in a lot of factors.  Someone from the probtation/parole office will do a report with a recommended sentence and the prosecutor will have ample time to address that before the judge before sentence is made. 


If a sentence is 30 days with all the hard core probation things and maybe tethers or whatever else, with required counseling, etc., and maybe stiff fines or whatever, it may do the job in some cases.  In other cases jail time or prison time may be the answer.  Each case is different as the factors in each are different.  Let the system work.


But I am in full accord with steff and bj's sentiments here.  10 years is incredibly excessive.  5 years is incredibly excessive.

I think the young one can turn it around. But he needs to take the consequences and be punished first before he is allowed to have his life back. He sounded like a good kid under control of an idiot. But he still made a choice and now he must suffer the consequences. No exceptions...

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