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ACLU chapter shut down in New Mexico.


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Sorry I dont have a link. I saw this on O'reilly. Clifford Alford is a board member of the ACLU's Las Cruces, New Mexico chapter and he was on the show explaining what happened. This chapter was SHUT DOWN.




This board member was asked to resign after it came out that he was involved with the Minuteman group. He refused to resign and the remainder of the board supported him because it was his CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT to engage in such activities.


So what does this organization which preaches tolerance and diversity do? They SHUT DOWN the whole chapter and didn't even have the guts to tell them to their face. THEY GOT THE WORD SECOND HAND FROM THE MEDIA.


Yet another example of the utter hypocrasy this organization engages in.


Diversity? Tolerance? Constitutional rights? They will fight with all their energies to protect those rights...............that is unless you dare to have a divergent viewpoint from their radical leftist leadership.


f*** THE ACLU.



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QUOTE(winodj @ Jul 6, 2005 -> 12:12 PM)
Private Organization doing what it wants.



Are you so blinded by things that you can't possibly see the hypocrisy in this? It's funny how narrow-minded you become when it suits a "liberal" organization.


Sure, they can do what they want, but don't go screaming about what your organization preaches, but what they do. And they just slammed the door shut on that one.

Edited by kapkomet
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QUOTE(winodj @ Jul 6, 2005 -> 01:40 PM)
I'm just sick of manufactured outrage.

I will actually agree with you on that. From both sides. I know I am guilty of it sometimes, as is just about everyone here. Let's face it, politics suck.

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QUOTE(kapkomet @ Jul 6, 2005 -> 06:49 AM)
Are you so blinded by things that you can't possibly see the hypocrisy in this?  It's funny how narrow-minded you become when it suits a "liberal" organization.


Once a liberal, always a liberal.


Same can be said for conservatives. Just as long as everything fits their one sided way of seeing everything politically.

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QUOTE(EvilMonkey @ Jul 6, 2005 -> 09:30 AM)
I will actually agree with you on that.  From both sides.  I know I am guilty of it sometimes, as is just about everyone here.  Let's face it, politics suck.


I'm so sick of it. It makes me outraged. Wait, maybe not that... just apathetic.


I've decided to be active in the governor campaign in New Jersey - because I've met Senator Corzine and really like him and what he stands for.


I'm going to make sure that I only work to get people to vote for him and not against the other guy. It's the only politics that mean anything.

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QUOTE(winodj @ Jul 6, 2005 -> 07:40 AM)
Absolutely, they should have the right to do what they want. But if they discriminate, they shouldn't be allowed any benefit from the government.


I'm just sick of manufactured outrage.



This isin't an outrage. Its funny as hell to me. I laughed like all hell when I saw this because it just goes to prove what I've been saying all along.


This organization preaches tolerance and diversity and freedom of speech yet they can't stand it when one of their own has a divergent viewpoint and they start hanging these people out to dry. PATHETIC!


Now look deeper into this. The reasoning the New Mexico state chapter of the ACLU gave for shutting this chapter down was that they didn't want to be associated with what they percieve to be a "racist" organization. Riddle me this. Is the KKK not a racist organization also? The ACLU has spent a lot of time and money protecting their rights and they are 20 times worse than the Minutemen could hope to be.


Thats TWICE they're hypocrites on this same issue.

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QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Jul 6, 2005 -> 10:00 AM)
This isin't an outrage.  Its funny as hell to me.  I laughed like all hell when I saw this because it just goes to prove what I've been saying all along. 


This organization preaches tolerance and diversity and freedom of speech yet they can't stand it when one of their own has a divergent viewpoint and they start hanging these people out to dry.  PATHETIC!


Now look deeper into this.  The reasoning the New Mexico state chapter of the ACLU gave for shutting this chapter down was that they didn't want to be associated with what they percieve to be a "racist" organization.  Riddle me this.  Is the KKK not a racist organization also?  The ACLU has spent a lot of time and money protecting their rights and they are 20 times worse than the Minutemen could hope to be.


Thats TWICE they're hypocrites on this same issue.


Ya see Nuke .. that's exactly the s*** I was talking about. They won't take on a perceived racist organization, yet they will defend the KKK. Talk about spinning things your own way.

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QUOTE(YASNY @ Jul 6, 2005 -> 09:24 AM)
Ya see Nuke .. that's exactly the s*** I was talking about.  They won't take on a perceived racist organization, yet they will defend the KKK.  Talk about spinning things your own way.



Special interest groups dont get my money and I don't often pay much attention to what they have to say. I much prefer to formulate my own viewpoint and if one of those groups happens to share it then so much the better.




Back to my favorite interest group though.....I'm all over it. Any time this organization does something like this and I find out about it its going up in lights here. It really burns my ass that a bunch of hypocrites like these get virtual sainthood from the left when they such utter failures at practicing what they preach.

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Yup, just like the Boy Scouts not wanting gays in their ranks. Private organization doing what it wants.




The Boy Scouts are a private organization which happens to get a lot of freebies from the government.





This New Mexico thing is pretty poor. I don't really see the Minutemen as a "vigilante" group.

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Here's how I see it. The ACLU, as an organization, represents freedom and equality for everyone, no matter how ass-backwards or ridiculous the group/rantings. By sticking to this philosophy, I can understand why they would go to bat for the KKK -- can't say free speech for all, then say (except people who say things we don't agree with). That would be completely against the main principle they stand for. However, I can also see why they wouldn't want someone tied to the Minutemen or any other like-minded group from REPRESENTING the ACLU. I mean, if the people of the ACLU are supposed to represent anyone and everyone being unfairly treated, then you can't have obviously biased people in charge of making sure all get equal treatment. Therefore, I don't find it hypocritical at all for the ACLU to represent the KKK, yet do not want Mr. Minuteman actually representing the organization. Do I make any sense here?

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ACLU Mission Statement


Wouldn't it be more hypocritical to have board members who do not support the groups mission? I know y'all think the NAACP should not have a racist on their board to prove they are accepting of everyone, or the John Birch society should have a liberal, gay marriage activist on their board.


The ACLU has maintained the position that civil liberties must be respected, even in times of national emergency.


Mexican-Americans have been harassed and detained by untrained minutemen who do not know a legal resident from a legal alien, from an illegal alien. When the Minutemen trample on the civil rights of AMERICANS, they are violating the law, no matter how well intentioned that are.


Disclaimer: I agree with about 33% of the ACLU's positions, disagree with about 33%, and have no frickin clue what they are talking about in another 33%.

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Just to clarify. The Supreme Court ruled that as a private organization the Boy Scouts are free to establish their own membership standards. It did not specify what those membership standards are. The Supreme Court ruling thus continued to keep legal things like the Knights of Columbus being limited to Catholic Men, Daughters of the American Revolution, can be daughters, etc. To have ruled otherwise, the NAACP would have had to allow non colored equal access, etc.


This is why the BSA position was supported by so many civic groups.


I'm not certain about freebees to the BSA. I cannot think of one that BSA receives that other non profit, civic groups also receive.


We stay at several bases, when allowed, but always pay the rack rate and for meals when offered. We have crossed paths with YMCA groups, school groups, Girl Scouts USA, baseball teams, etc.

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QUOTE(Texsox @ Jul 6, 2005 -> 03:12 PM)
Just to clarify. The Supreme Court ruled that as a private organization the Boy Scouts are free to establish their own membership standards. It did not specify what those membership standards are. The Supreme Court ruling thus continued to keep legal things like the Knights of Columbus being limited to Catholic Men, Daughters of the American Revolution, can be daughters, etc. To have ruled otherwise, the NAACP would have had to allow non colored equal access, etc.


This is why the BSA position was supported by so many civic groups.


I'm not certain about freebees to the BSA. I cannot think of one that BSA receives that other non profit, civic groups also receive.


We stay at several bases, when allowed, but always pay the rack rate and for meals when offered. We have crossed paths with YMCA groups, school groups, Girl Scouts USA, baseball teams, etc.



This has nothing to do with any legal issue it has to do with the rank hypocrasy of an organization that preaches tolerance, diversity and inclusion banning people from serving who have a viewpoint that differs from their leadership.

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QUOTE(Wong & Owens @ Jul 6, 2005 -> 05:44 PM)
Here's how I see it.  The ACLU, as an organization, represents freedom and equality for everyone, no matter how ass-backwards or ridiculous the group/rantings.  By sticking to this philosophy, I can understand why they would go to bat for the KKK -- can't say free speech for all, then say (except people who say things we don't agree with).  That would be completely against the main principle they stand for.  However, I can also see why they wouldn't want someone tied to the Minutemen or any other like-minded group from REPRESENTING the ACLU.  I mean, if the people of the ACLU are supposed to represent anyone and everyone being unfairly treated, then you can't have obviously biased people in charge of making sure all get equal treatment.  Therefore, I don't find it hypocritical at all for the ACLU to represent the KKK, yet do not want Mr. Minuteman actually representing the organization.  Do I make any sense here?

He wasn't in the Minutemen group as a representative of the ACLU, he was there as a regular person. I thought what people did on the ir own time was none of their employer's business? How about if they found out he smoked pot on weekends, could they ask him to leave then? I am trying not to be filled with 'outrage' here, but seriously, like Nuke says, it is pretty bad that they asked him to leave because of what he did on his own time.

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What I got when I wrote the IL ACLU about this seeming violation of civil liberties:


Neil, thanks for the heads up on this story. I don't know much about the matter, but have been

told by my colleagues in NYC that the individual in question here actually was attempting to create

a stir within the organization and had misrepresented his true intentions when he asked for recognition

of the chapter. Apparently, he was actually associated with an anti-ACLU group and was looking,

according to those in New Mexico, to "infiltrate" the organization. I don't know much more, but think

that it is sad that any of this came to pass. Ed

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QUOTE(LowerCaseRepublican @ Jul 6, 2005 -> 07:32 PM)
What I got when I wrote the IL ACLU about this seeming violation of civil liberties:


Neil, thanks for the heads up on this story.  I don't know much about the matter, but have been

told by my colleagues in NYC that the individual in question here actually was attempting to create

a stir within the organization and had misrepresented his true intentions when he asked for recognition

of the chapter.  Apparently, he was actually associated with an anti-ACLU group and was looking,

according to those in New Mexico, to "infiltrate" the organization.  I don't know much more, but think

that it is sad that any of this came to pass.  Ed

Well, that is certainly an interesting twist, if there is any truth to it. If you keep up the correspondence with the IL chapter guy and he gets any more information on it, please pass it along.

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QUOTE(Texsox @ Jul 6, 2005 -> 04:12 PM)
Just to clarify. The Supreme Court ruled that as a private organization the Boy Scouts are free to establish their own membership standards. It did not specify what those membership standards are. The Supreme Court ruling thus continued to keep legal things like the Knights of Columbus being limited to Catholic Men, Daughters of the American Revolution, can be daughters, etc. To have ruled otherwise, the NAACP would have had to allow non colored equal access, etc.


This is why the BSA position was supported by so many civic groups.


I'm not certain about freebees to the BSA. I cannot think of one that BSA receives that other non profit, civic groups also receive.


We stay at several bases, when allowed, but always pay the rack rate and for meals when offered. We have crossed paths with YMCA groups, school groups, Girl Scouts USA, baseball teams, etc.


Eagle Scouts receive a higher level of pay in the military. Boy Scouts CAN be called up during a time of war by the President. Fort AP Hill, Virginia holds the National Jamboree every four years without the BSA paying a dime. There are benefits that the US government affords the BSA at large.

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QUOTE(winodj @ Jul 7, 2005 -> 10:36 AM)
Eagle Scouts receive a higher level of pay in the military. Boy Scouts CAN be called up during a time of war by the President. Fort AP Hill, Virginia holds the National Jamboree every four years without the BSA paying a dime. There are benefits that the US government affords the BSA at large.


Higher pay I thought was discontinued. I believe it was rooted in Eagle Scouts coming into the military with a better base of knowledge than the general population. Using that to recruit Eagle Scouts doesn't sound like a benefit, it sounds like a recruitment tool.


CAN be called up, this would not be a benefit to most Scouts I know.


BSA has contributed to improvements at AP Hill, although probably not on par with the benefit. But the military has called this one of their most important recruiting tools and training tools. They are inviting tens of thousands of young men who are, in general, patriotic, have outdoor skills, are generally better students, better behaved, and hosting them for a week. Sounds like the same thing every college does when recruiting athletes. It is also great training for the engineers, building teams, MPs, etc. in setting up and tearing down a town.

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