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Conservative Talk Radio heads to Iraq.


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I can't find a link on the web but I was watching on Fox News where a group of conservative talk radio hosts under the banner "Move America Forward" are paying out of their own pocket to get the whole story about what is going on over there. This is in response to countless letters that they have been recieving from people, a large chunk of which are soldiers who are serving currently or have served over there.


I think this is a great idea because all we get from the mainstream media is blood and death and nothing else. I, for one, would like to hear more about the good things that are happening over there because that NEVER gets reported.


Good news doesn't equal ratings and good news from over there helps the President and the leftist media can't be having that now can they?

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Yah they should go walk around the streets of Tikrit, Baghdad and Fallujah (if it's even there anymore), see how many of them get kidnapped. And please quit it with these claims that the media is leftist of all things, that is unbelievably stupid. If the American media is leftist than every other nation's media is pure communist garbage.

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QUOTE(KipWellsFan @ Jul 5, 2005 -> 10:13 PM)
Yah they should go walk around the streets of Tikrit, Baghdad and Fallujah (if it's even there anymore), see how many of them get kidnapped.  And please quit it with these claims that the media is leftist of all things, that is unbelievably stupid.  If the American media is leftist than every other nation's media is pure communist garbage.



Like the assholes in Britain who asked how 59 million some odd people could be so stupid when Bush won?


:chair :banghead

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backed by a non-profit conservative group backed by a Republican-linked public relations firm in California.


I'm sure their report will be fair and balanced as always.


hearing headlines by the mainstream media about our defeat in Iraq


I don't know what media they're listening to.


"We are Americans first and journalists second, as opposed to the crop of 'pinkos' that tell us on the news every night that America is going to hell in a hand basket," he said.


I love that intelligent people are out there to tell us the truth


The foxnews article actually outlines very well what's going good in Iraq. We don't need a bunch of agenda minded people telling us that. Are people on the left going to believe them? Of course not.

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QUOTE(KipWellsFan @ Jul 6, 2005 -> 04:24 AM)

I'm sure their report will be fair and balanced as always.

I don't know what media they're listening to.

I love that intelligent people are out there to tell us the truth


The foxnews article actually outlines very well what's going good in Iraq.  We don't need  a bunch of agenda minded people telling us that.  Are people on the left going to believe them?  Of course not.

They don't have to be fair and balanced, dipweed. By reporting good news, they will already be balancing out what you normally get from there.

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QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Jul 5, 2005 -> 10:17 PM)
Like the assholes in Britain who asked how 59 million some odd people could be so stupid when Bush won?


:chair  :banghead


It's quite simple Nuke, that's how the entire World generally feels.


How is it even possible to imagine the horrible human rights abusers in CHina get polled as being a better influence in the World than America? It's completely out of whack and you have George and his backers to blame. But of course this is just because the world's media is out to get them. :rolly

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QUOTE(KipWellsFan @ Jul 5, 2005 -> 10:24 PM)

I'm sure their report will be fair and balanced as always.

I don't know what media they're listening to.

I love that intelligent people are out there to tell us the truth


The foxnews article actually outlines very well what's going good in Iraq.  We don't need  a bunch of agenda minded people telling us that.  Are people on the left going to believe them?  Of course not.


It'd be a lot more fair and balanced than hearing nothing but the daily body count from the mainstream media.


Also, there you go again calling conservatives stupid. Just because they don't hold the same opinion as you do does not make them any less intelligent. You can veil it any way you like to, you can deny it ill you run out of breath but the fact is that the left thinks conservatives are all a bunch of idiots.

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QUOTE(EvilMonkey @ Jul 5, 2005 -> 10:27 PM)
They don't have to be fair and balanced, dipweed. By reporting good news, they will already be balancing out what you normally get from there.


News people are supposed to report the news, not what they think should be the news.

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QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Jul 5, 2005 -> 10:28 PM)
It'd be a lot more fair and balanced than hearing nothing but the daily body count from the mainstream media.


Also, there you go again calling conservatives stupid.  Just because they don't hold the same opinion as you do does not make them any less intelligent.  You can veil it any way you like to, you can deny it ill you run out of breath but the fact is that the left thinks conservatives are all a bunch of idiots.


People that call the media pinkos are being stupid.

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QUOTE(KipWellsFan @ Jul 6, 2005 -> 04:29 AM)
News people are supposed to report the news, not what they think should be the news.

And I suppose only body counts are news, eh? Or car bombings? How about building schools, or water purification plants? Shouldn't those make news?

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QUOTE(EvilMonkey @ Jul 5, 2005 -> 10:31 PM)
And I suppose only body counts are news, eh?  Or car bombings?  How about building schools, or water purification plants?  Shouldn't those make news?


I agree 1000000000000000000%. I don't think they should report news for ratings. News for profit is ridiculous. I don't think that the media covers the deaths because they are pinkos, but because it makes the cash register go Ching.

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QUOTE(KipWellsFan @ Jul 5, 2005 -> 10:27 PM)
It's quite simple Nuke, that's how the entire World generally feels. 


How is it even possible to imagine the horrible human rights abusers in CHina get polled as being a better influence in the World than America?  It's completely out of whack and you have George and his backers to blame.  But of course this is just because the world's media is out to get them. :rolly



And the rest of the world can kiss my ass RIGHT DOWNTOWN AND PRINT IT!!! ( Blatant swipe of the Lee Elia Rant ).


Its certainly possible and it's most unfortunate because this Administration has done more to advance the cause of freedom and democracy than any of these other sniveling morons who call themselves world leaders and were the most critical of it.

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QUOTE(KipWellsFan @ Jul 6, 2005 -> 04:33 AM)
I agree 1000000000000000000%.  I don't think they should report news for ratings.  News for profit is ridiculous.  I don't think that the media covers the deaths because they are pinkos, but because it makes the cash register go Ching.

So answer me this. Is the successful building of a school or water plant news? Yes, or no. Considering where the country was, it SHOULD be news. However, the fact that it is GOOD news means it will not make most broadcasts. The 'why' it won't mkae the broadcast is someone in the newsroom, decided what they think is, and is not, news. Which, according to you, they SHOULD NOT DO.

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QUOTE(EvilMonkey @ Jul 5, 2005 -> 10:38 PM)
So answer me this.  Is the successful building of a school or water plant news?  Yes, or no.  Considering where the country was, it SHOULD be news.  However, the fact that it is GOOD news means it will not make most broadcasts.  The 'why' it won't mkae the broadcast is someone in the newsroom, decided what they think  is, and is not, news.  Which, according to you, they SHOULD NOT DO.


Sure it's news, but when 2 or 3 American soldiers are killed or 30 or 40 Iraqis are killed which story is going to start off a newscast, which story is more important to Americans or Iraqis?

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QUOTE(KipWellsFan @ Jul 6, 2005 -> 04:33 AM)
I agree 1000000000000000000%.  I don't think they should report news for ratings.  News for profit is ridiculous.  I don't think that the media covers the deaths because they are pinkos, but because it makes the cash register go Ching.

HELL YEA! Kip, I agree 100% with you for once. You get it.



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QUOTE(KipWellsFan @ Jul 6, 2005 -> 04:41 AM)
Sure it's news, but when 2 or 3 American soldiers are killed or 30 or 40 Iraqis are killed which story is going to start off a newscast, which story is more important to Americans or Iraqis?

So why do you have a problem with a newscast that might lead with a good news story? You got your panties in a bunch from the get-go about it. I would think you would be happy to see news being broadcast, not for its ability to caching the cash register, but for the actual newsworthyness of it. You have your hatred for all things Conservative that you can't see that what they are trying to do is exactally what you want, news not for profit, but for NEWS!

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QUOTE(EvilMonkey @ Jul 6, 2005 -> 04:45 AM)
So why do you have a problem with a newscast that might lead with a good news story?  You got your panties in a bunch from the get-go about it.  I would think you would be happy to see news being broadcast, not for its ability to caching the cash register, but for the actual newsworthyness of it.  You have your hatred for all things Conservative that you can't see that what they are trying to do is exactally what you want, news not for profit, but for NEWS!

Evil, at the heart of what Kip is trying to say is absolutely correct. These "mainstreamers" report this because it is what sells the most advertising. I'm sorry it's that way, but it is absolutely true. Major corporations would not be able to sell time to anyone reporting "happy" news, because "happy news", there's nothing to report.


Kip's right on the money with this one.





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QUOTE(kapkomet @ Jul 6, 2005 -> 04:48 AM)
Evil, at the heart of what Kip is trying to say is absolutely correct.  These "mainstreamers" report this because it is what sells the most advertising.  I'm sorry it's that way, but it is absolutely true.  Major corporations would not be able to sell time to anyone reporting "happy" news, because "happy news", there's nothing to report.


Kip's right on the money with this one.





I understand that, and agree with that. But then he should be happy that this group is going to report happy stories for a change, instead of ones designed only with ratings in mind.

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QUOTE(EvilMonkey @ Jul 5, 2005 -> 10:50 PM)
I understand that, and agree with that.  But then he should be happy that this group is going to report happy stories for a change, instead of ones designed only with ratings in mind.


Well I'll wait to see their report when they get back before I get all excited.

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QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Jul 5, 2005 -> 10:36 PM)
And the rest of the world can kiss my ass RIGHT DOWNTOWN AND PRINT IT!!! ( Blatant swipe of the Lee Elia Rant ). 


Its certainly possible and it's most unfortunate because this Administration has done more to advance the cause of freedom and democracy than any of these other sniveling morons who call themselves world leaders and were the most critical of it.


I don't give credit to the administration for this, I give it to the troops. The administration could have taken 9/11 and used it to be spokesman, and to rally the entire world to their cause of freedom and democracy. Instead they completely blew it, and that's on them. They have failed at diplomacy if they were ever really interested in it in the first place. It's the new millenium, new beginnings, but the United States has started off on the wrong foot, they've lost all respect from the sniveling morons like me and they will pay the price before it can be regained.


And before you go saying I'm anti-American don't waste your time because I know how I feel about America, and it's not that of antipathy.

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Well I'll wait to see their report when they get back before I get all excited.


Nice tuck-n-run. That is a huge step from your earlier remarks.

I'm sure their report will be fair and balanced as always.

I love that intelligent people are out there to tell us the truth

Watch it first, you may be suprised. Then again, you may not.


Edit: OK, I am too tired to fix this, not sure what I did, or didn't so, anyway. Argue all you want, I am going to bed. Go Sox!

Edited by EvilMonkey
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QUOTE(KipWellsFan @ Jul 5, 2005 -> 10:51 PM)
Well I'll wait to see their report when they get back before I get all excited.



I just want to see some good news for a change. Something.........anything that does not involve someone dying or some other violent act. About the only place where you can find good news from over there is in offical statements from the military's Public Affairs Office. It's really sad because there's so many good things happening there that are being overshadowed by the bombings.

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QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Jul 5, 2005 -> 10:28 PM)
It'd be a lot more fair and balanced than hearing nothing but the daily body count from the mainstream media.

I don't know what news you're seeing that in. All I ever see on the news is "Natalee Holloway: Day 73982374823 Update...One of the prosecutors takes a dump! Breaking news!" and "2 Missing kids in Idaho!"

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QUOTE(LowerCaseRepublican @ Jul 5, 2005 -> 11:04 PM)
I don't know what news you're seeing that in.  All I ever see on the news is "Natalee Holloway: Day 73982374823 Update...One of the prosecutors takes a dump!  Breaking news!" and "2 Missing kids in Idaho!"



What does that have to do with Iraq?




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QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Jul 5, 2005 -> 10:36 PM)
And the rest of the world can kiss my ass RIGHT DOWNTOWN AND PRINT IT!!! ( Blatant swipe of the Lee Elia Rant ). 


Its certainly possible and it's most unfortunate because this Administration has done more to advance the cause of freedom and democracy than any of these other sniveling morons who call themselves world leaders and were the most critical of it.


NUKE, Europeans, Canadians, non-Americans hate, loathe, abhor America is because of people like you who constantly belittle other nations and calling their leaders morons. Stop flaunting your ego and try and comprehend their ideas before your überpatriotic self blinds basic listening skills.


I have a hard time believing you that this administration has done more for democracy and freedom than Chirac, Schröder and Putin because George and Blair installed two democracies that at this point are very inefficient. Putin is dealing with terrorists in Chechnya, Schröder with massive unemployment and economic collapse in Germany, and Chirac...he's doing...something? Conservatives like yourself want cake and to eat it when it comes to foreign policy, but America is blind more often than not to other countries. Do you honestly expect policy cooperation when the administration is in essence telling other countries to go f*** themselves because they're with the terrorists? This administration's gung-ho approach to foreign policy will never unite anything and will just produce political quagmires like we're seeing within the US and around the world.


So answer me this. Is the successful building of a school or water plant news? Yes, or no. Considering where the country was, it SHOULD be news. However, the fact that it is GOOD news means it will not make most broadcasts. The 'why' it won't mkae the broadcast is someone in the newsroom, decided what they think is, and is not, news. Which, according to you, they SHOULD NOT DO.


There would be much more room on the news for this type of news if America wasn't fascinated about some white kid or teenager who died. Do I honestly give a f*** if some 18-year-old woman died in Aruba? Do I care about Michael Jackson? Do I care about Terri Schiavo? If conservatives and liberals would stop b****ing and moaning about such meaningless drivel of a vegetable or random white girl, there would be more than enough time for news. The simple fact of the matter is that while yes schools are being built, there is no way it should take precedence when a war is going on and American lives are being lost and that the country is inherently unstable. Did newspapers read during WW2 or Vietnam that "REALLY NICE ALLIES REPAIR ORPHANAGE IN NORTH AFRICA" when "Battle of The Bulge Going On -- s***load of People Dead" is next to it? f*** no. You want to hear about schools, rose petals and civilians getting on with life better? Knock out the insurgency completely. Don't f***ing b**** and moan about America is Nice when Iraqis and Americans are dying every day in the dozens. Get the f***ing job done, but it's going to take probably a decade or more, contrary to what the dumbasses in the administration said before the war.

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