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Conservative Talk Radio heads to Iraq.


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QUOTE(LowerCaseRepublican @ Jul 5, 2005 -> 11:04 PM)
I don't know what news you're seeing that in.  All I ever see on the news is "Natalee Holloway: Day 73982374823 Update...One of the prosecutors takes a dump!  Breaking news!" and "2 Missing kids in Idaho!"


Yah I've noticed that. No Iraq news just kids missing, sharks are apparently back from Mars and O'Connor.

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QUOTE(KipWellsFan @ Jul 5, 2005 -> 10:54 PM)
I don't give credit to the administration for this, I give it to the troops.  The administration could have taken 9/11 and used it to be spokesman, and to rally the entire world to their cause of freedom and democracy.  Instead they completely blew it, and that's on them.  They have failed at diplomacy if they were ever really interested in it in the first place.  It's the new millenium, new beginnings, but the United States has started off on the wrong foot, they've lost all respect from the sniveling morons like me and they will pay the price before it can be regained.


And before you go saying I'm anti-American don't waste your time because I know how I feel about America, and it's not that of antipathy.



Dont confuse me with other posters. I never said you were anti-American and I dont plan to start now. There is a time for diplomacy and a time to go kick someones ass. The period for diplomacy ended when those 2 buildings fell down.


BTW. I never called you a sniveling moron either. I was talking about world leaders like Chirac and Schroder.


Please read my posts a little more closely.

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QUOTE(EvilMonkey @ Jul 5, 2005 -> 10:55 PM)
Nice tuck-n-run.  That is a huge step from your earlier remarks. 


Watch it first, you may be suprised.  Then again, you may not.


Edit:  OK, I am too tired to fix this, not sure what I did, or didn't so, anyway.  Argue all you want, I am going to bed.  Go Sox!


Sarcasm, I have very little faith that this will be good reporting.

Edited by KipWellsFan
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QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Jul 5, 2005 -> 11:08 PM)
Dont confuse me with other posters.  I never said you were anti-American and I dont plan to start now.  There is a time for diplomacy and a time to go kick someones ass.  The period for diplomacy ended when those 2 buildings fell down. 


BTW.  I never called you a sniveling moron either.  I was talking about world leaders like Chirac and Schroder. 


Please read my posts a little more closely.


Actually Nuke I don't know why I wrote "before you" about calling me an anti-American because you've never done that. Should have said others don't go calling me anti-American.


But I did think you meant to include Martin my country's leader of who I do have some faith in, I was mostly joking though, didn't think you were calling me a moron.

Edited by KipWellsFan
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QUOTE(Cerbaho-WG @ Jul 5, 2005 -> 11:05 PM)
NUKE, Europeans, Canadians, non-Americans hate, loathe, abhor America is because of people like you who constantly belittle other nations and calling their leaders morons. Stop flaunting your ego and try and comprehend their ideas before your überpatriotic self blinds basic listening skills.


I have a hard time believing you that this administration has done more for democracy and freedom than Chirac, Schröder and Putin because George and Blair installed two democracies that at this point are very inefficient. Putin is dealing with terrorists in Chechnya, Schröder with massive unemployment and economic collapse in Germany, and Chirac...he's doing...something? Conservatives like yourself want cake and to eat it when it comes to foreign policy, but America is blind more often than not to other countries. Do you honestly expect policy cooperation when the administration is in essence telling other countries to go f*** themselves because they're with the terrorists? This administration's gung-ho approach to foreign policy will never unite anything and will just produce political quagmires like we're seeing within the US and around the world.




Ask the 25 million people in Iraq and millions more in Afghanistan who no longer are under the thumb of repressive regimes who has done more to advance the cause of freedom in the world.

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QUOTE(KipWellsFan @ Jul 5, 2005 -> 11:15 PM)
Actually Nuke I don't know why I wrote "before you" about calling me an anti-American because you've never done that.  Should have said others don't go calling me anti-American.


But I did think you meant to include Martin my country's leader of who I do have some faith in, I was mostly joking though, didn't think you were calling me a moron.



To add to this somewhat I give the Canadian government a lot of credit as they were the first to be out there fighting side by side with our soldiers when Afghanistan kicked off and I really enjoyed reading their exploits in magazines like Soldier of Fortune. ( no stereotypes please :D )

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From Justin Raimondo's most recent column (and before anybody asks, he's a staunch conservative libertarian)


"According to retired Col. Buzz Patterson, host of The Buzz Cut on Rightalk, the delegation of seven to 10 conservatives will also include two writers from the Web site FrontPage Magazine, which is published by David Horowitz) and the Center for the Study of Popular Culture. 'The war is being won, if not already won, I think,' Patterson, who is retired from the U.S. Air Force, said. '[iraq] is stabilized and we want the soldiers themselves to tell the story.'"


Cocooning in the Green Zone, traveling under heavy guard when they dare to venture out, the War Party's Traveling Dog-and-Pony Show will broadcast propaganda at U.S. government expense, direct to you from Centcom headquarters, "reporting" our great success in turning Iraq into a training ground for terrorist groups worldwide. The Fox piece cites Joe Conason as predicting that Rummy's amen corner will be disabused of its ideological notions very quickly, and Allbritton's recent experience upon landing at Baghdad airport shows that this will no doubt happen very quickly:


"I've been back one day, and the airport road was the worst I've ever seen it. We had to go around a fire-fight between mujahideen and Americans while Iraqi forces sat in the shade of date palms on the side of the road, their rifles resting across their laps. My driver pointed to a group of men in a white pickup next to me. 'They are mujahideen,' he said. 'They are watching the Americans.' Indeed, they were, and so intently that they paid no attention to me in the car next to them. We detoured around two possible car bombs that had been cordoned off while Iraqis cautiously approached."


There is so much in that paragraph that debunks the mindless talk of "victory" and "staying the course," starting with the alleged eagerness of the Iraqis to fight for their aspiring "democracy": the part about them sitting in the shade of date palms, while Americans did the fighting, tells us all we need to know about how the Iraqis will "stand up" so we can "stand down," as the president puts it.


So we're "winning," are we, if not already victorious? Then how come we can't even secure the road connecting the airport to Baghdad?


The anonymous blogger known as "Billmon" has a great take on the "Truth Tour." He points out that if the insurgents are smart, they'll be just as accommodating as the U.S. military in keeping the radio-rightists out of harm's way. The wing-nuts, after all, are an enormous asset to the jihadis, who want to radically alienate Iraqis from the secular West, says Billmon:


"As it happens, the paid propagandists of wing nut radio have the same objective – to promote a clash of civilizations. They do it by playing up every atrocity committed by the insurgents while ignoring every display of massive overkill (like the flattening of Fallujah) committed by the U.S. military, by glorifying torture and degradation (I Heart Gitmo), by demonizing Islam as a 'gutter' religion and the Arabs as a subhuman species, and in general by being the loudest, most obnoxious assholes on the face of the earth. Walking billboards for anti-Americanism, in fact.


"And they do these things for much the same reason Bin Ladin rants about Zionists and crusaders: because it gets good ratings. Spewing hatred over the airwaves 24/7 keeps the true believers in a permanent froth, drowning out any doubts about the party line and the party elite. This, in turn, makes it easier to paint dissent as treason and criticism of the Cheney administration as support for terrorism."

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Cocooning in the Green Zone, traveling under heavy guard when they dare to venture out, the War Party's Traveling Dog-and-Pony Show will broadcast propaganda at U.S. government expense, direct to you from Centcom headquarters, "reporting" our great success in turning Iraq into a training ground for terrorist groups worldwide. The Fox piece cites Joe Conason as predicting that Rummy's amen corner will be disabused of its ideological notions very quickly, and Allbritton's recent experience upon landing at Baghdad airport shows that this will no doubt happen very quickly:



I needed read no further than this paragraph to know this guy is full of s***. One of the members of this little consortium was on O'reilly talking about it and each and every one of them is paying for this trip and its expenses out of their own pockets or their respective radio stations are helping to sponsor them.











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QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Jul 6, 2005 -> 12:56 AM)
I needed read no further than this paragraph to know this guy is full of s***.  One of the members of this little consortium was on O'reilly talking about it and each and every one of them is paying for this trip and its expenses out of their own pockets or their respective radio stations are helping to sponsor them. 











Funny how you didn't discuss the fact that the whole "We're winning. We've won" rhetoric is BS as the piece said. As Cheney said: they're in their last throes...but Rummy said, at least 12 more years.


And the radio propagandists are still part of the government pony show to justify this war -- sort of like Pravda. It was "independent" but everybody knew it was just spewing what the state wanted them to say.

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QUOTE(LowerCaseRepublican @ Jul 6, 2005 -> 01:03 AM)
Funny how you didn't discuss the fact that the whole "We're winning.  We've won" rhetoric is BS as the piece said.  As Cheney said: they're in their last throes...but Rummy said, at least 12 more years.


And the radio propagandists are still part of the government pony show to justify this war -- sort of like Pravda.  It was "independent" but everybody knew it was just spewing what the state wanted them to say.



What does that have to do with the main point of this thread? That was discussed at length elsewhere.


For the record I think what Cheney said was right up there on the stupid scale with "Bring em on". But again, that's another subject entirely.


I think it's really cool that they are doing this and hopefully they can provide a welcome break from the blood and carnage that the mainstream media is so fixated on.

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