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FlaSoxxJim Poll


How many Hurricanes and (named) Tropical Storms will hit Jim this year?  

24 members have voted

  1. 1. How many Hurricanes and (named) Tropical Storms will hit Jim this year?

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I went with >4. Ya gotta think BIG, ya know?


Strap it down though man, and I'll ship ya a few brews. My soon to be brother-in-law entered in the home brew world, and started with an Alt. He's a Bud Light man, so I think I am getting a case of home brew. Want some?

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What is really morbid is many, many, people here are hoping for a hurricane to fill our reservoirs. We are still in drought conditions which stresses our citrus and table crops.

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Mile upon mile, got no direction.

We're all playin' the same game.

We're all lookin' for redemption.

Just to pray, to say the name.


So caught up now in pretendin'

That what we're seekin' is the truth.

I'm just lookin' for a happy endin'.

All I'm lookin' for is you.


You came upon me, wave on wave.

You're the reason I'm still here, yeah.

Am I the one you were sent to save?

You came upon me, wave on wave.


I wandered out into the water,

An' I thought that I might drown.

I don't know what I was after,

Just know I was goin' down.


And that's when she found me.

Not afraid anymore.

She said: "You know, I always had you, baby.

"Just waitin' for you to find what you were lookin' for."


You came upon me, wave on wave.

You're the reason I'm still here, yeah.

Am I the one you were sent to save?

It came upon me, wave on wave.


Wave on wave.

Wave on wave.


An' it came upon me, wave on wave.

You're the reason I'm still here, yeah.

Am I the one you were sent to save?

It came upon me, wave on wave.


The clouds broke and the angels cried:

"You ain't gotta wipe the floor."

That's why it put me in your hands.

When it came upon me wave on wave.


Yeah, it came upon me, wave on wave.

You're the reason I'm still here, yeah.

Am I the one you were sent to save?

An' it came upon me, wave on wave.


To fade.


Yeah, it came upon me, wave on wave.

You're the reason I'm still here, yeah.

Am I the one you were sent to save?

An' it came upon me, wave on wave.

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Uh. . . thanks for painting that big bullseye on me Tex. ;) (and note, I fixed the way I now do elipses. . . just for you :finger )


For the record (literally a record), there have never been four named Atlantic hurricanes formed this early in the season in recorded history, so the predictions by Dr. Gray and others of another very active season appear to be on the money.


The real problem is that the conditions that made Florida such a likely target last year are still in place. The Bermuda pressure system that typically advects most Atlantic hurricanes into a trough offshore so they track northward and bother the Carolinas instead of us is very weak and is sitting inland rather than off the coast. That basically makes the Florida peninsula 'hurricane alley' again this year.


Dennis shouldn't give us east-coasters too much grief, but well probably see a lot of rain and some breeze from it on Sunday. Mrs. Flaxx' mother is on the other coast though, so I suspect we'll be having a house guest this weekend. My office mate just left with his family Wednesday night for a two week vacation in the lower Keys. They pulled in aroung 2am yesterday, only to be turned around about 12 hours later in a mandatory evacuation of non-residents.


My 5-year old son is not looking forward to the hurricanes because when we lose power for a couple weeks at a time he can't play his video and computer games. My 7-year old daughter can't wait for the next big one because, like her father, she developed an inexplicable fondness for the emergency MREs we lived off of in the wake of Francis and Jeanne last year.


Optimist that I am, I predicted we'd only see two named storms come our way this year.

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Best of luck to you out there. I assume you have a nice coleman camp stove to heat the water for your MREs?


BTW, one of my favorite ways to rehydrate those meals is with a Reynolds ™ Turkey Bag. Put an inch or two of water in a pot. Put the meal and water in the turkey bag, mix well and add to pot. Boil as directed. Makes cleanup a snap.

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QUOTE(Texsox @ Jul 8, 2005 -> 06:42 PM)
Best of luck to you out there. I assume you have a nice coleman camp stove to heat the water for your MREs?


BTW, one of my favorite ways to rehydrate those meals is with a Reynolds ™ Turkey Bag. Put an inch or two of water in a pot. Put the meal and water in the turkey bag, mix well and add to pot. Boil as directed. Makes cleanup a snap.

Nope, these new MREs are self-heating!! Add water to a bag with a mystery chemical powder in it and you get a massive exothermal reaction. Put all your food packs in the bag and put it all back in the box for a couple of minutes and you're eating in style!


I finally figured out that NUKE just enlisted for the fine eats! :D

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QUOTE(FlaSoxxJim @ Jul 8, 2005 -> 06:27 PM)
Nope, these new MREs are self-heating!!  Add water to a bag with a mystery chemical powder in it and you get a massive exothermal reaction.  Put all your food packs in the bag and put it all back in the box for a couple of minutes and you're eating in style!


I finally figured out that NUKE just enlisted for the fine eats!  :D



Fine eats huh? Try eating those things every meal for 4 months like I once had to do.



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QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Jul 8, 2005 -> 09:04 PM)
Fine eats huh?  Try eating those things every meal for 4 months like I once had to do.



I don't think you have ever recovered

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I'm 4 hours inland in Birmingham and Dennis looks to be our 2nd one in a week. We got 4-5 inches of rain on Monday from Cindy and they are predicting 6-10 more inches Sunday/Monday from Dennis, to go along with 80-85 mph winds.


That's nothing compared to the Alabama/Florida coasts which are just now getting back to normal after Ivan last year.


Being where I am, I know the impact here is much less than on the coasts where they hit, but these things are still a major pain in the ass. They have already turned I-65 from Mobile to Montgomery Alabama into all lanes going north. All southbound lanes are history for the time being. Not too often do Interstate highways become one way streets.

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Jim where are you in florida? Jw because my family has a house in Gulf shores alabama and it survived Ivan and we fixed up the place. If this next storm hits which it probably will we have said we will not rebuild if the house is destroyed. Good luck to you and lets hope this storm doesnt restrengthen.

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QUOTE(Sonik22 @ Jul 9, 2005 -> 04:47 AM)
Jim where are you in florida?  Jw because my family has a house in Gulf shores alabama and it survived Ivan and we fixed up the place.  If this next storm hits which it probably will we have said we will not rebuild if the house is destroyed.  Good luck to you and lets hope this storm doesnt restrengthen.


Best of luck to you and your family and house in Gulf Shores. I hope you don't need it, but I think you can count on it restrengthening. At this point the only question is where it will do the most damage.

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QUOTE(Sonik22 @ Jul 8, 2005 -> 11:47 PM)
Jim where are you in florida?  Jw because my family has a house in Gulf shores alabama and it survived Ivan and we fixed up the place.  If this next storm hits which it probably will we have said we will not rebuild if the house is destroyed.  Good luck to you and lets hope this storm doesnt restrengthen.

I'm on the east-central coast of Florida, so we will get next to none of the major impacts from Dennis - A few inches of rain and some gusting. I hope your family's place makes out OK and I'll be thinking about you. I have friends in Mobile that evacuated inland last night (probably up your way by now, Rex!) who are already tired of the season. My friend's husband couldn't go with them because work hasn't let him off - and he works in a friggin' Office Max! Yeah, somebody might need to go out in the middle of a Cat3/4 storm for some copy paper. :angry: He'll probably just hunker down in his parents block home, rather than trying to ride it out in their 100-year old wood-frame/siding house.


Stay safe everybody.

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QUOTE(FlaSoxxJim @ Jul 9, 2005 -> 07:51 AM)
I'm on the east-central coast of Florida, so we will get next to none of the major impacts from Dennis - A few inches of rain and some gusting.  I hope your family's place makes out OK and I'll be thinking about you.  I have friends in Mobile that evacuated inland last night (probably up your way by now, Rex!) who are already tired of the season.  My friend's husband couldn't go with them because work hasn't let him off - and he works in a friggin' Office Max!  Yeah, somebody might need to go out in the middle of a Cat3/4 storm for some copy paper.  :angry: He'll probably just hunker down in his parents block home, rather than trying to ride it out in their 100-year old wood-frame/siding house.


Stay safe everybody.


I'm afraid I'd have to tell somebody to kiss my ass. Insuring the safe evacuation of my family would come before anything else.

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QUOTE(YASNY @ Jul 9, 2005 -> 07:57 AM)
I'm afraid I'd have to tell somebody to kiss my ass.  Insuring the safe evacuation of my family would come before anything else.

Yep. It's a corporate decision made by someone a few hundred miles away, and he's a new manager so I guess he figured he didn't have much say in the matter. I also disagree with his decision, however.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ah, the worm has turned, and now Tex is staring down the barrel.


Stay safe, Tex. Here's hoping Emily misses you... not that I'm wishing ill on your neighbors to the south.


Just curious Tex, do you have the theme from the old Bob Newhart Show running through your head yet? [/joke grenade]

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QUOTE(FlaSoxxJim @ Jul 19, 2005 -> 08:43 AM)
Ah, the worm has turned, and now Tex is staring down the barrel.


Stay safe, Tex.  Here's hoping Emily misses you... not that I'm wishing ill on your neighbors to the south.


Just curious Tex, do you have the theme from the old Bob Newhart Show running through your head yet? [/joke grenade]


Pass the MREs.


Home to Emily :lolhitting :notworthy Incredible Trivia :notworthy

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QUOTE(Texsox @ Jul 19, 2005 -> 02:47 PM)
Pass the MREs.


Home to Emily  :lolhitting  :notworthy Incredible Trivia  :notworthy


Tex...hope you get the rain you need without too much damage. BTW, can you send a little bit of rain up this way to Austin. Not downpours, just a nice soaking rain for a couple of days? We need it bad.




Cuz the Guadalupe River is moving WAAAAAAYYY too slow for tubing!!! ;) :D


PS. Emily: Bob, what's wrong?

Bob: I just had the strangest dream. I was an innkeeper in Vermont...

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QUOTE(TheDybber @ Jul 19, 2005 -> 10:35 AM)
BTW, can you send a little bit of rain up this way to Austin.


Austin's drout is karma, no doubt, as a result of the Beer Gods still being pissed at the closure of the Celis Brewery. That was maybe the best micro in the country. :angry: :angry: :crying

Edited by FlaSoxxJim
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QUOTE(TheDybber @ Jul 19, 2005 -> 10:35 AM)
Tex...hope you get the rain you need without too much damage.  BTW, can you send a little bit of rain up this way to Austin.  Not downpours, just a nice soaking rain for a couple of days?  We need it bad.

Cuz the Guadalupe River is moving WAAAAAAYYY too slow for tubing!!! ;)  :D


PS.  Emily:  Bob, what's wrong?

    Bob:  I just had the strangest dream.  I was an innkeeper in Vermont...


How is the Frio for tubing? The last time I was on the Guadalupe, I was with my Scouts, so it was life vest and no beer. Kind of boring. At least "The Chute" is always running well.

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