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Was today a tradebait lineup?


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QUOTE(nitetrain8601 @ Jul 9, 2005 -> 12:21 AM)
Today was Ozzie's normal, throw in the bulls*** lineup. He's done this before, but usually he does it on the 3rd game of the series.

Walker actually pitched ok.. I'm thinking the scouts might have seen Timo get 3 hits and did he hustle getting thrown out at 2nd. No one's going to buy willie but he can field.. Any takers out there for the trio. I'm sure someone is looking for some subpar performers to add to their rosters. :chair

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QUOTE(Tony82087 @ Jul 9, 2005 -> 01:43 AM)
IMO, this was a deal that almost everyone knows that either Willie or Timo is going to go, and this was sort of a tryout game on who goes. I think Timo obvioulsy had the better day, but I would rather see Willie stick around rather than Timo.

I was just thinking Willie has in the past was being groomed for the leadoff hitter. I've seen his average a lot higher than it is currently. He with the right tutelage steal a lot more bases and he is a better than average fielder at second and not too bad in the outfield.. Since he is a true leadoff man there must be some team that could use him. We are fortunate that we have Iguchi at 2nd and Pods but someone could use him. As for Timo he can speak Japanese he can go to any team that gets a Japanese player that doesn't speak english. :lolhitting

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QUOTE(SoxFan101 @ Jul 9, 2005 -> 03:36 AM)
I think Willie would be a great #9 hitter.  He would be able to get on base in front of Podsenick and those 2 would create havoc on the basepaths... that being said as much of a Willie fan I am Iguchi is 2 important to this team for Willie to play.

Fox and aparicio batted #1 #2 fox must've done for aparicio the same way that iguchi does for pods. Its a different game when they are not together :notworthy
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I was at the game yesterday in the scouts seat I will say tonight's lineup looked out of whack. I had one guy serving me that iguchi should be in there and not the scrub harris. Timo, did good job last night to my surprise and basically him and scotty were the two consistent people getting on base. Now the negative part is all going to willie harris last night. First inning scotty gets on first and steals second. Willie with 3-0 count swings and makes it one out. Problem here is ozzie forgot how use ozzie ball again he did not move guy over to third and this happened twice in the game and next hitter everett was driving shots to outfield last night which I feel two runs should of came from. Plus, with bases loaded willie struck out and point blank willie dosent get it done for us.

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i also thought it was a trade bait lineup. but the way ozzie reasoned the lineup in his pre-game interview w/ rooney yesterday was that he wanted to get the two lefty bench players some playing time cause having to face two lefties this weekend, the all-star break, and two lefties again next week will limit their time in the near future and might become stale.

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Timo's non-chalant catched piss me off. Willies inability to even make contact also pisses me off. Walker's ability to blow ass pisses me off too. Send them all down to Charlotte and bring up Baj, Gload, and Anderson.

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Hey guys, I understand that Timo Perez is not a starting baseball player. That being said, I don't think he is horrible, and I do think he has done a few good things for this club over the past couple of seasons. let's take it easy.


As for Steamin' Willie Harris, I want him gone, but think he should stay over Perez. However, I do think that he has some trade value... he's still only 26 (i believe) and has great speed that scouts love, and can play 2B or OF. We know he sucks, but I think many GMs would be willing to take a risk on him and try to turn him into the type of player he always was in the minors. :whip

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QUOTE(SoxFan101 @ Jul 9, 2005 -> 03:36 AM)
I think Willie would be a great #9 hitter.  He would be able to get on base in front of Podsenick and those 2 would create havoc on the basepaths... that being said as much of a Willie fan I am Iguchi is 2 important to this team for Willie to play.


We already have a guy on the team that fits that description much better. Pablo Ozuna is so much better than Harris, it's ridiculous. The only thing Willie has on Pablo is that he's a lefty.


Now I'd rather keep Harris over Timo, but I won't shed a tear for either when, not if, one of them is gone.

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QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Jul 9, 2005 -> 08:31 AM)
And he still didn't get over .230

Timo is batting .231 compared to Harris' .216. At least we know who too dump when Gload comes back. For the statheads out there who b**** about Timo's OPS+, right now his OPS is 90 points higher than Harris'.

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I don't think yesterday was as much a tradebait lineup as much as it was an "Extra rest" lineup.


The key here is the idea of consecutive days off. If you get 1 day off every now and then, it's just not going to be as useful as 2 days off in a row, and I think Ozzie believes that.


In Ozzie's mind, right now is the perfect time to get his team as healthy as humanly possible to prepare for a brutal August schedule...Give Iguchi and Rowand a couple days off in a row on Tr & Fri, and then they get M, T, and W off as well...that's 2 different extended blocks of rest in a row.


Although...I wouldn't complain to see Willie head somewhere else after yesterday.

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Who cares? It's pretty obvious that the Sox won't play either one.


But I can't believe all this tossiwng around of 2005 stats. There's been a huge shift in Willie's stats over the last month and a half. People must be thinking, oh wow, that's a long time, that must be meaningful. That's 26 abs. After his first 26 abs, Rowand's line was .115/.148/.269. I guess that's pretty good information, huh? And then it's narrowed down to one game, how absurd is that? At least Pods hasn't done anything stupid in ONE game, like get picked off twice in one game, that dumb Texas hick.


And the same w/ Timo. They've each got less than a month's worth of abs over the whole season. That's essentially useless. Save the 'subs have a job and they have to perform when they get in, etc'. It's ridiculous to think your bench players -- on the bench because they're not as good -- will be the most consistent players on your team, or in the major leagues, for that matter.


But from the reaction here, I'd guess that everyone is perfectly consistent except Willie. After all, we've been told that it's guaranteed the Sox would have won the game w/ Iguchi playing. B/c he's never, ever failed to execute, I suppose. Kind of like his flawless fielding to start the year.


Between the 2, Timo has a stronger arm and a bit more power. Willie gets on base better, is a better defender at more important positions, and has more speed. I think Willie's better and more useful, but all this arguing over the player who won't ever see the field is played out. Especially these silly stats -- oh oh, after yesterday, my guy's better now, oh oh oh....

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Here's the key...their roles on THIS TEAM aren't going to change. Timo Perez will not start many games in front of Pods, Rowand, and Dye. Willie Harris will not start many games in front of Iguchi.


These 2 have specific jobs; they are late inning replacements/pinch hitters and guys who do not get many at bats.


If they can not produce in the limited at bats, then they are hurting the team by taking away the roster spot of someone who could produce with limited playing time, like a Gload or a Jenks.


They're not going to put up better numbers than the guys in front of them. We all know that. But if they can't put up better numbers than the guys who could take their roster spot, then there's no reason for them to stay on the roster.

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