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Draft of Iraqi Bill of Rights leaks


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I sincerely hope that this BoR is some sort of joke.






-Any individual with another nationality (except for Israel) may obtain Iraqi nationality ... An Iraqi may have more than one nationality as long as the nationality is not Israeli.


-The state shall ensure harmony between the duties of woman toward her family and her work in the society and equality with men in the fields of political, social, and economic life without conflicting with or disturbing the provisions of the Islamic shari‘a.


-Public and private freedoms are protected provided they do not conflict with moral values and public decency ... Citizens may enjoy it in compliance with moral values and decency. No citizen has the right to deviancy in the use of his right or to exercise any of his rights....


-Citizens may not own, bear, buy, or sell weapons, except by a permit issued in accordance with law.


The best thing I found


-The state shall guarantee the realization of social and health insurance for the child from his birth until he completes his university studies. The state shall guarantee the realization of the social guarantee necessary for citizens in case of old age, disease, inability to work, or if they are homeless, orphans, widowed, or unemployed. It shall provide them social insurance services and health care and protect them from the talons of ignorance, fear, and want, providing them with housing, and special programs to train them and care for them. A law shall be issued regarding this ... Iraqi citizens have the right to enjoy security and free health care ... Work is a right for every Iraqi citizen and a duty for him. The state and the governments of the regions shall strive to provide work opportunities for every able-bodied citizen ... The basis for taxes and public expenditures is social justice ... All natural resources and the [resulting] revenues are owned by the people.


And the greatest Bill of Right ever


-There is no censorship on newspapers, printing, publishing, advertising, or media except by law.


Hahahaha, are you kidding me? All in the great name of hope and freedom can anti-Semitism and loopholes for ambitious dictators exist in a constitution!

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QUOTE(Cerbaho-WG @ Jul 9, 2005 -> 12:09 AM)
I sincerely hope that this BoR is some sort of joke.




And the greatest Bill of Right ever


-There is no censorship on newspapers, printing, publishing, advertising, or media except by law.


Hahahaha, are you kidding me? All in the great name of hope and freedom can anti-Semitism and loopholes for ambitious dictators exist in a constitution!


If you listen closely, you can hear the Federalists doing barrel rolls in their coffins.

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Oh, so you have to make a law in order to censor newspapers? Well, that's certainly going to be one hell of an impediment.


Think about this...our Bill of Rights says that "Congress shall make no law abriding the freedom of the press"...and in order to "Free those people" (mostly from the bounds of their mortal existences)...we're instilling a government that says basically "Congress must take the added step of making a law in order to abridge the freedom of the press."


Thomas Jefferson is crying somewhere.

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