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Fox News' John Gibson Hurting US Canada relations


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This guy is a complete wack job. Take a look at the stuff he said before/after the London bombings.




GIBSON: By the way, just wanted to tell you people, we missed -- the International Olympic Committee missed a golden opportunity today. If they had picked France, if they had picked France instead of London to hold the Olympics, it would have been the one time we could look forward to where we didn't worry about terrorism. They'd blow up Paris, and who cares?




GIBSON: The bombings in London: This is why I thought the Brits should let the French have the Olympics -- let somebody else be worried about guys with backpack bombs for a while.


Yes, he's actually saying that a terrorist was sitting around, saw that Britain won the olympics, and in less than 24 hours was able to mobilize a large plot involving 4 precisely timed strikes in transportation systems making use of high explosives.

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He's definitely going over the top for his own amusement but some of the points he's mentioned are true:


Canada has been sympathetic & supportive of people linked to support of terrorist organizations & depending on where you go there is strong anti-american sentiment there. But I don't think it's as much to do with America, the Cons, or the Bill of Rights as it is to do with capitalism.


Canadians (from my own experience) are not as obsessed about profits & money as we apparently are. There is a greater sense of brotherhood there than here. Canadians are more all for each other whereas Americans are all for one. Greed is the gospel of America & sharing is the gospel of Canada.


Gibson will never say this though. He'll never say anything that looks inward on America's capitalist engine or how American mega-corps exploit regions throughout the world. in Gibson's world view American capitalism is a humanitarian cause that extends progress to the economically illiterate. He puts Canadians at the top of that list.


I do not share his view. While I do embrace capitalism much more so over socialism I think it works best when confined to a local/state level. I would favor a review of existing anti-trust laws in America to consider the modern day size & scope of markets. Does it make sense that monopolies control a market the size of the Chicago met? Hell no. It's not good economic sense either.


If Adam Smith were alive today or could speak from beyond the grave he would chastise the anti-trust laws in America. Not just their doctrines but the total disgregard in terms of enforcing them. He was a pragmatist & not a politician. For those that argue bigger is better he would argue bigger is only better when it reflects the average scale. Are super/mega corps the exception or the norm in America? Adam Smith would argue anti-trust laws (a form of regulation) were intended to serve the norm & not the exception.


I think if were to move in this direction not only Canada but much of the world would take notice & applaud us. If we just able to change the American gospel from one of greed to say tempered greed the world would likely hate us less.


It's been reported now in USN&WR, Newsweek, & the WSJ that the real wealth in China lies with the communist leaders & American mega-corps. China is often looked upon as a man's world & America as a female one. So it's like your wife sleeping with the gigolo overseas that she both pimps & complains about. Who wouldn't hate a cheating b**** like that?

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