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Renovations Report..... Part Deux


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The renovations so far can be simply described this way..... what once was white , is now black. Yes Sox fans, the underside of the upperdeck roof (as I reported a few weeks ago) is black. Now, the "steel-lattice" in LF and RF supporting the advertisements and mini-scoreboards is in the process of being painted all black. The light poles for the night games are also being painted black. The cement support columns holding the concrete upper deck in place have been painted a dark gray, a departure from the "Comiskey-Tan" that they once were. I really don't know if I like what I have seen so far. Moronotti will be decrying it for sure. "The ballmall was dark enough before JR decided to paint it 'death-pall' black....." Moronotti will say. It looks completely different for sure.


On a lighter note, I wonder if Albert Belle has gone from baseball player to interior decorator for JR :D

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I'll have to wait until I get to see some pictures of it or until I see it on tv during a Sox game.


I think the black could look cool if its mixed well with the White and stuff. Still, this is just a bunch of crap, JR needs to fix the upperdeck. The rest of the stadium is pretty nice if you ask me.


Fix the upper-deck, and lower ticket prices would be what I'd do if I took over. I wouldn't lower prices by a lot, but I'd try to come up with something to encourage people to come.

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Originally posted by Chisoxfn

Fix the upper-deck, and lower ticket prices would be what I'd do if I took over.  I wouldn't lower prices by a lot, but I'd try to come up with something to encourage people to come.

Like every day is HeatherTheRedbird Gets in Free day? :D

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"Paint it Black" by J.R. (my apologies to the Rolling Stones)




"I see mediocrity and I want it painted black.. no blue seats anymore I want them to turn black..I see the fans walk up and quickly turn away....the only time I'll fill the park is on a half priced day.

I look inside my self and see my heart is black...my soul is empty and my fans I do attack...if I raise the ticket prices and drop Frank from the team...I can line my suit coat pockets with plenty of more green. hmmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm"

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How much did ticket prices go up?

What does it cost now compared to last year?

I don't see why anybody would buy season tickets when they could just wait and go to the games on specialty nights when tickets are cheaper.


Any of you like those minor league teams in the Chicago area?

Are their tickets affordable?

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From what I hear if you buy season tickets you get a huge discount on prices. I don't own them nor do I go to Sox games at comiskey so I don't know by how much.


Tickets went up a bit this year, like a coulpe bucks a ticket and their reasoning is because of the all star game and to me thats a bunch of crap.


Just cause their is an all star game doesn't mean you should sell other tickets for more.

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Originally posted by Chisoxfn

Tickets went up a bit this year, like a coulpe bucks a ticket and their reasoning is because of the all star game and to me thats a bunch of crap.


Just cause their is an all star game doesn't mean you should sell other tickets for more.


Yes it does. The only way to get ASG tickets is to have season tickets, unless you want to pay a scalper. So a lot of people who wouldn't normally get season tickets are going to buy them, so screw them over and get as much money as you can. Because they won't be renewing.

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If we land a Greg Maddux, then its well worth it.


Ian, I understand the whole all star game thing, but I also think that the key to drawing fans is a good sized walk up attendance and thats harder to get when you have tickets up a lot.


Yes, Season tickets are important but walk ups are very important and to me are more important cause marketing has a ton to do with it.

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Originally posted by Chisoxfn

Ian, I understand the whole all star game thing, but I also think that the key to drawing fans is a good sized walk up attendance and thats harder to get when you have tickets up a lot.


Yes, Season tickets are important but walk ups are very important and to me are more important cause marketing has a ton to do with it.


They don't care about walkups they want money and they want it now.


The Sox marketing is crap and you know it.


As long as they don't have to pay rent they like it.

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Ian, why wouldn't they care about walkups?


Walkups is what makes the real money. If they just forgot all about Walk ups their attendance would be ever worse.


Money is money to JR and he's going to take it any way, shape or form it comes and a lot of it comes with Walk Up Sales.


Yes, I know the marketing sucks!

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Originally posted by Chisoxfn

Ian, why wouldn't they care about walkups?


Walkups is what makes the real money.  If they just forgot all about Walk ups their attendance would be ever worse.


Money is money to JR and he's going to take it any way, shape or form it comes and a lot of it comes with Walk Up Sales.


I have nothing more to say to you.

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Guest hotsoxchick1

sorry jason, im taking ians side on this one.... f*** em and get all the money you can from all of those who get season tickets and arent old customers... as ian said they wont be back next year.. and i highly doubt they will even go to many games this year.....ill have to scan the lovely letter they sent us season ticket holders and post it here.... what a bunch of s*** it was.........

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Guest hotsoxchick1

yeah well this one was so full of s*** they must have ran out of tp for a while in the front office.... each copy had brown stains on it........and dont expect too much like a maddux or something.. their position for now is stand pat.........:**** kenny williams

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