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Kansas and Roy Williams could be in trouble

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Its actually because only 1 of the 14 violations was for mens basketball. The one violation was Roy Williams letting 3 individuals give gifts to graduating seniors from the 00, 01, 02 classes.


Its still stupid, but it doesn't exactly give you and edge in any way shape or form. Recruits I guess could tell each other, "hey if you choose Roy Williams he will give you stuff when you graduate". I can see them lining up now.

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Can anyone really argue that giving a graduating student athlete some cash creates any kind of recruiting violation? That's kind of a stupid rule. I don't see why it is a problem once their career is over unless the gifts are on a large scale. There are worse ones though. I remember the NCAA was giving Rick Majerus crap for paying for lunch with a player (who was already on his roster) when trying to console him (can't remember what it was, think the guy was homesick or his parents were ill). Or the whole situation with Jeremy Bloom not being able to accept endorsements for skiing because he walked on at Colorado. The NCAA claimed that he was benefiting monetarily from his atheltic ability, and even though it was a different sport he would be ineligible. This happens despite the fact that football players commonly play in the minor leagues while retaining eligibilty. There are so many rules in the NCAA that don't make sense, I don't know how a program can stay absolutely clean.

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I regret that a mistake in reimbursement of travel expenses gave one prospective student-athlete $6.22 extra, another prospective student-athlete 23 cents extra and another prospective student-athlete 14 cents extra. I also regret that two walk-ons on the 2002-03 team were given four meals at the training table (at a value of $26) for which they were not properly charged.


lol at getting an extra 23 cents and that being an issue :lolhitting

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