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Guest wsc425

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Guest wsc425

I've had it with this s*** about all of the pessimism on this board.

So what is our problem right now?

1.0-The offense

1.1-The relief 'core'

1.2-Intangibles hurt.

1.3-Nothing is to do with Manuel.

:cheers :cheers :cheers

Thought I'd try something different... :huh:

But since pessimists are going to read this answer me this;

Respond in perticular of the offense is not committing himself?

Respond what is wrong with the relief core?

Respond of Manuel's "problem"

And answer me this, Where did u guys think the Sox were going to end up this year before u guys started this lame foulking fiasco of s***?

:bringit I'm looking forward to seeing ur arguements.

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The Offense


Jimenez is 0 for his last 16..... avg went from .350's to .280-90's in less than a week.


Ordonez is still struggling. The first month of the season, he's more likely to hit into a DP with men on than get a hit.


Crede and Rowand...... couldn't get a hit right now to save their lives..... same goes for Alomar Jr and Olivo.




The "Relief Core"


Do we really need to discuss the plethora of bad outings compared to a few decent outings for White, Gordon, and Botch? Marte and Glover have been on most of the time..... although they have had a few rough spots. Wunsch is a pleasant surprise though although JM never gives him much of a chance..... although this seems to be changing lately. Right now, this supposed AL Central Contender doesn't have a reliable closer!!!!!




This team has no speed and doesn't attempt to steal any bases for a team that is struggling offensively. As stated before, this team cannot bunt or move baserunners into scoring position with less than 2 outs. This team hasn't even heard of the term "smallball." USCF is not a homefield advantage for the Sox because JR has alienated most of Sox Fandom..... except for the true diehards that continually spend money on an underachieving product. This team seems more concerned with what's best for their own numbers than what's best for the team.


The GM and the Coaching Staff


Get rid of all of them. KW has had 3 seasons now to build on a good talent base from 2000 and has, to date, fielded .500 teams. JM hasn't coached this team to better themselves since the second half of 2000. He has no passion..... no fire. He continually fails to take a stand for his players. 2 blown calls in 04/30's game at 1B and JM doesn't even get off his ass to argue what were clearly outs for the White Sox. Look at the numbers some of these guys in the White Sox line-up have put up in the past and the fact that this team has scored 7 runs in the past 3 games and you have your argument for firing Gary Ward as well. This team has only had two or three big innings offensively over THE LAST MONTH.


Continue to bury your head in the sand and fail to recognize this teams shortcomings. Fail to recognize that this team is one game above .500 playing teams like the Indians, the Tigers, and the Orioles. Being a pessimist is all most of us White Sox fans have to hang onto..... although I will be more OPTIMISTIC if changes are made SOMEWHERE instead of letting the same old s*** happen this year that has happened for the last 2 and-one-half years. :angry:

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I am naturally optimistic about the Sox but I hjave real concerns about the hitting. Last week and this week we haven't hit at all. Mags has always been the most likely to hit into a double play and that hasn't changed in all the years. PK usually sucks hitting wise in May and here we are.


The negativitiy gets to me big time and the drum beat to fire JM get to me. But I am just beginning to wonder... this team is too good to be playing this way.

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I complain only because I love the White Sox. I know they can win. I gripe and then when the frustration is vented, it's get ready for tonights game!

All we need is some breaks to come our way and a couple wins and we are off to the races.

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I am 100% optomistic about the Sox. they are just struggling! There is no reason to be talking abput fire sale's and trades and such and such. The team is .500! At this point last year, where were we. 1 month has passed by and we are 14-13, OMG, chill people. There are 5 more moths left!!!!!

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I'm about as optimistic as they get, but I pretty much agree 100% with Killa's post.


I am not worried about the defense it is the offense the scares the hell out of me. Either Frank can start hitting it with authority and consistently or we really screwed up. If he goes and kicks butt elsewhere then so be it. He's still got some time, but he's frustrating the heck out of me with all his damn popouts.


Rowand and Crede are terrible, swinging at everything. I think Crede will be fine. he has very quick hands and power to all parts of the field. He just needs to start seeing the ball better. I'd be tempted to make some moves now, but I wouldn't want to rush anything.


If I were to make moves, I'd do it knowing we can't move Thomas for crap so were stuck with him. I'd want to move him for nothing just so we could bring up Willie and Joe. They won't make things any better offensively, but they'll bring a ton of speed to the table. Right now I'd look to move Konerko or Carlos for an offensive player that has a lot of speed, potentially Shannon Stewart.


I got to say, it sure as hell would of been nice to of signed Jose Cruz Jr.


Oh well, enough whining from me. I know this team can do it, but I'd like to see the Sox find a way to bring in some more speed and guys that can hit the f***ing ball to the opposite field and that are willing to bunt.

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Correct me if I am wrong but, didn't we have a better record at this point last year?  :ph34r:

You're not wrong. If I remember right....we were 15-7 at one point.


Then again....Buehrle was pitching well during that time....and Ritchie was pitching well too. Lofton was hitting the cover off the ball....and we still had Ray-Ray.


Funny how a team can go from relatively fast to slow as molasses in a matter of a year.


Jas...it's sad to say it...but this team is apparently afraid to spend $2-3 mill on a "risk" such as Jose Cruz. I wish we could have that kind of risk in CF right now instead of Rowand. Hell, right now, I'd be very, very willing to give up quite a bit to get Beltran here from KC. I don't care if it's intra-divisional or what not....we need something to spark this offense, whether it be leading off, hitting 2nd, hitting 5th or wherever. Give them a s***load, if that's what it takes. Rauch, Rowand, and Malone....maybe someone else too. I'm sure they'd take it. And I'd be happy as hell with Beltran and not Rowand in CF.

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Guest wsc425

Sox will come out of this slump

Ask yourself a question. Honestly, what has the weather been like the past few nights?

Ask yourself another question. How far do u think the Sox would get in October?

Ask yourself this? Had any of you had wise predictions of Buehrle, Colon and such?



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Sox will come out of this slump

Ask yourself a question. Honestly, what has the weather been like the past few nights?

Ask yourself another question. How far do u think the Sox would get in October?

Ask yourself this? Had any of you had wise predictions of Buehrle, Colon and such?



I appreciate your good cheer.

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Personally, I think the problem is offense. Giving up three or four runs a game is not a bad outing defensively anymore. We need to do something to warm up our bats. Maybe the problem is the hitting coach. Maybe the problem is JM. Maybe the problem is psychological.


I don't think we'll get any improvements by giving JM the s*** can though. If there were real problems with the players not respecting JM, we'd hear it. Loud and clear - and I don't think we do. Further, I don't see anyone worth replacing JM with out there. We could call up a AAA manager, but as a fan, I'd want someone high impact with a measure of success at the Major Leagues to back him up. If we have a postseason caliber team and we're changing managers - we need to make sure who we pick is someone with a history of winning on the Major League Level. The Hawk won't cut it. Felipe Alou, Dusty Baker and Lou Pinella are spoken for. If we were going to make a move this year, we should have done it during the off season. Of course there's always Lee Elia :bang

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Felipe Alou, Dusty Baker and Lou Pinella are spoken for.

That gives rise to a thought -


Alou was Detroit's bench coach last year and they sucked.

Baker's old team so far is playing better without him.

Pinella went from 116 wins (and not even making the world series) to missing the playoffs to a really poor team.


A manager alone doesn't make all the differecne in the world.


A big name manager doesn't mean a thing per se, IMHO. We need someone who can motivate this team that seems to have potential and doesn't show it and a name alone doesn't do that.

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I've had it with this s*** about all of the pessimism on this board. 

So what is our problem right now?

1.0-The offense

1.1-The relief 'core'

1.2-Intangibles hurt.

1.3-Nothing is to do with Manuel.

:cheers  :cheers  :cheers

Thought I'd try something different... :huh:

But since pessimists are going to read this answer me this;

Respond in perticular of the offense is not committing himself?

Respond what is wrong with the relief core?

Respond of Manuel's "problem"

And answer me this, Where did u guys think the Sox were going to end up this year before u guys started this lame foulking fiasco of s***? 

:bringit I'm looking forward to seeing ur arguements.

well.. the other here put it much better than i could so ill only answer your last question


i dont think of myself as a pessimist but a realist...i bounced around a lot about where this team would finish in the off season..in the end i pickked 88 wins and 2nd place...thats about what we are doing

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Guest hotsoxchick1

425.... ill have to agree with everything killa put up there.. that pretty much summs up how i feel about things.. and now to answer your question.. where did i pick us to end up before the season started......i said if we finished up above .500 ball and in 2 nd or3rd place i would be happy........of course now that we are done with a crappy april and no hopes of may going much better ill be happy to be at .500 ball and above the tigers in the standings.......... ;) :D :D :D :D lol

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Pessimism is part of the game. The more pessimistic you are, the happier you will be when they win. When you're pessimistic, you expect them to lose, and it cant get any worse than losing. But if you're optimistic, you're brought down every time they lose. So tell me, which one is better?



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For what it's worth, we were in 1ST PLACE at this time last year.


Right now I just keep telling myself. "The Angels were 6-14 last year" "The Angels were 6-14 last year" "The Angels were 6-14 last year" "The Angels were 6-14 last year" "The Angels were 6-14 last year" "The Angels were 6-14 last year" "The Angels were 6-14 last year" "The Angels were 6-14 last year" "The Angels were 6-14 last year" "The Angels were 6-14 last year" "The Angels were 6-14 last year".............




Hopefully, we'll be able to make a strong turnaround as well.

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Pessimism is part of the game. The more pessimistic you are, the happier you will be when they win. When you're pessimistic, you expect them to lose, and it cant get any worse than losing. But if you're optimistic, you're brought down every time they lose. So tell me, which one is better?



Damn....I hadn't realized that.



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