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Anyone think Rowand is almost done with the Sox?


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When you look at next year, Brian Anderson is clearly ready for the show. We aren't moving Pods with his cheap salary and all he means for us. Dye has been very good this year and I don't think he will be traded. So this leaves us with Rowand, a fan favorite and grinder. A few things might happen: Anderson gets traded this year for a pitcher, during the off-season for a high-priced player or doesn't. If the third part is true, what do you do with Rowand? Personally, I would keep him as your 4th outfielder and ask him to learn 1st base during the off-season. This way Aaron can play 5 positions (LF, CF, RF, 1b, DH) and we can have a similar rotation to what we have this year. Not to mention with Dye's injury history and Thomas' old age (if we keep him,) and the need to keep Pods healthy and Anderson from tiring, but Aaron would still get 450-500 at bats. Any thoughts?

Edited by maggsmaggs
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why would we move Dye before rowand? Rowand imo is one of the main faces of the sox. I can see an outfield of pods, rowand, anderson. Dye might even move to 1st base next year. Plus, anderson still needs to prove himself before we even consider moving one of our outfieldrs.

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QUOTE(rangercal @ Jul 17, 2005 -> 08:38 AM)
why would we move Dye before rowand? Rowand imo is one of the main faces of the sox.  I can see an outfield of pods, rowand, anderson.  Dye might even move to 1st base next year. Plus, anderson still needs to prove himself before we even consider moving one of our outfieldrs.


If anything is would be Pods in LF, Anderson in CF, and Rowand in RF...

You forget he is signed cheap for the next few years, is a natural corner outfielder... and Dye might need to take over for Kong anyway...

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This post, quite frankly, is ludicrous


How so? You aren't moving Pods, probably not Dye and Anderson certainly doesn't need another year in AAA. Rowand also has lost his power and for some reason is bad when there is a guy on 3rd with less than two outs. However, he is good with two outs with runner in scoring position. This is a legitimate question.

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QUOTE(maggsmaggs @ Jul 17, 2005 -> 09:39 AM)
Dye at first, I don't think will happen.  You guys seem quite confident after one game he played there.

I think moving Rowand is more crazy than Dye playing 1st. I never seen an outfielder converted to a 1st baseman If we can't move dye, then he should go. Not rowand. An above average young cf is not easy to come by.

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Anderson certainly doesn't need another year in AAA.


Somthing to consider, Anderson has struck out 92 times in 309 at bats, he has only two stolen bases, and only 4 sacrifices all year.


My take is, he's still got things to learn, especially to fit in with an Ozzie Guillen team.

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QUOTE(maggsmaggs @ Jul 17, 2005 -> 10:42 AM)
How so?  You aren't moving Pods, probably not Dye and Anderson certainly doesn't need another year in AAA.  Rowand also has lost his power and for some reason is bad when there is a guy on 3rd with less than two outs.  However, he is good with two outs with runner in scoring position.  This is a legitimate question.

Anderson is not ready.


Look at his strikeout numbers. Almost one K in every three at-bats. Until he improves that ratio, he'll be toast against big league pitching.

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QUOTE(rangercal @ Jul 17, 2005 -> 10:48 AM)
can we say valentin #'s?

You can say: not ready, not better than Dye/Pods/Rowand or you can say trade bait if the right deal comes along.


He fits all three.

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QUOTE(Jeckle2000 @ Jul 17, 2005 -> 08:41 AM)
If anything is would be Pods in LF, Anderson in CF, and Rowand in RF...

You forget he is signed cheap for the next few years, is a natural corner outfielder... and Dye might need to take over for Kong anyway...

If Rowand is in a Sox uniform,center will be his! He has done nothing to lose it and he knows the Cell better than anyone. Plus who is better at backing up Pods on those bad jumps he gets!

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maggs, I think you are just putting too much stock in anderson. I never would have thought about moving Rowand. I don't see how he hurts this team. Anderson IMO, is still a few years away from reaching Rowand's current level of play. If he does get there, Rowand will be even more improved and better then what he is now.

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Aaron's SO/BB ratio is 4.19 while Anderson's is 2.62. So, even though he strikes out more, he has been better at the plate than Rowand. Aaron's slugging this year is below .400. Anderson is a better fielder, better arm, better athlete and overall better with the bat. Don't get me wrong, I like A-Row, but he has lost something at the plate and is more of a guy who gets a lot from not the greatest tools.

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QUOTE(maggsmaggs @ Jul 17, 2005 -> 09:53 AM)
Aaron's SO/BB ratio is 4.19 while Anderson's is 2.62.  So, even though he strikes out more, he has been better at the plate than Rowand.  Aaron's slugging this year is below .400.  Anderson is a better fielder, better arm, better athlete and overall better with the bat.  Don't get me wrong, I like A-Row, but he has lost something at the plate and is more of a guy who gets a lot from not the greatest tools.

Are you comparing rowands MLB #'s to Andersons AAA #'s? :rolly

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QUOTE(maggsmaggs @ Jul 17, 2005 -> 10:53 AM)
Aaron's SO/BB ratio is 4.19 while Anderson's is 2.62.  So, even though he strikes out more, he has been better at the plate than Rowand.  Aaron's slugging this year is below .400.  Anderson is a better fielder, better arm, better athlete and overall better with the bat.  Don't get me wrong, I like A-Row, but he has lost something at the plate and is more of a guy who gets a lot from not the greatest tools.

You can't compare big league numbers and AAA numbers.


I've seen plenty of players put up huge numbers in Charlotte, it's like the Coors Field of AAA. Then they get to the bigs and do absolutely nothing.


Anderson is not better than Aaron Rowand.


Rowand is also one of the leaders of this team, he is signed cheap, is a clubhouse asset and a fan favorite. He fits the definition of a grinder.


Sorry to burst your bubble.

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QUOTE(maggsmaggs @ Jul 17, 2005 -> 10:55 AM)
Addison is right, if he has more power numbers, I never question his ability.  But Aaron ranks 8th out of 10 regular CF in OPS.

We are 60-29.


End of discussion.

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If Anderson comes up here he should be the CF, but thats ok... Rowand is a natural RF so thats cool anyways and believe it or not Dye has played 1B b4 that game way back when. And if we want him at 1B he can always play in a winter league or whatevr and get some time at 1B there.


Its not like its impossible to learn 1B..... example being Scott Hatteburg of the A's and Dye is way ahead of Hatteburg when he was trying to learn 1st.

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QUOTE(SoxFan101 @ Jul 17, 2005 -> 03:01 PM)
If Anderson comes up here he should be the CF, but thats ok... Rowand is a natural RF so thats cool anyways and believe it or not Dye has played 1B b4 that game way back when.  And if we want him at 1B he can always play in a winter league or whatevr and get some time at 1B there.


Its not like its impossible to learn 1B..... example being Scott Hatteburg of the A's and Dye is way ahead of Hatteburg when he was trying to learn 1st.

He certainly has the build of a first baseman.

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