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Anyone think Rowand is almost done with the Sox?


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QUOTE(maggsmaggs @ Jul 17, 2005 -> 09:42 AM)
Rowand also has lost his power and for some reason is bad when there is a guy on 3rd with less than two outs.



what are your sources for this observation???


Aaron's Rowand #'s g ab r h 2b 3b hr bi w ba ob sl% ops

Man on 3rd < 2 outs 31 16 14 5 1 0 0 10 3 .313 .435 .375 .810



an rbi almost every at bat

I wouldn't consider that bad




Edited by the People's Champ
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QUOTE(the People's Champ @ Jul 18, 2005 -> 01:49 AM)
what are your sources for  this observation???


Aaron's Rowand  #'s    g ab r  h 2b 3b hr  bi  w    ba    ob    sl%    ops

Man on 3rd

an rbi almost every at bat

I wouldn't consider that bad




I think Hawk said that Rowand hasnt been that bad with men in scoring position but horrible with the bases loaded for some reason.

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Rowand is here and will be here in the future. He fits our team perfectly. One that specializes on defense and speed. He is a tremendous CF with terrific range and he sacrifices himself on whatever situation calls him to. He was on a slow start the first half but even with that he is htting .286, 36 RBI, and 5 HR. He has also added 12 SB. In the last five games he is 10-for-21 (.476). I expect a solid second half from rowand.

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Rowand needs to fix his swing a little...his power numbers are WAY down, and I think it has something to do with his new 75% swing, he never seems to follow through and uses the old 1983 "official" White Sox one handed swing.




QUOTE(Ozzie Montana @ Jul 18, 2005 -> 07:12 AM)
Rowand is here and will be here in the future.  He fits our team perfectly. One that  specializes on defense and speed.  He is a tremendous CF with terrific range and he sacrifices himself on whatever situation calls him to. He was on a slow start the first half but even with that he is htting .286, 36 RBI, and 5 HR.  He has also added 12 SB.  In the last five games he is 10-for-21 (.476).  I expect a solid second half from rowand.

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Jabronie. :D


QUOTE(the People's Champ @ Jul 17, 2005 -> 07:49 PM)
what are your sources for  this observation???


Aaron's Rowand  #'s    g ab r  h 2b 3b hr  bi  w    ba    ob    sl%    ops

Man on 3rd

an rbi almost every at bat

I wouldn't consider that bad


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Rowand pre and post all star break numbers




pre ASB .298, 9 HR, 18 doubles, 1 triple, 21 RBI

post ASB .319, 15 HR, 20 doubles, 1 triple, 48 RBI




pre ASB .250, 3 HR, 28 doubles, 0 triples, 14 RBI (111 AB)

post ASB .370, 3 HR, 17 doubles, 0 triples, 10 RBI (46 AB)



Small sample size for Rowand, but all signs indicate he is a much better hitter after the All Star Break.


Im glad that we are ready to jettison him after the year because Brian Anderson is "clearly ready for the show". LOL

Edited by kyyle23
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Rowand compares favorably to most CFs in the AL both offensively and defensively. He also is reasonably priced given his comparison to league CFs.


Exactly what was the valid argument for shifting/trading him?


I'd much rather trade Anderson. If we're looking at the future in CF, that will likely be Chris Young if Rowand gets too expensive.

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QUOTE(bighurt2719 @ Jul 18, 2005 -> 09:48 AM)
why in god's name should we trade rowand? hes a great center feilder. despite his low home run total, his clutch hitting is unreplacable. why does anyone want to throw a cog into the machinery when its running so well???


I didn't say we 'should' trade Rowand. I was saying that it is conceivable that we might because you don't get something for nothing.

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