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Anyone think Rowand is almost done with the Sox?


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QUOTE(aboz56 @ Jul 17, 2005 -> 02:39 PM)
He is our everyday centerfielder for a while.


He's not going anywhere.


This post, quite frankly, is ludicrous.


Especially after we just signed him thru his arbitration years.

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QUOTE(maggsmaggs @ Jul 17, 2005 -> 08:34 AM)
When you look at next year, Brian Anderson is clearly ready for the show.  We aren't moving Pods with his cheap salary and all he means for us.  Dye has been very good this year and I don't think he will be traded.  So this leaves us with Rowand, a fan favorite and grinder.  A few things might happen: Anderson gets traded this year for a pitcher, during the off-season for a high-priced player or doesn't.  If the third part is true, what do you do with Rowand?  Personally, I would keep him as your 4th outfielder and ask him to learn 1st base during the off-season.  This way Aaron can play 5 positions (LF, CF, RF, 1b, DH) and we can have a similar rotation to what we have this year.  Not to mention with Dye's injury history and Thomas' old age (if we keep him,) and the need to keep Pods healthy and Anderson from tiring, but Aaron would still get 450-500 at bats. Any thoughts?


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QUOTE(maggsmaggs @ Jul 17, 2005 -> 02:42 PM)
How so?  You aren't moving Pods, probably not Dye and Anderson certainly doesn't need another year in AAA.  Rowand also has lost his power and for some reason is bad when there is a guy on 3rd with less than two outs.  However, he is good with two outs with runner in scoring position.  This is a legitimate question.


Because assuming Anderson will be able to step into a starting role next yr is ludicrous. Anderson might make the team next yr and if he catches fire he might eventually earn a starting nod but to trade someone on the assumption that someone will be able to make that jump is assinine. Next thread!

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QUOTE(dmbjeff @ Jul 17, 2005 -> 09:13 AM)
Unless the Sox are trading for Griffey AND trading Rowand in a deal for Schmidt or Burnett, it wont happen.

My first three reactions to this post...


:angry: :headshake :puke


Schmidt is a has been!!! JOE BORCHARD would be equal value, thats saying something...






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QUOTE(upnorthsox @ Jul 17, 2005 -> 04:19 PM)
Because assuming Anderson will be able to step into a starting role next yr is ludicrous. Anderson might make the team next yr and if he catches fire he might eventually earn a starting nod but to trade someone on the assumption that someone will be able to make that jump is assinine. Next thread!


Why do people keep saying this. If Anderson makes this team he is going to be a starter.... He isnt going to make the team to sit on the bench. Next year he either will be in AAA starting or in the majors starting.


Do you know how dumb it is to call up your top prospect to the big leagues just to let him sit on the bench....If he is up here at the begining of next year it will be to start.

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Aaron will probably tear it up the 2nd half and put this thread to rest. If Anderson does have an everday position next year he'll most likely be playing right field with Dye moving to first. Aaron's power numbers aren't fantastic at this point but they'll get better and he's become one of the better defensive centerfielders in baseball, there's no chance he's moved imo.

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The only two players that have been discussed that I wouldn't mind the Sox trading Rowand for would be Dunn or Brad Lidge. If we were to trade Rowand, it better be for someone that will be here after this season. I don't think Rowand is going anywhere though. I'm not a big fan of B. Anderson, as he didn't overly impress me much in Spring Training, and his K numbers are quite poor. Even if Anderson isn't ready next year, and PK doesn't come back to the Sox, a cheap alternative would be move Dye to 1b (I'm confident he could do well there), and sign a cheap corner outfielder. Just like Dye this year, you can find solid outfielders at fairly cheap prices. You could get much greater value for the same price at RF than you could for a 1b (the list of 1b FA is awful this year).

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QUOTE(fathom @ Jul 17, 2005 -> 10:39 AM)
The only two players that have been discussed that I wouldn't mind the Sox trading Rowand for would be Dunn or Brad Lidge.  If we were to trade Rowand, it better be for someone that will be here after this season.  I don't think Rowand is going anywhere though.  I'm not a big fan of B. Anderson, as he didn't overly impress me much in Spring Training, and his K numbers are quite poor.  Even if Anderson isn't ready next year, and PK doesn't come back to the Sox, a cheap alternative would be move Dye to 1b (I'm confident he could do well there), and sign a cheap corner outfielder.  Just like Dye this year, you can find solid outfielders at fairly cheap prices.  You could get much greater value for the same price at RF than you could for a 1b (the list of 1b FA is awful this year).

I wouldn't trade Rowand for Dunn just because that would kill this team defensively, having scotty in centerfield would not be pretty.

Edited by Rowand44
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There is no way Rowand gets moved. No way. He's the best defensive center fieleder this year (maybe 2nd behind Jeremy Reed). I think we should let Konerko & Everett go, move Dye to 1b and acquire an OF with power (so we have some power in our OF). I don't see a problem with Anderson as a 4th outfielder.

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QUOTE(Rowand44 @ Jul 17, 2005 -> 04:42 PM)
I wouldn't trade Rowand for Dunn just because that would kill this team defensively, having scotty in centerfield would not be pretty.


If Ozzie doesn't mind having Pods in CF, and Everett in LF.....then I don't think he'd mind having Pods in CF, and Dunn in LF. As much as I like Rowand, if you could get Dunn for him, you do it in a heartbeat. Dunn at the Cell would be a monster, and he'd had no problem maintaining his power with the new steroid testing policy.

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QUOTE(maggsmaggs @ Jul 17, 2005 -> 06:53 AM)
Aaron's SO/BB ratio is 4.19 while Anderson's is 2.62.  So, even though he strikes out more, he has been better at the plate than Rowand.  Aaron's slugging this year is below .400.  Anderson is a better fielder, better arm, better athlete and overall better with the bat.  Don't get me wrong, I like A-Row, but he has lost something at the plate and is more of a guy who gets a lot from not the greatest tools.

Brian Anderson is not better than Aaron Rowand. Rowand is one of the 5 best defensive cneterfielders in the game and personally I think he ranks in at 3rd or 4th depending on whether him or Mike Cameron is better.


Give it a rest people, Rowand is signed for the next few years, knows how to play the game, and is one of the last people Kenny would trade (and should be too).

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QUOTE(SoxFan101 @ Jul 17, 2005 -> 07:01 AM)
If Anderson comes up here he should be the CF, but thats ok... Rowand is a natural RF so thats cool anyways and believe it or not Dye has played 1B b4 that game way back when.  And if we want him at 1B he can always play in a winter league or whatevr and get some time at 1B there.


Its not like its impossible to learn 1B..... example being Scott Hatteburg of the A's and Dye is way ahead of Hatteburg when he was trying to learn 1st.

No he shouldn't. Rowand is 5 times the defensive player in center field than Brian Anderson is. No knock on Anderson, but screw that, there is absolutely zero reason for the White Sox to move Aaron Rowand from CF.


Only time he gets moved is if Torri Hunter or Andruw Jones find there way to Chicago.

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QUOTE(fathom @ Jul 17, 2005 -> 08:39 AM)
The only two players that have been discussed that I wouldn't mind the Sox trading Rowand for would be Dunn or Brad Lidge.  If we were to trade Rowand, it better be for someone that will be here after this season.  I don't think Rowand is going anywhere though.  I'm not a big fan of B. Anderson, as he didn't overly impress me much in Spring Training, and his K numbers are quite poor.  Even if Anderson isn't ready next year, and PK doesn't come back to the Sox, a cheap alternative would be move Dye to 1b (I'm confident he could do well there), and sign a cheap corner outfielder.  Just like Dye this year, you can find solid outfielders at fairly cheap prices.  You could get much greater value for the same price at RF than you could for a 1b (the list of 1b FA is awful this year).

Screw Dunn...thats all I got to say.


I can't believe how people under-value some guys on the Sox. Its ludicrous. Teams would freaking love to get their hands on Aaron Rowand. He's not even gotten hot this year and he's still putting up very very solid numbers (OPS be damned) while playing as close to gold glove defense as possible (he'll never win it with Torri in his league though).

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QUOTE(fathom @ Jul 17, 2005 -> 08:45 AM)
If Ozzie doesn't mind having Pods in CF, and Everett in LF.....then I don't think he'd mind having Pods in CF, and Dunn in LF.  As much as I like Rowand, if you could get Dunn for him, you do it in a heartbeat.  Dunn at the Cell would be a monster, and he'd had no problem maintaining his power with the new steroid testing policy.

So we trade Rowand and go for a power hitter that can't hit for any average. The team also weakens there defense. So essentially we go from the type of style that helped the club win 60 games this early in the season, back to the style that choked down the stretch the past couple years?


Now I go a little over the top knocking Dunn cause I do realize he has a great eye, but he needs to hit .250-.260 and not in the .230 range which he was doing for most of the year. Right now he's just a better version of Konerko from the left side (I'll let people decide if thats good or bad).

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QUOTE(Chisoxfn @ Jul 17, 2005 -> 04:54 PM)
Screw Dunn...thats all I got to say. 


I can't believe how people under-value some guys on the Sox.  Its ludicrous.  Teams would freaking love to get their hands on Aaron Rowand.  He's not even gotten hot this year and he's still putting up very very solid numbers (OPS be damned) while playing as close to gold glove defense as possible (he'll never win it with Torri in his league though).


I respectfully disagree. Dunn is a much better offensive weapon than Rowand is, and he's two years younger also. While many hate the OPS stat, it still is fairly representative of how the batter is hitting that season. If Rowand was putting up numbers even close to what he did last season, then I would say we shouldn't consider trading him. However, he's just not the same hitter this season as he was last year (OPS is down .180). Again, I think there's like a 1 pct chance we'd even trade Rowand. All I was saying is that if we do, I hope it's for someone that will be with the Sox in the future, and not some crap like Burnett.

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QUOTE(Chisoxfn @ Jul 17, 2005 -> 04:57 PM)
So we trade Rowand and go for a power hitter that can't hit for any average.  The team also weakens there defense.  So essentially we go from the type of style that helped the club win 60 games this early in the season, back to the style that choked down the stretch the past couple years?


Now I go a little over the top knocking Dunn cause I do realize he has a great eye, but he needs to hit .250-.260 and not in the .230 range which he was doing for most of the year.  Right now he's just a better version of Konerko from the left side (I'll let people decide if thats good or bad).


My trade dealt more with the long-term outlook for the Sox. Dunn could also play 1b next season if we got rid of PK. Don't get me wrong, I like Rowand. He's just not some great offensive weapon who we can place in the middle of the order, and be sure he'll hit 40 homers that season.

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QUOTE(Chisoxfn @ Jul 17, 2005 -> 11:57 AM)
Now I go a little over the top knocking Dunn cause I do realize he has a great eye, but he needs to hit .250-.260 and not in the .230 range which he was doing for most of the year.  Right now he's just a better version of Konerko from the left side (I'll let people decide if thats good or bad).


Dunn has a .390 OBP this year and a. 566 slugging (6th in the NL). Overall his OPS is .956, which is 5th in the NL. So, I wouldn't complain that much about his batting average.


Here is also an interesting article



I'm not advocating trading Rowand, but I have to defend Dunn.

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QUOTE(SHAFTR @ Jul 17, 2005 -> 11:08 AM)
Dunn has a .390 OBP this year and a. 566 slugging (6th in the NL).  Overall his OPS is .956, which is 5th in the NL.  So, I wouldn't complain that much about his batting average.


Here is also an interesting article



I'm not advocating trading Rowand, but I have to defend Dunn.

His ops is great, he can get on base and when he hits, he hits the ball hard, problem is he doesn't hit to much. I know some people think batting average is overrated but you have to be able to hit your way on base at times and Dunn's average with runners in scoring position is just brutal. Dunn's good but I personally don't think he's great.

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QUOTE(Chisoxfn @ Jul 17, 2005 -> 11:52 AM)
No he shouldn't.  Rowand is 5 times the defensive player in center field than Brian Anderson is.  No knock on Anderson, but screw that, there is absolutely zero reason for the White Sox to move Aaron Rowand from CF. 


Only time he gets moved is if Torri Hunter or Andruw Jones find there way to Chicago.





I cannot believe people think he should go back to right field just because that is what he came up as. He has extablished himself as one of the best defensive outfielders period... but brian anderson should knock him over to right...rofl.

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Didn't read the whole thread.


But hahahahahahaha.

Let's put a great CF at 1B when we have an average RF. There's some sound logic.


Rowand is superb defensively and he's hitting .280 - he's going no where.

Edited by WHarris1
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