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Bernard Goldberg lambasterd by Deutsch and guests


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Hilarious video. Deutsch almost blows a gasket, Goldberg tells some crazy woman to shut up and interestingly enough the blogger hits the nail right on the head.




Former CBS newsman Bernard Goldberg, who in two books has accused the major broadcast networks of liberal bias, has claimed that producers of CNBC's The Big Idea with Donny Deutsch stacked a panel that questioned him about his latest book, 100 People Who Are Screwing Up America (And Al Franken is No. 37). Goldberg told the "Inside the Beltway" column of the Washington Times: "I've been doing this a long, long time, and I have never, ever, ever, never -- I could say never and ever 10 more times -- experienced what I just went through. ... It was the most cynical, dishonest thing I have ever been lassoed into. They misled me. ... They wanted to kick my ass on national television -- six people, all basically calling me an idiot."



*lambasted :P

Edited by KipWellsFan
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QUOTE(EvilMonkey @ Jul 23, 2005 -> 10:47 AM)
And it's hilarious to you why?  Because you don't agree with Goldberg's views?  What if it was Al Franken being ambushed?  Or some other liberal writer?  Methinks your liberal horns are showing.

It is just fun to see a hack -- especially one who can't get facts straight -- get smoked and exposed as an idiot, be they from the right or the left.

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QUOTE(EvilMonkey @ Jul 23, 2005 -> 10:47 AM)
And it's hilarious to you why?  Because you don't agree with Goldberg's views?  What if it was Al Franken being ambushed?  Or some other liberal writer?  Methinks your liberal horns are showing.


I clearly explained in my post what I think was funny.

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QUOTE(KipWellsFan @ Jul 23, 2005 -> 12:17 PM)
I clearly explained in my post what I think was funny.

I really wanted to check this out but for whatever reason my computer just wouldn't accept it. I tried all the little tricks I know, still no good. So I checked the "Crooks and Liars" web site and it's the same tired old left wing childish rants and other assorted crap. Like a web site Michael Moore would put up. Anybody who reads my stuff here should gather that I'm pretty iconclastic and not easily classified, but I am ever so tired of this warmed over cant. Oh well. Let me try one more time and see if I can get this video on my computer.


Edit: What a dork! It's on their web site. Let's see if I can make it work.

Edited by Yossarian
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QUOTE(LowerCaseRepublican @ Jul 23, 2005 -> 12:06 PM)
It is just fun to see a hack -- especially one who can't get facts straight -- get smoked and exposed as an idiot, be they from the right or the left.



Which was why Jon Stewart on Crossfire was hi-larious. :usa

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QUOTE(LowerCaseRepublican @ Jul 23, 2005 -> 11:06 AM)
It is just fun to see a hack -- especially one who can't get facts straight -- get smoked and exposed as an idiot, be they from the right or the left.

I didn't read his books so I don't know what "facts" he did or didn't get straight. I do know this, the art of editing has gone out of style, and many writers would do well to hire better editors, let alone improve their spelling and grammar. I finally was able to see this video, and my opinion differs greatly from some of you. Goldberg blew it in the beginning by being rude and abrasive to Linda Stasi. That put the whole panel into attack dog mode, and when Goldberg tried to tone it down, it was too late. The whole thing left me disgusted because it would have been nice to see a real debate instead of the usual shouts of recrimination. I will defend Goldberg on three points. On his take of the media, I essentially agree. Huge sections of the media are knee jerk in their responses and approach, with an agenda. The popular culture is increasingly vulgar and tasteless. That will probably get a rise out of the younger crowd here (which is the majority). Certain cultural things have centuries of staying power. If civilization survives, in a century or less this age will be looked upon as a very dark one with regards to movies, the arts and culture. Third, it was obvous that nobody had taken the time to read any of Goldberg's book, just to gloss over some of it in a very cursory way. It was an ambush, which Goldberg aided and abetted by being rude to Linda Stasi in the beginning. As for that blogger, I wanted to grab him by his skinny neck and slap him around. He added nothing of substance. It was the jounalistic equivalent of "You're an assshole, I don't like you." In conclusion I would probably agree with Goldberg in his assessment of the media and popular culture to a great degree, but his personality is abrasive and arrogant. Perhaps defensiveness plays a part here, because in establishment circles he is seen as a "traitor" to his profession.
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