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The AJ Burnett Rumor Mill II

Tadahito Iguchi

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QUOTE(rangercal @ Jul 26, 2005 -> 11:09 AM)
Huff would help more. He is a left-handed bat who always seems to heat up in August in spetember. ( when I say heat up I mean hit over .350)  He can play 4 positions. With Credes back being a factor Huff would be a HUGE pick up.

I'd rate Overbay over Huff and I'm not as high on Overbay as some. Also, Overbay is a lefty as well. The way I see it Huff may be versatile, which can be nice, but with the Drays asking price (I wouldn't give up Bmac in a Huff deal) I can't see it making sense.


Overbay on the other hand, I'd give up a package like Sweeney/Gio or Anderson and a guy like Tracey.


Of course I still think Chad Tracey would be sweet.

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QUOTE(3E8 @ Jul 26, 2005 -> 12:22 PM)
If you get Overbay and Frank returns then what?  You will have two of PK, Frank, Overbay, and Everett sitting each game, right?

I don't worry about Frank. He's not that good and quite frankly, a move for Overbay would spell the end for the Big Man (something I'm rooting for because quite frankly it makes zero sense to give him that type of money).

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QUOTE(Chisoxfn @ Jul 26, 2005 -> 09:07 PM)
I don't worry about Frank.  He's not that good and quite frankly, a move for Overbay would spell the end for the Big Man (something I'm rooting for because quite frankly it makes zero sense to give him that type of money).


AHA! So you are Stephen A. Smith.

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QUOTE(YASNY @ Jul 26, 2005 -> 11:00 PM)
From everything I've heard out of the Brewers, Overbay never has been on the market.  That doesn't mean that he won't be traded, though.

According to some Brewer fans Overbay WILL be traded this year.

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Not so good on the Burnett front;


Miami Herald -

And it might be the only one the Marlins pull off before Sunday's nonwaiver trade deadline. On Tuesday, Florida turned down the latest offer from the Boston Red Sox, who have been trying for weeks to wrestle pitcher A.J. Burnett from the Marlins. Talks with the Baltimore Orioles about Burnett also appear unlikely to regain traction, leaving the Chicago White Sox as the only team still actively pursuing the pitcher.


And even their hopes appear dim at best.


And while all this could change after Boston starter Matt Clement was carried off the field in Tampa on Tuesday, many of Burnett's teammates, who seemed resigned to his departure 10 days ago, now believe he will be in a Marlins uniform for the rest of the season.


Sun - Times - http://www.suntimes.com/output/sox/cst-spt-ssep27.html

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QUOTE(DBAH0 @ Jul 27, 2005 -> 05:25 AM)
Not so good on the Burnett front;


Miami Herald -


Sun - Times - http://www.suntimes.com/output/sox/cst-spt-ssep27.html

yep, both florida papers, teh miami herald and sun sentinel said that the odds of burnett being dealt are slim. they did both say however that the red sox appear to have fallen out of the bidding, leaving the white sox as the only team really pursuing him. it said that could change with clement having been hit, and boston could feel like they need to up the anti

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QUOTE(DBAH0 @ Jul 27, 2005 -> 05:25 AM)
Not so good on the Burnett front;


Miami Herald -


Sun - Times - http://www.suntimes.com/output/sox/cst-spt-ssep27.html



I still think its brinksmanship. When you have lots of interest you play one off another. When you have little interest you play like you want to keep him. I think AJ will be dealt, I just think the Marlins want to maximise their bounty that they shall receive on the AJ transaction.

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QUOTE(southsideirish71 @ Jul 27, 2005 -> 07:31 AM)
I still think its brinksmanship.  When you have lots of interest you play one off another.  When you have little interest you play like you want to keep him.  I think AJ will be dealt, I just think the Marlins want to maximise their bounty that they shall receive on the AJ transaction.

i tend to agree, especially with the way the national media is involved in every step of this thing, anythign that is released really influences the deal. which imo is the reason KW always wants to fly under the radar....

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QUOTE(southsideirish71 @ Jul 27, 2005 -> 08:31 AM)
I still think its brinksmanship.  When you have lots of interest you play one off another.  When you have little interest you play like you want to keep him.  I think AJ will be dealt, I just think the Marlins want to maximise their bounty that they shall receive on the AJ transaction.


I agree. Jayson Stark said on Mike & Mike this morning that the Marlins were "calling people like me" to spread the word that they were leaning toward keeping Burnett. You call the media to get the word out about that, and you are angling for a bigger deal.

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QUOTE(daa84 @ Jul 27, 2005 -> 07:34 AM)
i tend to agree, especially with the way the national media is involved in every step of this thing, anythign that is released really influences the deal. which imo is the reason KW always wants to fly under the radar....



This flying under the radar thing is overrated. Its not KW who is leaking anything, but the other side who tries to get more parties interested. Everyone is so shocked that these deals are being publicized, but its more of the other team drumming up interest.

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QUOTE(greasywheels121 @ Jul 27, 2005 -> 11:41 PM)
I just hope we're done with the Burnett sweepstakes.  He's just not worth the price.  I can justify it much more for a guy like Overbay, Griffey, Schmidt, or Wagner.

I'd take out Griffey on that list, unless the Reds pay most of his deferred contract which goes until 2024, you just don't want to be paying a guy until then, especially when there's always the threat of injury with Griffey.

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QUOTE(DBAH0 @ Jul 27, 2005 -> 08:43 AM)
I'd take out Griffey on that list, unless the Reds pay most of his deferred contract which goes until 2024, you just don't to be paying a guy until then, especially when there's always the threat of injury with Griffey.


True...I'm iffy on Griffey (you know you like that rhyme :lol: ), but I'd consider him more of a need for this club over Burnett. I just do not see Burnett making us better.

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QUOTE(greasywheels121 @ Jul 27, 2005 -> 11:44 PM)
True...I'm iffy on Griffey (you know you like that rhyme  :lol: ), but I'd consider him more of a need for this club over Burnett.  I just do not see Burnett making us better.

Burnett makes us deeper in our rotation, however is the need for a good #4 starter in the playoffs that important over a stud pitching prospect who could be in our rotation for a good 5 to 10 years (if he's not rushed) and one of our best set-up men? I'd say no, and go after Vizquel, Schmidt or Wagner, and a lefty LOOGY like Villone or Eyre if the price is right.

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