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screw this "who do you want to win the WC" talk

Greg Hibbard

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Bring on Oakland. Bring on WHOEVER. Sorry folks, but just winning a playoff series might cut it for some of you, but it doesn't cut it with me. I want a WS appearance, at the very least. This team might be able to do it. It might not. But I wanna know.


I wanna know if this team is for real. Bring on whoever is the toughest. Bring em all on. I don't want to pussyfoot around a bad matchup.


If we can't beat Oakland, we don't deserve to go the WS.

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QUOTE(Greg Hibbard @ Jul 26, 2005 -> 12:21 PM)
Bring on Oakland. Bring on WHOEVER. Sorry folks, but just winning a playoff series might cut it for some of you, but it doesn't cut it with me. I want a WS appearance, at the very least. This team might be able to do it. It might not. But I wanna know.


I wanna know if this team is for real. Bring on whoever is the toughest. Bring em all on. I don't want to pussyfoot around a bad matchup.


If we can't beat Oakland, we don't deserve to go the WS.

You are probably the worst thread maker in the history of the world.... :huh

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QUOTE(Greg Hibbard @ Jul 26, 2005 -> 11:25 AM)
seriously, what the hell is your problem.


The problem is that you didnt need to create a thread to express your thought. You could have said that in the "Who are you rooting for" thread, and it would have been just fine. Instead, you make a thread such as this, and try and call out everyone involved in that thread. Say what you want, just say it in the appropriate forum.

Edited by kyyle23
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QUOTE(Greg Hibbard @ Jul 26, 2005 -> 12:25 PM)
seriously, what the hell is your problem.

I am perfectly fine. It's just that you start some of the wierdest threads. Like the Yankee's one with the same record as us since like May 6th. How about "Isn;t Joe Crede just Jose Valentin"? Or 'Our Record against probable 1st rounbd foes" ON JULY 18th! We haven't even faced all of them yet. I think you just need to really think about your threads before you start them. Do we really need another thread about this? There is like 9 open threads about playoff opponents. Just no need...

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Bring on Oakland. Bring on WHOEVER. Sorry folks, but just winning a playoff series might cut it for some of you, but it doesn't cut it with me. I want a WS appearance, at the very least. This team might be able to do it. It might not. But I wanna know.


I wanna know if this team is for real. Bring on whoever is the toughest. Bring em all on. I don't want to pussyfoot around a bad matchup.


If we can't beat Oakland, we don't deserve to go the WS.



THANK YOU i totaly agree with you. if we cant beat the A's we dont deserve to be in the world series. I am glad we agree....Nice post!

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QUOTE(Greg Hibbard @ Jul 26, 2005 -> 11:37 AM)
Thank you! I was hoping people would respond like this!


they probably would have if you would have said it in the right forum. If you would have bothered to look, I pretty much said the same thing, yesterday.


post 13: Who are you "rooting" for


I almost want Oakland to win the wildcard. You cant hope for the worse teams to get into the playoffs just so you can beat up on them to advance to the ALCS. No matter what, you are going to be facing two of the top 4 teams in the AL(If you advance), and eventually the top team in the NL. You arent going to find out if you can be competitive in the WS and ALCS by pounding a lesser team in the first round. Bring on the big boys, beat the big boys, get some respect along the way. The Angels had to do it the hard way, the Marlins had to do it the hard way, and the Red Sox had to do it the hard way. There is no easy way.

Edited by kyyle23
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Well, to Greg Hibbard's defense, this is a message board. As long as the content isn't in bad taste, I think he's entitled to start a thread like this, if he wants. If you don't like it, don't respond. If the thread is dumb enough, it will most likely fall to the bottom of the page.

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QUOTE(KevHead0881 @ Jul 26, 2005 -> 12:44 PM)
Well, to Greg Hibbard's defense, this is a message board.  As long as the content isn't in bad taste, I think he's entitled to start a thread like this, if he wants.  If you don't like it, don't respond.  If the thread is dumb enough, it will most likely fall to the bottom of the page.

Fair enough....

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You regulars are seriously more anal about thread space, organization and posting style than possibly any other bulletin board in the history of the universe.


I understand many of you have a certain way of doing things. When I have a thought, sometimes I put up a new thread before sifting through every single post in every thread on the first page. To me, a thread is no big deal. It's just a thread. If people don't like it, I expect em to ignore it.


To some of you, it seems a new thread must be of a certain standard to be worthy of being in this forum.


To my way of thinking, that's just not what boarding is about. On any topic.

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QUOTE(Greg Hibbard @ Jul 26, 2005 -> 11:21 AM)
Bring on Oakland. Bring on WHOEVER. Sorry folks, but just winning a playoff series might cut it for some of you, but it doesn't cut it with me. I want a WS appearance, at the very least. This team might be able to do it. It might not. But I wanna know.


I wanna know if this team is for real. Bring on whoever is the toughest. Bring em all on. I don't want to pussyfoot around a bad matchup.


If we can't beat Oakland, we don't deserve to go the WS.



I'm right there with you.



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QUOTE(Greg Hibbard @ Jul 26, 2005 -> 11:45 AM)
You regulars are seriously more anal about thread space, organization and posting style than possibly any other bulletin board in the history of the universe.


I understand many of you have a certain way of doing things. When I have a thought, sometimes I put up a new thread before sifting through every single post in every thread on the first page. To me, a thread is no big deal. It's just a thread. If people don't like it, I expect em to ignore it.


To some of you, it seems a new thread must be of a certain standard to be worthy of being in this forum.


To my way of thinking, that's just not what boarding is about. On any topic.

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QUOTE(Greg Hibbard @ Jul 26, 2005 -> 11:45 AM)
You regulars are seriously more anal about thread space, organization and posting style than possibly any other bulletin board in the history of the universe.

This board is about the most laid back in terms of those issues that I've ever posted at.

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QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Jul 26, 2005 -> 11:56 AM)
Gotta love the newbies who come in looking for a fight...




Don't discount the vets..


Had NUKE made this thread everyone would be rushing in here to give him a "HELL YEA". :rolly

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QUOTE(Steff @ Jul 26, 2005 -> 12:14 PM)
Don't discount the vets..


Had NUKE made this thread everyone would be rushing in here to give him a "HELL YEA".  :rolly


And if you had made it, all of your stalkers would have been attacking you, and then PMing me to save them once you snapped. :bang

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QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Jul 26, 2005 -> 11:56 AM)
Gotta love the newbies who come in looking for a fight...

I don't see how this is looking for a fight :huh Greg is just posting his opinion. He's also been here 3 months. Considering how many new people joined in the last month alone,(since the soxtalk plug from hawk at least :P ) he should be considered a vet .

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QUOTE(Steff @ Jul 26, 2005 -> 11:14 AM)
Don't discount the vets..


Had NUKE made this thread everyone would be rushing in here to give him a "HELL YEA".  :rolly



Funny you said that cause I didn't even bother looking at this thread till someone PMed me and said you dragged me into it.


People who go through all the threads searching high and low for something they can twist around to make it sound offensive then start screaming about it are far more of a problem than anything me or other posters like me ever did. I mean god forbid people have fun here and express their opinions.


Kev said it best in an earlier post in this thread, if you don't like what a poster has to say then just keep scrolling. Nobody is putting a gun to your head and forcing you to read the opinions of others. There would be a lot fewer fights around here if people would stop jumping up and down screaming bloody murder every time someone posted something they didn't agree with.




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QUOTE(Greg Hibbard @ Jul 26, 2005 -> 10:21 AM)
Bring on Oakland. Bring on WHOEVER. Sorry folks, but just winning a playoff series might cut it for some of you, but it doesn't cut it with me. I want a WS appearance, at the very least. This team might be able to do it. It might not. But I wanna know.


I wanna know if this team is for real. Bring on whoever is the toughest. Bring em all on. I don't want to pussyfoot around a bad matchup.


If we can't beat Oakland, we don't deserve to go the WS.


My sentiments exactly. I want at least a first round win, if not a WS appearance. I'm getting too old for a one and done and five year drought. I, for one, don't care if they play Oakland. Zito's tough, otherwise, bring 'em on. :cheers

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QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Jul 26, 2005 -> 12:52 PM)
Funny you said that cause I didn't even bother looking at this thread till someone PMed me and said you dragged me into it. 



Even funnier is I didn't "drag" you into it as a means to be derogatory.. :rolly I made an example of posters who are liked getting props for saying something harmless versus someone who is new, or not liked getting s*** on.


And to whomever PM'd you that... :crying :crying :dips***.



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