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screw this "who do you want to win the WC" talk

Greg Hibbard

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QUOTE(Greg Hibbard @ Jul 26, 2005 -> 11:21 AM)
Bring on Oakland. Bring on WHOEVER. Sorry folks, but just winning a playoff series might cut it for some of you, but it doesn't cut it with me. I want a WS appearance, at the very least. This team might be able to do it. It might not. But I wanna know.


I wanna know if this team is for real. Bring on whoever is the toughest. Bring em all on. I don't want to pussyfoot around a bad matchup.


If we can't beat Oakland, we don't deserve to go the WS.

If we do beat Oakland in the playoffs, that would feel pretty good. My stress level will undoubtedly be lower if we don't have to face them, though....


I don't care who we beat, just as long as we win a World Series in my lifetime. And preferably this year!


:gosox1: :gosox3: :gosox2:

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QUOTE(Steff @ Jul 26, 2005 -> 02:46 PM)
Even funnier is I didn't "drag" you into it as a means to be derogatory..  :rolly  I made an example of posters who are liked getting props for saying something harmless versus someone who is new, or not liked getting s*** on.


And to whomever PM'd you that...  :crying  :crying  :dips***.



Who doesn't like NUKE? You cant not like NUKE. If you do, he'll hunt you down and pull out the HK 47..... :huh

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QUOTE(SoxFan1 @ Jul 26, 2005 -> 04:08 PM)
Who doesn't like NUKE? You cant not like NUKE. If you do, he'll hunt you down and pull out the HK 47..... :huh




Where did I say someone didn't like NUKE...? :stick

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QUOTE(SoxFan1 @ Jul 26, 2005 -> 03:08 PM)
Who doesn't like NUKE? You cant not like NUKE. If you do, he'll hunt you down and pull out the HK 47..... :huh


Do you mean AK 47, the Soviet made assault rifle. I might be mistaken but I don't think Hechler and Koch make a model 47.

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The problem is that you didnt need to create a thread to express your thought.  You could have said that in the "Who are you rooting for" thread, and it would have been just fine.  Instead, you make a thread such as this, and try and call out everyone involved in that thread.  Say what you want, just say it in the appropriate forum.


f*** It dude, lets go bowling.

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QUOTE(DABearSoX @ Jul 26, 2005 -> 11:48 AM)
Yea I want at least a WS appearence too, but I will take it anyway it will get here, preferably the easiest



Id have to agree. Id take a WS victory if the opposing team's plane crashed on the way to Chicago and had to forfeit. :gosoxretro: :gosox3: :gosox2:

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