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Who is the best Sox prospect not named Borchard?

Chris B

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On stuff alone it's Diaz easily.


I'd say our best position prospect who hasn't reached the majors would have to be Hummel.


Best pitcher is Diaz or Honel.


In two years I'd expect a rotation of:


Buehrle (Resign em!)






/me spazms

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Originally posted by Cerbaho-WG

On stuff alone it's Diaz easily. 


I'd say our best position prospect who hasn't reached the majors would have to be Hummel.


Best pitcher is Diaz or Honel.


In two years I'd expect a rotation of:


Buehrle (Resign em!)






/me spazms


Cerb can you imagine if Diaz becomes a pedro-like starter and Honel becomes a stud? It's gonna be f***ing sick

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Diaz is amazing as long as his arm stays healthy. The guy has absolutely sick stuff.


I get excited everytime I think about that pitching staff. Those guys aren't overhyped, when it comes to honel and Diaz or Rauch.


The thing is we need Garland to get settled and Rauch to get settled by the time Diaz and then Honel hit the rotation that way we have 3 solid starters with 2 younger guys, even though all 5 are young.

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Originally posted by Murcielago
Originally posted by Cerbaho-WG

On stuff alone it's Diaz easily. 


I'd say our best position prospect who hasn't reached the majors would have to be Hummel.


Best pitcher is Diaz or Honel.


In two years I'd expect a rotation of:


Buehrle (Resign em!)






/me spazms


Cerb can you imagine if Diaz becomes a pedro-like starter and Honel becomes a stud? It's gonna be f***ing sick


And then JM won't pay them.

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Originally posted by Mike South24

I'd say Honel.


Great minds think alike :headbang I'm pretty confident that Honel will turn heads the same way Buehrle did as long as they don't rush his development. And let's not forget South's ability to judge talent. He was jocking Crede earlier than anyone I know ;)

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Originally posted by CubKilla
Originally posted by Mike South24

I'd say Honel.


Great minds think alike :headbang I'm pretty confident that Honel will turn heads the same way Buehrle did as long as they don't rush his development. And let's not forget South's ability to judge talent


It took a while to convince you. :D

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Originally posted by Mike South24
Originally posted by CubKilla
Originally posted by Mike South24

I'd say Honel.


Great minds think alike :headbang I'm pretty confident that Honel will turn heads the same way Buehrle did as long as they don't rush his development. And let's not forget South's ability to judge talent


No one happier than me that I'm convinced :D

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Originally posted by Chisoxfn

I think Rauch and Honel are guys that will just burst onto the scene cause they both flat out know how to pitch and have good stuff.


I hate to say it, but Rauch reminds me of a real dumbass. He might have a hard time "learning how to pitch" . Rauch is lost once he releases the ball. He never knows where to be on a play. Just reminds me of a real dumbass. I hope i'm wrong. How can you not like a 7ft. tall pitcher?

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Guest hotsoxchick1

i will go against the odds here and put almonte as my guy.....of course olivo always takes the top honors but can we really call him a prospect anymore???? and cant call valentine a prospect can we??? i will also take aaron miles......if we can make some room up here for him he will blaze the field one of these days.......so i take miles and almonte....but i would rather be able to pick olivo and valentine..........

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