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Frank popping up almost every single inside pitch? Is this guy a moron? Can he not see all pitchers are gonna jam him? Has he not been in the league long enough to f***ing make adjustments? :bang :bang

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Not that there is a particular hot bat that would do any better, but Frank is killing this team in the 3-hole.

I realize he was MVP twice and a great hitter in the past, but he just seems so stupid. I mean you can see it coming. An inside pitch and the result? A pop up.

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Frank popped out once last night (3rd) with a walk (1st) and a near home run in the 6th -


I don't think Frank is killing us at all. It is a team effort. Hell, if PK gets a hit in the 1st or 3rd, we would have tightened it up -

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I guess Frank never sees that meat right down the middle of plate on the first pitch of nearly every AB. Frank never swings at that pitch until the game is on the line.

Maybe i am just really frustrated, but Frank Thomas just comes across as a f***ing moron.

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Frank popped out once last night (3rd) with a walk (1st) and a near home run in the 6th -


I don't think Frank is killing us at all.  It is a team effort.  Hell, if PK gets a hit in the 1st or 3rd, we would have tightened it up -

I know what you're saying cw..... even though Frank fouled out late in the game on a pop-up..... 8th inning I think. I'm just stating that if this team was hitting and Frank was doing what he is doing now in the 3-spot, he'd be killing the team.

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The problem with Frank is he looks lost at the plate. He is drawing a lot of walks, which in theory is good, but we need him driving in runs. We need doubles, a few HR's mixed in and two-out hits that score runners.


Those are the things Frank is not giving us right now.

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The problem with Frank is he looks lost at the plate.  He is drawing a lot of walks, which in theory is good, but we need him driving in runs.  We need doubles, a few HR's mixed in and two-out hits that score runners. 


Those are the things Frank is not giving us right now.

Thanks Rex :headbang


Didn't know how to say it without making walks sound like a bad thing. You did it nicely ;)

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The problem with Frank is he looks lost at the plate.  He is drawing a lot of walks, which in theory is good, but we need him driving in runs.  We need doubles, a few HR's mixed in and two-out hits that score runners. 


Those are the things Frank is not giving us right now.

If this b**** wants to stand there and take pitches so he can lead teh league in walks, bat him leadoff!! We need someone to drive him over 100 runs from the 3 spot. :angry:

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The problem with Frank is he looks lost at the plate.  He is drawing a lot of walks, which in theory is good, but we need him driving in runs.  We need doubles, a few HR's mixed in and two-out hits that score runners. 


Those are the things Frank is not giving us right now.

Thanks Rex :headbang


Didn't know how to say it without making walks sound like a bad thing. You did it nicely ;)

I'm all for walks, if he can get hits and drive in runs when he is not walking.

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Frank popping up almost every single inside pitch? Is this guy a moron? Can he not see all pitchers are gonna jam him? Has he not been in the league long enough to f***ing make adjustments?


Actually he is a smart man by all accounts but intelligence is often your biggest enemy when it comes to sports, sex, etc if the instincts aren't there or are "overruled" by thinking and anxiety...Let's face it: Frank Thomas is a mental case now and with unarguably declined batspeed, caused by age or over-thinking or both, there is absolutely no way he can afford to sit on breaking stuff and still be able to adjust to a good fastball like Bonds, Soriano, Guerrero, Delgado, A-Rod and others manage to do on regular basis.


Aging is not a(s big a) problem when you are Palmeiro. Edgar, Baines, McGwire, L-Gonzo, Bonds, Sosa, etc because what you lose in quickness you make up in experience/improving eye/mental aspect of the game....Double guessing yourself and being a self-conscious perfectionist is great between atbats but Frank is often doing it between pitches and in the unforgiving split-second nature of baseball, there is simply no place for that.


This is not the same Frank we saw in 2000 which was his swan song. I truly hope I am wrong though and he busts out for a 1200 OPS, MVP type season and leads the Sox to a 99-win season, I really do

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You guys are right when you say Frank is hurting us in the three spot. I've been saying it for a long time. But, regardless of that argument, Frank simply is not going anywhere next year. No other team will take him and his contract. The Sox are stuck. Even if Frank somehow manages to hit .250 this year, which I strongly doubt, next year he will be older and slower.


Having said all that, there is no one else on the team that can assume the DH role and be expected to hit better that .250. We are a s***ty offensive team.


But I will say that Frank sure looks like he is in shape.

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im wondering if frank , at this point in his career , might benefit and have a better chance of returning to the frank of old if he worked on changing his swing to a more convetional approach...there is just so much movement in his swing..something is always gonna go wrong...the only problem with that is if he did decide to change gary ward is the guy he has to turn to :o

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Frank should be hitting in the 5 hole with Carlos in the 3 hole. I'd actually rather have Thomas in the 6 hole, but I'll let Konerko be there.


I really want to see Harris stick and then we can move Jose back in the 6 hole and Konerko in the 7 or Thomas in the 7 and then Crede and Olivo/Alomar.

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Frank should be hitting in the 5 hole with Carlos in the 3 hole.  I'd actually rather have Thomas in the 6 hole, but I'll let Konerko be there. 


I really want to see Harris stick and then we can move Jose back in the 6 hole and Konerko in the 7 or Thomas in the 7 and then Crede and Olivo/Alomar.

Frank in the 3 hole isn't helping us at all right now. He's supposedly seeing better pitches because he's in front of Maggs and he's still not hitting.


I agree with Valentin 6th, he's got a good amount of pop and is usually a good RBI man....and he's not going to steal any bases at the top of the order anyway. You also might see that average start to dip, which is why you'd like him lower in the order.

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You guys are right when you say Frank is hurting us in the three spot.  I've been saying it for a long time.  But, regardless of that argument, Frank simply is not going anywhere next year.  No other team will take him and his contract.  The Sox are stuck.  Even if Frank somehow manages to hit .250 this year, which I strongly doubt, next year he will be older and slower.


Having said all that, there is no one else on the team that can assume the DH role and be expected to hit better that .250.  We are a s***ty offensive team.


But I will say that Frank sure looks like he is in shape.

You think Frank will have a .250 average at season's end?



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You think Frank will have a .250 average at season's end?


Who gives a s*** about average?! OPS is where it's at, pops.


Everyone is in a slump including the Big Hurt. I have seen some awfully good swings on his part and think he will come out of it. He is frustrated with how he is being pitched and will make adjustments.



Huh? What the hell are you talking about? For every "good" thing I see from Frank's swing I see 3-4 "awful" things. He may be indeed a relaxed, rejuvenated teamplayer or whatever, but he is no longer a 1st round HOF lock, once-in-a-generation type hitter he was way back. Sorry, he just ain't.


Everyone in the slump? That may or may not be true, but it's one thing when it's Olivo or Crede or Harris who are learning the league...and another when it's your biggest gun of all. Don't get me wrong, Magglio took a step back this season and Konerko/Lee pair has pretty much proven that they can't hit anything that's not a mistake fastball or a hanging breaking ball, they get no excuses from me...but this is all about Frank right now.


As for the last part of your statement, he is seeing literally 3 times more pitches than either Sosa or Bonds. Stop babying this guy and making so many excuses and raise your effin' expecations.......if you want to see this team go deep into the playoffs really bad that is. We need Frank post up 1200 OPS and drive in 150 runs, not 830 and 90 respectively, mmkay?


Afterall, he was the s***talker about how he is the best this, the best that, deserves a lot of this and a lot of that...Well, it's all good and dandy, Frank, but you must put your bat where your mouth is. It's not like you're gonna win a lot of games with your mighty defense or baserunning...nah, instead he is a perpetual excuse maker.

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Everyone is in a slump including the Big Hurt. I have seen some awfully good swings on his part and think he will come out of it. He is frustrated with how he is being pitched and will make adjustments.

Everyone on this team is in a one month slump, you could argue. Thomas is in a one YEAR and one month "slump". Big difference there. I have more hope for everyone else to come out of their slumps before i believe thomas will come out of his, that's for sure.

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Everyone is in a slump including the Big Hurt. I have seen some awfully good swings on his part and think he will come out of it. He is frustrated with how he is being pitched and will make adjustments.

ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm no offense but when do you expect this loser to make adjustments? Nearly 20 percent of the season is already gone.

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Bmr, leave him alone. Why arent you ripping on PK and Crede, who suck even more than Thomas right now? These two have done nothing for this team, but Frank is a southside legend. He leads the franchise all-time in homers, and like every offensive category imaginable. The man deserves a break. He looks a little lost but he is hardly the worst problem on this struggling offense. So could we all cut the man a break? He is one of the best players to ever play on this team, now that hes struggling I think we should cut him some slack...

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