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Quote: "Stop stealing our oil and wealth and stop supporting corrupt rulers."

The bad guys are getting smarter in their rhetoric. Painting Haliburton as a group of pirates pillaging your lands is an effective means for recruitment.


LCR's quote on religion is dumber than a box of rocks. The best analogy to religion is nuclear power. It's benefit to mankind far outweighs it's destructive capability. Both can leave a wake of horrific violence in their path when used for evil/greedy purposes. But absent of man's evil intentions both are naturally good.

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QUOTE(JUGGERNAUT @ Aug 7, 2005 -> 01:41 PM)
Quote: "Stop stealing our oil and wealth and stop supporting corrupt rulers."

The bad guys are getting smarter in their rhetoric.  Painting Haliburton as a group of pirates pillaging your lands is an effective means for recruitment.


LCR's quote on religion is dumber than a box of rocks.  The best analogy to religion is nuclear power.  It's benefit to mankind far outweighs it's destructive capability.  Both can leave a wake of horrific violence in their path when used for evil/greedy purposes.  But absent of man's evil intentions both are naturally good.

Yeah cuz religion never caused mass slaughters or violence at all Please, religion and fundamentalism are the two greatest scourges facing the world today because all they have been and all they are are scapegoats for people to get away with bigotry, hate, violence, death and destruction.


To quote the immortal Lenny Bruce: All religions teach what should be, which seems rather incorrect. This is "what should be." Now, if you're taught to live up to a "what should be" that never existed -- only an occult superstition, no proof of this "should be" -- then you can sit on a jury and indict easily, you can cast the first stone, you can burn Adolf Eichmann, [snaps fingers] like that!


You can't say organized religion is "naturally good" when its violence far outweighs any positives. More people have been killed in the name of God than anything else.

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You can't say organized religion is "naturally good" when its violence far outweighs any positives.  More people have been killed in the name of God than anything else.


Dumb & stupid. The sadest thing is you are clueless as to why. :rolly

What all of your posts pertaining to religion strongly suggest though is that you have little to no tolerance for those of us who are registered members of a faith. All 5 billion+ of us in this world. Is it unreasonable to call you a hate-monger? Is it unreasonable to suggest that if you had the power to eliminate those of us who belong to a faith you would use it?


I'll :pray God blesses you with wisdom to study history from an impartial perspective.

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QUOTE(JUGGERNAUT @ Aug 7, 2005 -> 02:59 PM)
Dumb & stupid.  The sadest thing is you are clueless as to why.  :rolly 

What all of your posts pertaining to religion strongly suggest though is that you have little to no tolerance for those of us who are registered members of a faith.  All 5 billion+ of us in this world.  Is it unreasonable to call you a hate-monger?  Is it unreasonable to suggest that if you had the power to eliminate those of us who belong to a faith you would use it?


I'll :pray God blesses you with wisdom to study history from an impartial perspective.

Being called a hatemonger by one of the people who spews the most venom on this board. And being called dumb and stupid, at least I know how to spell "saddest" there, champ.


We've got the Crusades, the Spanish Inquisition, Jonestown, bombings of clinics, the Olympic bombing.


I don't have a problem if you pray to invisible squirrels in your pants -- whatever gets you through your day. But I also recognize the threat of fundamentalism in the world since it has caused many of the world's most violent activities. When religion gets mixed into government and there are attempts to put a certain moral code into law (i.e. we need government to tell us what video games people can buy, what women can do with their bodies etc.) to suit a certain religious ideology, especially in a secular society -- that is when I have a problem with it.


Organized religion with as much blood on its hands as it has cannot be called "naturally good".

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QUOTE(LowerCaseRepublican @ Aug 7, 2005 -> 10:42 PM)
Being called a hatemonger by one of the people who spews the most venom on this board.  And being called dumb and stupid, at least I know how to spell "saddest" there, champ.


We've got the Crusades, the Spanish Inquisition, Jonestown, bombings of clinics, the Olympic bombing.


I don't have a problem if you pray to invisible squirrels in your pants -- whatever gets you through your day.  But I also recognize the threat of fundamentalism in the world since it has caused many of the world's most violent activities.  When religion gets mixed into government and there are attempts to put a certain moral code into law (i.e. we need government to tell us what video games people can buy, what women can do with their bodies etc.) to suit a certain religious ideology, especially in a secular society -- that is when I have a problem with it.


Organized religion with as much blood on its hands as it has cannot be called "naturally good".



But having said that, some of these people that speak for my God sure don't know my God.

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Being called a hatemonger by one of the people who spews the most venom on this board.  And being called dumb and stupid, at least I know how to spell "saddest" there, champ.


We've got the Crusades, the Spanish Inquisition, Jonestown, bombings of clinics, the Olympic bombing.


I don't have a problem if you pray to invisible squirrels in your pants -- whatever gets you through your day.  But I also recognize the threat of fundamentalism in the world since it has caused many of the world's most violent activities.  When religion gets mixed into government and there are attempts to put a certain moral code into law (i.e. we need government to tell us what video games people can buy, what women can do with their bodies etc.) to suit a certain religious ideology, especially in a secular society -- that is when I have a problem with it.


Organized religion with as much blood on its hands as it has cannot be called "naturally good".


That's why I will continue to :pray for you. You should try expanding your knowledge beyond the text book. Go in depth in a subject for once in your life. You will be made better for it.


The role of religion in the Crusades & other era's of imperialism in the world was simply to provide a moral justification for pillaging. Pillaging would have occured regardless. Millions of martyrs died for their faith in the most gruesome ways imaginable from the dawn of organized religion to the emergence of Roman Catholicism. There was no religious cause behind their death. Just the act of dictatorship & tyranny that saw them as a threat to power.


With the emergence of the RC dictators had to at least provide a justification that could be "blessed" by the Church before expanding their empire. The Church represented a buffer from the cruelty of the past. A road to civilization thru God.

Without the Church's role many more millions would have died.


As that buffer it was inevitable that the Church would be corrupted by men in power.

They wanted the Church to be a rubber stamp for their actions & when members of the Church stood up against that they too became martyrs of their faith. Not all who served the Church were willing to die for their faith or to give up their livelihood so they became that rubber stamp. In doing so they provided a moral justification for the ruler's desires.


Religion is naturally good. It is man who corrupts it. It is no different than politics in that regards.




A typo is not indicative of a person's intelligence but rather the time s/he can devote to proofing posts on a sport's message board. I write very fast & assume that the level of literacy at SOXTALK is sufficient to understand a post despite typo's or grammatical errors. It's why I think it is spineless, weak, & petty to use such things in an argumentative context in a post. Another reason why I continue to :pray for you.

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QUOTE(Kid Gleason @ Aug 4, 2005 -> 10:34 AM)
Hey! We're in the clear!!! He keeps saying "God willing", and I am pretty sure that God isn't on the side of f***ed up lunatics if he is on anybodies side!!!




I can think of 1 effed up lunatic that thinks he is... :rolly

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I want to further add that the same thing is happening today in the Muslim world. The militants want the clerics to bless their actions. When that doesn't happen the cleric's life & livelihood is threatened. Do you honestly believe men educated at Harvard are waging this war because of their belief in God?


They are waging the war for power. Their way of life represents centralized power in their hands. Power that extends beyond borders & cultures. With or without God they will continue to wage that war. Those that stand in their way including clerics will be crushed.

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The links to Darwinism & mass-murder:


World's worst mass-murderer of Jews:

Adolf Hitler (1889–1945). Eugenic's was founded by Charles Darwin's cousin, Francis Galton gave birth to the idea of breeding a superior race by dividing the human race into the "fit" & "unfit". Hitler took the work that was general in description & seduced the German people into believing they were the "master" race & all others were "unfit". Unfit became unworthy & unworthy became targeted for extermination. All total it is said the Nazi's are responsible for murdering 20 million, including 6 million Jews.


Leon Trotsky (1879–1940) quote: “Darwin stood for me like a mightly doorkeeper at the entrance to the temple of the universe.” Prior to his rise to power Catholicism was wide-spread in the Russian empire. But having read Origin of Species, Trotsky was convinced there was no room for both Darwinism & God in the Russian empire. He paved the way for Stalin by waging war against Christians in Russia. He was intent on ridding Russia of religion.


World's worst mass-murderer ever:

Joseph Stalin (1879–1953), while studying at Tiflis Theological Seminary

at the age of 19 he started to read Charles Darwin & became an atheist.

http://www.hawaii.edu/powerkills/COM.ART.HTM. It is said he is responsible for killing 43 million including 8 million in born of the Ukraine.


The Soviet Union murdered 61 million.

Communist regimes throughout history murdered 110 million including 2 million Cambodians.


In comparison 38 million have died in battle or as casualties of war in all international wars.


Famine & disease under Communist regimes has claimed 55 million.

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Leon Trotsky (1879–1940) quote: “Darwin stood for me like a mightly doorkeeper at the entrance to the temple of the universe.” Prior to his rise to power Catholicism was wide-spread in the Russian empire. But having read Origin of Species, Trotsky was convinced there was no room for both Darwinism & God in the Russian empire. He paved the way for Stalin by waging war against Christians in Russia. He was intent on ridding Russia of religion.


Trotsky was later also Stalin's biggest opponent. And how did he wage war against the Christians? The Reds versus whites? and I thought the whites stood for all religious freedoms? I don't really get your point.

Edited by KipWellsFan
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QUOTE(KipWellsFan @ Aug 9, 2005 -> 09:29 PM)
Trotsky was later also Stalin's biggest opponent.  And how did he wage war against the Christians?  The Reds versus whites? and I thought the whites stood for all religious freedoms?  I don't really get your point.

His point is that Darwin was responsible for Hitler and Stalin and all the evil they did and therefore anyone who believes in evolution is equivalent to Hitler.

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QUOTE(JUGGERNAUT @ Aug 11, 2005 -> 08:10 AM)
The point is obvious:

Heathens, atheists, & communists are responsible for the VAST majority of murder in human history.  An estimated 160 million & counting.

Christianity played a HUGE part in the largest mass murder capaign in world history. Not to mention a large extermination of native american based on manifest destiny. There are many relgions who have history they would like to forget. Our origin plays a large part in our biased views on relgion and its role in the world. Many other relgious groups have a much more negative view on Christians as well as Americans, whilst we believe that many of our deeds are for the good of the many.

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