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Steroids in other sports

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I only kinda follow baseball, so I'm not very familiar with other sports. A few random questions popped into my head the other day.


1. I assume at least a few NFL players have been busted for roids. Have any of them been big names or Pro Bowlers or even record holders? IIRC and I could be wrong, NFL guys just serve their suspensions and return to the game. Fans seem to forgive them and forget pretty easily and they move on. Why are baseball fans less forgiving and tolerant?


2. Do you think there is steroid usage in the NBA? Clearly, current players are a lot bigger than in the old days. Plus bulking up a 6 foot 10 inch frame seems like it would be tougher to do than your what your average MLB player juicer is trying to do. Do they test for it in the NBA?

Edited by LosMediasBlancas
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Bill Romanowski might be the biggest NFL name who was on the juice...he was on the BALCO program. While he was on it, he attacked and severely injured a teammate during a practice - most likely a fit of "roid rage".


Earlier this year, 4 Carolina Panthers received perscriptions for the stuff.


The NFL probably has the most stringent testing program of any of the 3 major sports (remember when Jim Miller was caught?), but it is by no means perfect. Given how the NFL is based on exerting a lot of force as quickly as possible, I really don't doubt that steroid use of some sort is quite rampant in the NFL. I'm pretty sure that the NFL was the first league that really did pick the stuff up when it first became available for that reason.


In terms of the NBA, they have a testing program (i believe it's updated in the new CBA), but the idea with the NBA has always been that because of how the NBA works - running up and down, speed, endurance, technique - steroids might not be as big of a help in the NBA. I consider that to be BS. Why would so many cyclists get caught using the junk if it didn't help with things like endurance or speed? As far as I know though, there has been no major NBA names who have tested positive for the stuff, but there have been suspicions raised about specific people (Alonzo Mourning is one name I've heard pop up over and over again).

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QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Aug 4, 2005 -> 11:20 AM)
Bill Romanowski might be the biggest NFL name who was on the juice...he was on the BALCO program.  While he was on it, he attacked and severely injured a teammate during a practice - most likely a fit of "roid rage".


Romo supposedly had a little briefcase-type thing filled with pills. He took something like 25 pills a day or some garbage. The guy he punched in the face almost lost vision in that eye, I think.

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QUOTE(SoxFanForever @ Aug 4, 2005 -> 09:38 AM)
Didn't  Julius Peppers get busted recently as well?

He was suspended in 2002. Via NFL.com.


Carolina Panthers  rookie defensive end Julius Peppers was suspended for four games by the NFL for violating the league's substance-abuse policy, his agent said.


Agent Marvin Demoff said the league office told him that Peppers had tested positive for a banned substance in a dietary supplement. A source close to Peppers, speaking on condition of anonymity, said Peppers did not test positive for steroids


Demoff said Peppers would appeal the suspension, meaning he can play in the game against Tampa Bay.


In a statement released together with one from his agent, Peppers said he couldn't discuss the suspension until there's a ruling on his appeal.


"While I would like to provide the fans with more information due to the legal ramifications I cannot comment on the situation and I will not be able to until the appeal process is complete," he said.

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QUOTE(SoxFanForever @ Aug 4, 2005 -> 11:38 AM)
Didn't  Julius Peppers get busted recently as well?


A few summers ago, I worked with a guy who played (and I assume still plays) for UNC. Apparently, just about everyone on the team knew Peppers was on more than one illegal drug, and I don't just mean steroids.

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QUOTE(Milkman delivers @ Aug 4, 2005 -> 04:42 PM)
A few summers ago, I worked with a guy who played (and I assume still plays) for UNC.  Apparently, just about everyone on the team knew Peppers was on more than one illegal drug, and I don't just mean steroids.

Thanks, I remember that too. Just can't believe it was that long ago already. Time flys.

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A few summers ago, I worked with a guy who played (and I assume still plays) for UNC. Apparently, just about everyone on the team knew Peppers was on more than one illegal drug, and I don't just mean steroids.


lmao, mind naming who the person was? Its widely known that Julius was in bad shape at UNC and didn't start getting into shape until his 2nd year on the Panthers. He couldn't even bench press 300 pounds when he left UNC because he never cared for the weight room ala Vince Carter.


It wasn't steroids either that Julius was suspended for, it was...

"Peppers tested positive for phentermine, which is found in a prescription diet pill. "


Here's another quote.


"SPARTANBURG, S.C. — He’s bigger. He’s stronger. And he’s got a gigantic chip on his shoulder.

That’s not good news for opposing right tackles in the NFL.


Carolina Panthers defensive end Julius Peppers, the NFL’s Defensive Rookie of the Year in 2002, spent three-quarters of last season proving to critics he was worthy of being the No. 2 player selected in the NFL draft.


He did that with 12 sacks in as many games.


But a four-game suspension for violating the NFL’s policy against anabolic steroids and related substances has left a sour taste in Peppers’ mouth.


While all Peppers did was take a dietary supplement that contained a banned substance, believed to be a derivative of ephedra, he now has it in his head that others think his impressive rookie season was tainted.


He may be paranoid. Or, he may be simply looking for something to fire him up.


Either way, if the suspension serves as motivation for Peppers, nobody is about to tell him anything different.


“It doesn’t have to be said, but I know it’s out there,” Peppers said. “It’s like there was an asterisk by my numbers, like I couldn’t do that on my own. I want to get to 12 sacks, and more, this season to prove people wrong.”


Peppers used the suspension as motivation during the offseason, spending the better part of the spring in the weight room, getting physically bigger and stronger in the upper body. "





Julius' teammates knew he was just getting by with his amazing athleticism at the college level. He used that athleticism to get a top 6 pick in the draft, while his teammate Ryan Sims busted his ass in the weightroom to rain the same honors in the draft.


Julius has been a freak since HS when he was 6'6 240 pounds running a 4.6 and has a vertical of 42 inches. He had no need for steroids, and hasn't ever been accused of using them. AFTER the suspension, Julius was motivated even more and improved his bench press to 450 pounds and added enough weight to become 6'6 305 pounds while running a 4.54 40 and still kept his 40+ inch vertical. Forget Jevon Kearse, Peppers is the true athletic freak of the NFL. Take a look at this article.


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QUOTE(Palehosefan @ Aug 4, 2005 -> 09:30 PM)
lmao, mind naming who the person was? Its widely known that Julius was in bad shape at UNC and didn't start getting into shape until his 2nd year on the Panthers. He couldn't even bench press 300 pounds when he left UNC because he never cared for the weight room ala Vince Carter.


It wasn't steroids either that Julius was suspended for, it was...

"Peppers tested positive for phentermine, which is found in a prescription diet pill. "


Here's another quote.


"SPARTANBURG, S.C. — He’s bigger. He’s stronger. And he’s got a gigantic chip on his shoulder.

That’s not good news for opposing right tackles in the NFL.


Carolina Panthers defensive end Julius Peppers, the NFL’s Defensive Rookie of the Year in 2002, spent three-quarters of last season proving to critics he was worthy of being the No. 2 player selected in the NFL draft.


He did that with 12 sacks in as many games.


But a four-game suspension for violating the NFL’s policy against anabolic steroids and related substances has left a sour taste in Peppers’ mouth.


While all Peppers did was take a dietary supplement that contained a banned substance, believed to be a derivative of ephedra, he now has it in his head that others think his impressive rookie season was tainted.


He may be paranoid. Or, he may be simply looking for something to fire him up.


Either way, if the suspension serves as motivation for Peppers, nobody is about to tell him anything different.


“It doesn’t have to be said, but I know it’s out there,” Peppers said. “It’s like there was an asterisk by my numbers, like I couldn’t do that on my own. I want to get to 12 sacks, and more, this season to prove people wrong.”


Peppers used the suspension as motivation during the offseason, spending the better part of the spring in the weight room, getting physically bigger and stronger in the upper body. "

Julius' teammates knew he was just getting by with his amazing athleticism at the college level. He used that athleticism to get a top 6 pick in the draft, while his teammate Ryan Sims busted his ass in the weightroom to rain the same honors in the draft.


Julius has been a freak since HS when he was 6'6 240 pounds running a 4.6 and has a vertical of 42 inches. He had no need for steroids, and hasn't ever been accused of using them. AFTER the suspension, Julius was motivated even more and improved his bench press to 450  pounds and added enough weight to become 6'6 305 pounds while running a 4.54 40 and still kept his 40+ inch vertical. Forget Jevon Kearse, Peppers is the true athletic freak of the NFL. Take a look at this article.



I'm not gonna say the guy's name on here. I'll tell you he was a freshman for Peppers' last year, though. He was also on offense. I know that's not gonna make you believe it, but I'm not here to prove it to you. The guy played with Peppers, and he said that Peppers was on some junk. Plus, I'll take the word of a player on the team over a writer any day.

Edited by Milkman delivers
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QUOTE(Milkman delivers @ Aug 5, 2005 -> 03:29 AM)
I'm not gonna say the guy's name on here.  I'll tell you he was a freshman for Peppers' last year, though.  He was also on offense.  I know that's not gonna make you believe it, but I'm not here to prove it to you.  The guy played with Peppers, and he said that Peppers was on some junk.  Plus, I'll take the word of a player on the team over a writer any day.


what was he on steroids, and what else?

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QUOTE(soxhawks @ Aug 4, 2005 -> 11:11 PM)
what was he on steroids, and what else?


Some kind of weak steroid and I heard (for all of you that care so much about little details on a message board. I doubt Peppers or his agent are reading this board) he was a pothead, possibly even stronger narcotics.

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QUOTE(Milkman delivers @ Aug 4, 2005 -> 10:23 PM)
Some kind of weak steroid and I heard (for all of you that care so much about little details on a message board.  I doubt Peppers or his agent are reading this board) he was a pothead, possibly even stronger narcotics.



An NFL player on narcotics? NO WAY!!!

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Thats another thing thats doubtful. 4 of UNC's top recruits were kicked out of the program for using pot. That was 4 4 star recruits that helped make up a top 20 class in the nation. They have very strict testing and don't show any favor to "star" players. UNC lost Adarius Bowman who was a top 10 receiver in his class, Puff Thomas who was a top 15 DT in the same class, Terry Hunter who was a top 25 DE, and Fred Sparkman who was a top 25 LB in the same class.


Listen, I'm not saying you are lying, I just know of facts that refute what you are saying. I don't doubt that Julius has smoked pot, as I would say over 50% of college athletes probably have unfortunately. I do know that there were never EVER any rumors of anything more with Julius. Rumors like that get out pretty easily, just 2 years ago rumors were abound that Jeff Smoker was a big cocaine addict. Also, the message board that has the info is far from afraid to report the truth. They reported all the time that Julius was lazy at UNC and that Jaworski Pollack a UNC receiver slept with a teammates girlfriend and the former teammate caught them together and beat the crap out of Jawarski, yet the teammate was kicked off the team and nothing happened to Jawarski. Lots of crap has happened in the program, but nothing has ever even been insinuated about Julius. Thats why I'm such a big fan.


I'll be the first to hate on Julius if he is indeed found to have used steroids. I defended Marion Jones to "The Cheat" on the board for the longest time, but now I see its kind of "funny" that Marion can't run for crap now after the allegations came out. But its been the opposite with Julius, he's actually become a much better player and even a better athlete AFTER the allegations and the increased testing occured on him.

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QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ Aug 4, 2005 -> 09:25 AM)
2.  Do you think there is steroid usage in the NBA?  Clearly, current players are a lot bigger than in the old days.  Plus bulking up a 6 foot 10 inch frame seems like it would be tougher to do than your what your average MLB player juicer is trying to do.  Do they test for it in the NBA?


I'd say there's a misperception of steroids in baseball that doesn't get followed in basketball, but it's completely wrong to think that there's no use in the NBA for that. Steroids won't help you put the bat on the ball/or give you the knowledge of where to place a pitch (it does help if you already can put the bat on the ball, but we don't even know how much) any better than an NBA player would be helped by putting the ball in the hoop, but I think it can be extremely helpful for a basketball player.


I'm no doctor, but steroids give you energy, more stamina to workout longer, helping you to build muscle, making you faster and stronger, giving you an edge over anyone who does it clean or with just supplements. This is where it comes in in sports, helping athletes with stamina, which is big in the NBA, where players have to stay standing and keep running for 48 minutes. I'd say it's also extremely helpful for the big men, who need to get position, which is obviously helped if you work out more and get bigger. I don't think there's NBA players that look 'inflated' like Canseco persay, but I've learned that doesn't always show, like with Raffy, and you can take things to take that effect off that makes it obvious. So I'd say they give an advantage in every sport, the most obvious being for football, mainly for linemen, but for everyone when you think about it.


The NBA had a very weak policy. Congress tore them apart on it, I think only rookies were tested, and the whole process and punishments were very weak, and they promised to strengthen it in the new CBA. Stern's argument was that steroids weren't used or needed in basketball, but for the reasons I just stated, I call BS.

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QUOTE(Milkman delivers @ Aug 4, 2005 -> 10:23 PM)
Some kind of weak steroid and I heard (for all of you that care so much about little details on a message board.  I doubt Peppers or his agent are reading this board) he was a pothead, possibly even stronger narcotics.


LOL, I think you just described the majority of the NFL, especially with the pothead/narcotic thing. I'm sure those are also widely used in MLB (we don't need the NBA lesson on this subject), well speed/greenies are widely used, and pot is just used by a lot of people overall (90% of my high school, but not me :D), and there have been rumors that Buerhle and Garland are big potheads, but I don't know, from my experiences, it could be anyone, may not be those who would be obvious candidates, but may be those you don't expect

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QUOTE(Palehosefan @ Aug 5, 2005 -> 11:42 PM)
Thats another thing thats doubtful. 4 of UNC's top recruits were kicked out of the program for using pot. That was 4 4 star recruits that helped make up a top 20 class in the nation. They have very strict testing and don't show any favor to "star" players. UNC lost Adarius Bowman who was a top 10 receiver in his class, Puff Thomas who was a top 15 DT in the same class, Terry Hunter who was a top 25 DE, and Fred Sparkman who was a top 25 LB in the same class.


Listen, I'm not saying you are lying, I just know of facts that refute what you are saying. I don't doubt that Julius has smoked pot, as I would say over 50% of college athletes probably have unfortunately. I do know that there were never EVER any rumors of anything more with Julius. Rumors like that get out pretty easily, just 2 years ago rumors were abound that Jeff Smoker was a big cocaine addict. Also, the message board that has the info is far from afraid to report the truth. They reported all the time that Julius was lazy at UNC and that Jaworski Pollack a UNC receiver slept with a teammates girlfriend and the former teammate caught them together and beat the crap out of Jawarski, yet the teammate was kicked off the team and nothing happened to Jawarski. Lots of crap has happened in the program, but nothing has ever even been insinuated about Julius. Thats why I'm such a big fan.


I'll be the first to hate on Julius if he is indeed found to have used steroids. I defended Marion Jones to "The Cheat" on the board for the longest time, but now I see its kind of "funny" that Marion can't run for crap now after the allegations came out. But its been the opposite with Julius, he's actually become a much better player and even a better athlete AFTER the allegations and the increased testing occured on him.


Listen, I'm just going with what a teammate of his told me. Let's put it this way. If everyone on Earth told me that Frank Thomas was clean, but let's say Mark Buehlre tells me he used steroids, I'll believe Buehrle. That's just all it is for me.

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QUOTE(3 BeWareTheNewSox 5 @ Aug 6, 2005 -> 12:01 AM)
LOL, I think you just described the majority of the NFL, especially with the pothead/narcotic thing. I'm sure those are also widely used in MLB (we don't need the NBA lesson on this subject), well speed/greenies are widely used, and pot is just used by a lot of people overall (90% of my high school, but not me :D), and there have been rumors that Buerhle and Garland are big potheads, but I don't know, from my experiences, it could be anyone, may not be those who would be obvious candidates, but may be those you don't expect


I've heard the Garland thing, too. A girl friend of mine, who is also a big stoner, hung around with him a few times. She could be lying, of course. And I've also heard that he's cleaned it up since getting a girlfriend or something like that.

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QUOTE(Milkman delivers @ Aug 6, 2005 -> 09:36 AM)
I've heard the Garland thing, too.  A girl friend of mine, who is also a big stoner, hung around with him a few times.  She could be lying, of course.  And I've also heard that he's cleaned it up since getting a girlfriend or something like that.



I've heard the same thing about Jon and then recently I saw him wearing one of those huge T-shirts that just have someone's face on the front. His had Bob Marley on it. That's not proof, but I'm just sayin'.

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QUOTE(3 BeWareTheNewSox 5 @ Aug 5, 2005 -> 11:56 PM)
I'd say there's a misperception of steroids in baseball that doesn't get followed in basketball, but it's completely wrong to think that there's no use in the NBA for that. Steroids won't help you put the bat on the ball/or give you the knowledge of where to place a pitch (it does help if you already can put the bat on the ball, but we don't even know how much) any better than an NBA player would be helped by putting the ball in the hoop, but I think it can be extremely helpful for a basketball player.


I'm no doctor, but steroids give you energy, more stamina to workout longer, helping you to build muscle, making you faster and stronger, giving you an edge over anyone who does it clean or with just supplements. This is where it comes in in sports, helping athletes with stamina, which is big in the NBA, where players have to stay standing and keep running for 48 minutes. I'd say it's also extremely helpful for the big men, who need to get position, which is obviously helped if you work out more and get bigger. I don't think there's NBA players that look 'inflated' like Canseco persay, but I've learned that doesn't always show, like with Raffy, and you can take things to take that effect off that makes it obvious. So I'd say they give an advantage in every sport, the most obvious being for football, mainly for linemen, but for everyone when you think about it.


The NBA had a very weak policy. Congress tore them apart on it, I think only rookies were tested, and the whole process and punishments were very weak, and they promised to strengthen it in the new CBA. Stern's argument was that steroids weren't used or needed in basketball, but for the reasons I just stated, I call BS.



Basketball has become an very physical game. If a guy can't bang in the paint, he's probably not gonna do well in the NBA. There are exceptions of course, but look at NBA guys from the mid 80's and compare them to today's ballplayers. Plus they have a taller frame to fill out, all while doing a lot of running and cardio. Some guys fill out in one off season.

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QUOTE(Palehosefan @ Aug 5, 2005 -> 11:42 PM)
Thats another thing thats doubtful. 4 of UNC's top recruits were kicked out of the program for using pot. That was 4 4 star recruits that helped make up a top 20 class in the nation. They have very strict testing and don't show any favor to "star" players. UNC lost Adarius Bowman who was a top 10 receiver in his class, Puff Thomas who was a top 15 DT in the same class, Terry Hunter who was a top 25 DE, and Fred Sparkman who was a top 25 LB in the same class.



I love the fact that we're talking about pot and the names "Puff" and "Sparkman" come up. Just sayin'.

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QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ Aug 7, 2005 -> 01:20 PM)
Basketball has become an very physical game.  If a guy can't bang in the paint, he's probably not gonna do well in the NBA. There are exceptions of course, but look at NBA guys from the mid 80's and compare them to today's ballplayers.  Plus they have a taller frame to fill out, all while doing a lot of running and cardio. Some guys fill out in one off season.


Bingo! Watch some classic NBA games from the '80's and compare the guys to players today. The players then were much leaner -- more greyhound-like. A guy like James Edwards of the Pistons was a "big guy" back then looks positively skinny when compared with most of the centers today.

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