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Trade winds


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I was at Jewel the other day going grocery shopping. I bought a couple jugs of iced tea because they were on sale. I didn't notice the brand I just grabbed them because I love Ice tea. I'm sitting on my porch last night thinking about the possible griffey deal. I'm pouring a glass of my tea and caught a glimpse of the label at the corner of my eye. In my mind the label said "Trade Winds" , I didn't look to confirm if I were right or wrong, I just laughed and thought I might be losing it. I started thinking how obsessive I were about possible trades that I'm now seeing things. I was waiting for my my cup of tea to turn into Griffey's face .

Ten minutes, and 2 glasses of tea later. I pick up the jug and head towards the refridgerator. I put the jug in and read the label:





Im sorry but I just never heard of this tea.

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