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Natalee Holloway Rant


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So here's me sitting in my hotel room in s***-lanta flipping through the channels looking to catch some news and here's what I see.


Fox News: NATALEE HOLLOWAY MISSING..........DAY 67........they go on for 10 minutes straight before I can't take it anymore and I change channels.


CNN: VOLUNTEERS SEARCH FOR MISSING TEEN! Aruba search continues. I only hang here for 5 minutes because this is getting annoying.


CNN Headline News: MISSING TEENS MOTHER RETURNS TO ARUBA! By this time I'm starting to get hot under the collar because I want to hear about other issues and by now we're up over 15 straight minutes of this nonsense.


MSNBC: (REALLY getting desperate now). In a startling fit of journalistic originality they are interviewing some floozy that was with her that night ( way to look out for your buddy asshole ). At this point I'm ready to throw my bottle of Coors at the TV because I'm so annoyed. Only thing that stops me is I'm not at home.


I finally give up on the news and turn on HBO ( i half expected to see Natalee Holloway again )


Here's my point. I'm sick and f***ing tired of hearing about Natalee Holloway. I'm sick of hearing one asshole after another whine about what a tragedy this is. I'm sick and tired of the media express fake empathy for the family and friends while they milk this NON-STORY for everything its worth.


f*** NATALEE HOLLOWAY!! Oh wait, those 3 clowns she went home with already did. My bad.


Natalee Holloway deserved what happened to her. She was a victim of Darwinisim. She was a victim of her own stupidity.


Why should I feel sorry for a stupid floozy who took advantage of lax alcohol restrictions, got wasted in a club, in a foregin country no less, and went home with 3 male strangers, again this is in a foregin country, without any of her friends there to watch her back and purposefully eluding the people who were watching over the group?


Why does someone who makes an insanely stupid decision like this on purpose get all this press coverage and all this sympathy when a staggering number of children go missing every day. 2000 to be exact.




With all the children being snatched off the street by sex offenders while passing from school, and all the kids who are taken from malls or parks or even out of their own homes, why does this ditz get all the attention?


The reason is clear. Natalee Holloway is marketable. Natalee Holloway is rich, white, and good looking. It doesn't matter that she was also brain dead and devoid of common sense because rich, white and good looking sells.


Alas, despite all regard for what really matters in the world the press will go on and on with this NON-STORY until the case is resolved somehow. Meanwhile, Natalee is fish-food ( or worm food depending on where she was dumped ) and IMHO the world is a little less stupid without her.


Rest in Pieces........DUMBASS!

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QUOTE(Middle Buffalo @ Aug 4, 2005 -> 10:43 PM)
Hope you never have kids (especially a daughter).

He doesn't want any kids to be dead, he's complaining that the TV networks are giving this case overwhelming press when many kids go missing everyday and aren't on the news.


Plus, the girl wasn't exactly heading to church when she came up missing.


If Nuke had kids going to Aruba, sure as anything he would be there and be chaperoning the hell out of em.

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QUOTE(knightni @ Aug 4, 2005 -> 09:51 PM)
He doesn't want any kids to be dead, he's complaining that the TV networks are giving this case overwhelming press when many kids go missing everyday and aren't on the news.


Plus, the girl wasn't exactly heading to church when she came up missing.


If Nuke had kids going to Aruba, sure as anything he would be there and be chaperoning the hell out of em.

i agree with you guys.

sadly, this type of stuff happens all the time, why does this one get so much coverage?

If people wanna play the race card, this is the right situation

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I understand, but at some point every kid goes out on his own, and you just hope they don't make stupid decisions. They all do. You just hope yours doesn't die for the mistake.


I also understand getting sick of the news coverage, but every story is overplayed now. OJ. Menendez Brothers. Scott Pederson. Beretta. All of them. That's what happens when you have 24hr news networks.

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QUOTE(Middle Buffalo @ Aug 4, 2005 -> 10:27 PM)
Like trusting people and having them take advantage of that trust.


Trust is telling someone close to you a personal secret. Trust is being able to be yourself with loved ones.


Letting 3 strangers do God-knows-what to you isn't trust. It's being stupid...and a whore.

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QUOTE(Milkman delivers @ Aug 5, 2005 -> 03:33 AM)
Trust is telling someone close to you a personal secret.  Trust is being able to be yourself with loved ones.


Letting 3 strangers do God-knows-what to you isn't trust.  It's being stupid...and a whore.



If you were in that club, 18 years old, you'd a been mackin on her. If she acted interested, you'd a been all over it.


Now, I'm not saying three guys, that's SICK, but the point is, 18 year old males and females, in that setting, with the alcohol make STUPID judgements. In this case, she paid for it with her life. That's s***ty, and I feel bad for her family to have to go through that.


But when we were 18, we thought nothing would happen to us, we did the same (generally) stupid s***.


So please don't be so quick to judge... that's all I ask.

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QUOTE(kapkomet @ Aug 4, 2005 -> 08:38 PM)


If you were in that club, 18 years old, you'd a been mackin on her.  If she acted interested, you'd a been all over it.


Now, I'm not saying three guys, that's SICK, but the point is, 18 year old males and females, in that setting, with the alcohol make STUPID judgements.  In this case, she paid for it with her life.  That's s***ty, and I feel bad for her family to have to go through that. 


But when we were 18, we thought nothing would happen to us, we did the same (generally) stupid s***.


So please don't be so quick to judge... that's all I ask.

Ditto. And not in the Patrick Swayze - "Ghost" way.Not that there's anything wrong with that.

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QUOTE(kapkomet @ Aug 4, 2005 -> 10:38 PM)


If you were in that club, 18 years old, you'd a been mackin on her.  If she acted interested, you'd a been all over it.


Now, I'm not saying three guys, that's SICK, but the point is, 18 year old males and females, in that setting, with the alcohol make STUPID judgements.  In this case, she paid for it with her life.  That's s***ty, and I feel bad for her family to have to go through that. 


But when we were 18, we thought nothing would happen to us, we did the same (generally) stupid s***.


So please don't be so quick to judge... that's all I ask.


The point is that she doesn't deserve all of this attention. Yes, it's unfortunate that this happened. But, she doesn't deserve all of this attention. There are plenty of people that are more deserving of having a 24-hour watch for them on CNN. Like Nuke said, helpless, innocent children get abducted all the time. They don't get the choice to take their mommy and daddy's money, go on vacation, get loaded, and try to get nailed by anything that moves. This girl made a piss-poor decision, and it cost her her life. Her fault, this deserves very little media attention. Focus on the bigger problem of child abduction.


Once again, it's a sad thing, but she did everything to put herself into that situation. 99% of others don't take stupid chances like that, she did.

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QUOTE(Milkman delivers @ Aug 4, 2005 -> 08:48 PM)
The point is that she doesn't deserve all of this attention.  Yes, it's unfortunate that this happened.  But, she doesn't deserve all of this attention.  There are plenty of people that are more deserving of having a 24-hour watch for them on CNN. This girl made a piss-poor decision, and it cost her her life.  Her fault, this deserves very little media attention. 



Then Nuke's anger should be directed at the media. For some reason, he and others are attacking the VICTIM.

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I can agree that the press needs to get the hell of the story. But I would say that about 90% of us made some stupid ass choices when we were 17 and 18 and 19 years old. Fortunately, most of us learned from it and didn't die. But we just as easily could have. Did you ever get in a car when some one has been drinking? EVER?


Two different points being made in the thread. The attention by the media is BS.


But I think we should refrain from judging HER.

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QUOTE(Milkman delivers @ Aug 5, 2005 -> 03:58 AM)
Point taken.  But if I had made such a stupid choice, no matter how drunk, I wouldn't want to be seen as a martyr.

I wouldn't call her a martyr, although the screwed up media is making her one.


I think it's a very unfortunate situation, and the media are a bunch of (your word choice) whores on the matter.


Obviously, it's still a selling point or they would have moved on by now.

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QUOTE(Milkman delivers @ Aug 4, 2005 -> 09:48 PM)
The point is that she doesn't deserve all of this attention.  Yes, it's unfortunate that this happened.  But, she doesn't deserve all of this attention.  There are plenty of people that are more deserving of having a 24-hour watch for them on CNN.  Like Nuke said, helpless, innocent children get abducted all the time.  They don't get the choice to take their mommy and daddy's money, go on vacation, get loaded, and try to get nailed by anything that moves.  This girl made a piss-poor decision, and it cost her her life.  Her fault, this deserves very little media attention.  Focus on the bigger problem of child abduction.


Once again, it's a sad thing, but she did everything to put herself into that situation.  99% of others don't take stupid chances like that, she did.



BRAVO my friend and hence my total lack of compassion for her situation. People should save their sympathies for those who deserve it. All this idiot deserves is an epitaph on her grave that reads "Died of Stupidity".

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Nuke, don't tell me you have NEVER done anything stupid while drunk (like posting on soxtalk...) :lol:


I get what you're saying, but I think you're being a little harsh.


She was stupid, and she paid the ultimate price, so why is that worthy of "you're a dumb b****, f*** off" treatment?


The only reason you'd say that is because the media has exploited her, to the point you feel that way, IMO.

Edited by kapkomet
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QUOTE(Middle Buffalo @ Aug 4, 2005 -> 09:54 PM)
Then Nuke's anger should be directed at the media.  For some reason, he and others are attacking the VICTIM.



My post contains plenty of scorn of the media. There's no reason why this idiot should get so much coverage.


The fact that personal responsibility is so important to me is why I scorn the "victim" here. She was asking for it and with the way she acted at that club and she may as well have had the phrase " born to lose" tatooed on her forehead.

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