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Natalee Holloway Rant


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QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Aug 5, 2005 -> 10:37 PM)
Steff, you've read enough of my posts to know what I think about these 3 assholes.  That should be a given.




I see what you've posted about them... then I read this rant and I guess I'm just dumbfounded at how you can have two completely different arguments on the same situation.


Maybe I'm reading it wrong, I don't know. What I do know is until I'm in those shoes I am not judging what happened to this girl, or any victim of a violent crime, and I definitely won't blame them. It's like blaming the rape victim because she wore a short skirt...


Agree to disagree.

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QUOTE(Steff @ Aug 5, 2005 -> 09:42 PM)
I see what you've posted about them... then I read this rant and I guess I'm just dumbfounded at how you can have two completely different arguments on the same situation.


Maybe I'm reading it wrong, I don't know. What I do know is until I'm in those shoes I am not judging what happened to this girl, or any victim of a violent crime, and I definitely won't blame them. It's like blaming the rape victim because she wore a short skirt...


Agree to disagree.



One more point then I'll let this one go.


I don't have 2 different viewpoints on this situation. I have 2 viewpoints that compliment each other. First of all, make no mistake these 3 individuals, if they in fact did what I think they did, are total scumbags and deserve to have about 50,000 volts shot through em but again, we all know where I stand on criminals.


The point of this thread is that Natalee had it coming. There is no way in hell I can excuse what she did that night. Getting f***ed up and running off with 3 male strangers in a foregin country by herself is completely asinine. If she didn't know any better then she was a stupid, clueless floozy and if she did know better then she's really off her rocker. You play with matches you get burnt. Like I said earlier, any way you want to cut it the world is a little less stupid with her gone.


If you want to talk about "asking for it", she may as well have been walking around Lake and Cicero in Chicago with a sign that says "I hate n*****s" like Bruce Willis had on in Die Hard part 3.

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QUOTE(kapkomet @ Aug 5, 2005 -> 09:45 PM)
So she wanted to get laid.  That makes her DESERVE to die?


That's where I have a problem.



You put yourself in a compromised situation like that and you reap what you sow. Lets end the sympathy for her and give it to those taken under more tragic circumstances.

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QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Aug 6, 2005 -> 03:55 AM)
You put yourself in a compromised situation like that and you reap what you sow.  Lets end the sympathy for her and give it to those taken under more tragic circumstances.

I'm just a soft hearted bleeding liberal I guess.



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All I have to add is that after reading three pages of this drivel, I am shaking my head.....


If you don't like what is on TV, turn the f***ING channel!!


Nuke, I can't recall reading anything as classless as this. It saddens me that you would take your time to call someone a dumb b****, a whore and whatever else, that you have never met and know nothing about other than what the media has reported about one weekend of her life.


In all honesty, it makes me sad that someone is one, that insensitive about others and two, has nothing better to do than post such opionions on a message board.

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QUOTE(Rex Hudler @ Aug 5, 2005 -> 11:18 PM)
All I have to add is that after reading three pages of this drivel, I am shaking my head.....


If you don't like what is on TV, turn the f***ING channel!!


Nuke, I can't recall reading anything as classless as this.  It saddens me that you would take your time to call someone a dumb b****, a whore and whatever else, that you have never met and know nothing about other than what the media has reported about one weekend of her life.


In all honesty, it makes me sad that someone is one, that insensitive about others and two, has nothing better to do than post such opionions on a message board.



1. I tried turning the channel and it didn't work. The airwaves are saturated with this non-story.


2. Am I insensitive? Only when someone makes a stupid decision.


3. You're absolutely right about having nothing better to do. The last night of a business trip is usually pretty boring.

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QUOTE(Rex Hudler @ Aug 5, 2005 -> 11:18 PM)
All I have to add is that after reading three pages of this drivel, I am shaking my head.....


If you don't like what is on TV, turn the f***ING channel!!


The focus of Nuke's intial paragraph was he DID change the channel to avoid the story. But other news stations were continuing to post their hourly updates.


Nuke, I can't recall reading anything as classless as this.  It saddens me that you would take your time to call someone a dumb b****, a whore and whatever else, that you have never met and know nothing about other than what the media has reported about one weekend of her life.


I don't understand how you can be shocked by someone assuming character traits of person they've never met. Don't we do this all the time in our culture? The point you've presented could be applied to the runaway bride featured in another thread. No one knows her aside from her phony kidnapping reported by the media, or wide-eyed photo, but most (including myself) already assume she's a complete b****. Similarily, don't know much about Natalee outside of the media, but it's a matter of connecting dots about her final night. And these dots could lead you to the assumption she's a slut.


In all honesty, it makes me sad that someone is one, that insensitive about others and two, has nothing better to do than post such opionions on a message board.


What better venue to post rants than an anonymous venue such as the internet?

Edited by Flash Tizzle
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A couple of things I want to add


First off I don't believe she is a slut or deserved what she got (which is most likely death). But next I do agree there is far to much media coverage on this kids go missing by the day but do not bring out this kind of attention.


I wanted to say those things because I feel Natalee gets a bad wrap she made one mistake we all make mistakes. And that the media is the one to blame for the over coverage of this.

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QUOTE(Steff @ Aug 5, 2005 -> 11:42 PM)
I see what you've posted about them... then I read this rant and I guess I'm just dumbfounded at how you can have two completely different arguments on the same situation.


Maybe I'm reading it wrong, I don't know. What I do know is until I'm in those shoes I am not judging what happened to this girl, or any victim of a violent crime, and I definitely won't blame them. It's like blaming the rape victim because she wore a short skirt...


Agree to disagree.

I gotta go with NUKE on this 1. Everyone in the situation was a dumbass...

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QUOTE(SoxFan1 @ Aug 6, 2005 -> 06:48 AM)
I gotta go with NUKE on this 1. Everyone in the situation was a dumbass...


Well i dont think anyone is argueing that she made a real dumb decision that night. People are just saying Nuke has all the right to be mad about the media coverage but to blame the victim is wrong especially when he doesnt know all the details. No matter what she did that night she didnt deserve to die.

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QUOTE(SoxFan1 @ Aug 6, 2005 -> 01:48 AM)
I gotta go with NUKE on this 1. Everyone in the situation was a dumbass...



No kidding... that's fairly obvious. My issue is assuming things about this female and calling her names and blaming her.


It's like me never have met you yet calling you an idiot, asshole, or any other name I could toss out there without even meeting you... and let me add vice versa while I'm at it.


It's ironic because I had a situation similar with someone on these boards. Someone told them something and it evolved into something else - think the "telephone" game - and so on a so forth... when that person and I finally met needless to say things were much different than they were played out.


Here's a question for you... if this was you sister, mother, etc... that this had happened to... would you appreciate her being called a stupid whore that got what she deserved...?

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QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Aug 5, 2005 -> 10:54 PM)
The point of this thread is that Natalee had it coming.  There is no way in hell I can excuse what she did that night.  Getting f***ed up and running off with 3 male strangers in a foregin country by herself is completely asinine.  If she didn't know any better then she was a stupid, clueless floozy and if she did know better then she's really off her rocker.  You play with matches you get burnt.  Like I said earlier, any way you want to cut it the world is a little less stupid with her gone. 



The point is you don't know what happened. You don't know if she was f***ed up looking to get laid. By all accounts this girl was responsible and level headed. These guys had a rep for nailing tourists and their way of going about it has been in question (using roofies...??) by the bar owners so much that they had been tossed out of there several times in the past. If it turns out these guys drugged her does that change your opinion?

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QUOTE(Flash Tizzle @ Aug 6, 2005 -> 01:05 AM)
Similarily, don't know much about Natalee outside of the media, but it's a matter of connecting dots about her final night. And these dots could lead you to the assumption she's a slut.



Really...? Because everything I've read from witnesses there states the complete opposite about her.

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QUOTE(SoxFan101 @ Aug 6, 2005 -> 07:24 AM)
I like how you use 3 seperate posts to say everything you want  :P


Anyways I agree with you 100% on what you said... unless you know her personally lets not judge her and call her a slut.



Sometimes I don't always remember what I want to say in one. The mind is the first thing to go when you get old.. ;)

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i do get tired of the media coverage of this... i have no idea what is the standards for making a specific kidnapping or murder a sexy case for the media... although it usually has to do with them being a young white female. (peterson trial, holloway, jean benet ramsey)

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QUOTE(Steff @ Aug 6, 2005 -> 05:54 AM)
The point is you don't know what happened. You don't know if she was f***ed up looking to get laid. By all accounts this girl was responsible and level headed. These guys had a rep for nailing tourists and their way of going about it has been in question (using roofies...??) by the bar owners so much that they had been tossed out of there several times in the past. If it turns out these guys drugged her does that change your opinion?



Oh come on. Of course her friends and family are going to stick up for her on television and paint her as the greatest thing since sliced bread ya ya ya ya ya. I expect as much out of them. Only someone as "insensitive" as me would dare to think that she might have brought it on herself.


If (and thats a big if ) she was drugged then she can be a legitimate victim again and then her friends become the stupid assholes for not watching out for her. Maybe its just me but I would tend to notice something like 3 guys dragging an unconscious girl out of a bar, especially when the 3 in question were defenitely not part of the group. This is the crux of my argument that she went willingly. Like I said, you can't just drag an knocked out female out of a bar without someone noticing and getting suspicious.

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QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Aug 6, 2005 -> 01:27 PM)
Oh come on.  Of course her friends and family are going to stick up for her on television and paint her as the greatest thing since sliced bread ya ya ya ya ya.  I expect as much out of them. Only someone as "insensitive" as me would dare to think that she might have brought it on herself.


If (and thats a big if ) she was drugged then she can be a legitimate victim again and then her friends become the stupid assholes for not watching out for her.  Maybe its just me but I would tend to notice something like 3 guys dragging an unconscious girl out of a bar, especially when the 3 in question were defenitely not part of the group.  This is the crux of my argument that she went willingly.  Like I said,  you can't just drag an knocked out female out of a bar without someone noticing and getting suspicious.


If it was her friends and family "sticking up for her" your comments might hold some water. Maybe don't change the channel so fast next time. There have been countless Aruban natives as well as the business owners, hotel workers, etc... all who have their jobs to lose - painting a "good" picture of this girl. Even the father of one of the boys initially taken into custody (who by the way was also brought in for questioning and held for 3 days) who had met the girl claims she did not appear to be the type of person that would get herself into a "mess" like this.


As for the 3 guys... they WERE part of the group. They had been hanging out with the group all week that they were there.


And like I said, from the mouths of the 2 guys that were released (1 is still in custody) they claim she was falling down barely coherant when they walked out of the resturant. I'm gonna guess that they wouldn't say she was near passed out unless it was partly the truth.


I don't think you are insensitive NUKE. I just think you are ignorant to the facts of the story as they have come out. I understand your frustration with the story being all over the news... it's sad. But when you don't bother to know the facts it opens yourself up to making comments without facts... and we all know how that looks. ;)

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QUOTE(bmags @ Aug 6, 2005 -> 09:18 AM)
i do get tired of the media coverage of this... i have no idea what is the standards for making a specific kidnapping or murder a sexy case for the media... although it usually has to do with them being a young white female. (peterson trial, holloway, jean benet ramsey)



The media is sick in reporting such tragedies. You commented on Laci Peterson.. interesting little tidbit similar to that case...


Anyone here heard of a woman named Evelyn Hernandez...? Probably not, and if you have it's because you watch the end of the news... Evelyn was 8 months pregnant when she disappeared from the San Fran Bay area. Not a peep about her. Short overweight hispanic woman. Separated from her husband, family barely speaks English... you get the point. Well a body - chopped up EXACTLY like Laci Peterson - was found in the Bay... turned out to be Evelyn. Where was the national coverage for that...? Where was the outcry for her 3 year old son that is now without a mother..? Where is the round the clock nationwide news coverage for HER killer...? Her case is still unsolved despite her friends, family, and strangers giving the cops hundreds of leads. To this day her estranged husband has never been interrogated or given a lie detector test. Sad...

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QUOTE(bmags @ Aug 6, 2005 -> 02:18 PM)
i do get tired of the media coverage of this... i have no idea what is the standards for making a specific kidnapping or murder a sexy case for the media... although it usually has to do with them being a young white female. (peterson trial, holloway, jean benet ramsey)


Two things are driving this story in the news......


1. Her family (who are doing pretty much the same thing I would do if it were someone in my family)


2. The fact that a teenage girl disappears in another country that happens to be a popular vacation spot for Americans. To think that doesn't have a lot to do with why this is such a big issue is naive. This case is important to any American who may potentially travel to Aruba and to the Aruban people and their economy.


The bottom line is that we now have a 24-hour a day news cycle. This gives us up-to-the-minute, breaking news on anything and everything in the world. It also unfortunately, requires news agencies to fill their stations 24 hours a day. This in itself causes overkill on certain cases. It turns newscasts into rumor mills at times. Some things are reported, only to be discredited or recanted the very next day. Like it or not, it comes with the territory. This is the society we live in.


So I again suggest turning the channel. If you turn the channel to multiple news channels all at the same time and the same story is on, then there has to be a reason. Unless there was some piece of breaking news on the case at the time, I don't believe that there were no other options. It just doesn't make sense.


I just find it ridiculous to blame the victim and call her names. Ignorant of the details of the case or not, it IS insensitive and in my mind, classless.

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QUOTE(Rex Hudler @ Aug 7, 2005 -> 01:49 AM)
If you turn the channel to multiple news channels all at the same time and the same story is on, then there has to be a reason.  Unless there was some piece of breaking news on the case at the time, I don't believe that there were no other options.  It just doesn't make sense.

Not necessarily a good reason. Could be just that they're picking up at the same time some worthless press release or got wind of an investigation of some site at the same time.


Okay, so Nuke went overboard. Isn't that his job here? Whenever I read his posts I mentally cut the outrage down by, oh, 50% or so.


But his basic point is the same good one that Dawn Turner Trice made a while back. Pretty white girls get coverage. While that might sell, news organizations like to believe that they have an instinct and purpose that in some sense rises above the market. Imo, it's worthwhile to rant about the hypocrisy of this claim when an adult who makes a bad decision (it seems) gets months of daily national coverage, while hundreds of abducted kids get, maybe, a couple spots on the local news.


Where's Carol Marin's broadcast again?

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QUOTE(kapkomet @ Aug 4, 2005 -> 10:55 PM)
I can agree that the press needs to get the hell of the story.  But I would say that about 90% of us made some stupid ass choices when we were 17 and 18 and 19 years old.  Fortunately, most of us learned from it and didn't die.  But we just as easily could have.  Did you ever get in a car when some one has been drinking?  EVER? 


Two different points being made in the thread.  The attention by the media is BS. 


But I think we should refrain from judging HER.



I totally agree. What she did was stupid, and it's sad she doesn't get a mulligan. But I also have beef with the media who probably 'live' for this kind of story. If they need to report something, or update on something NEW, go ahead. I just get sick of them playing the emotion card.

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No one "deserves" to be a victim of a crime. She didn't "deserve" it anymore than a guy in a nice suit deserves to get mugged.


What she did was place herself, by making some very stupid choices, into a very dangerous situation. I've stopped listening to the coverage, but has there been any mention of "date rape drugs"?


I agree the media attention is all out of wack and I find it puzzling. The only good I can think of is I hope people learn a lesson here. If you kill someone, hide the body really, really, well. I mean don't make stupid drunk choices.

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