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God Hates Fags Church to Protest in Portage


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QUOTE(LowerCaseRepublican @ Aug 5, 2005 -> 11:58 AM)
I know a lot of you don't like Michael Moore -- but you should really see the episode where he gets together a group of gay people, got into a giant pink winnebago and they went to protest Phelps' protests in different states.


It was so hilarious.




That is great stuff....I like that way to combat this stuff. Realize you are dealing with morons and have a good time with it.

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QUOTE(LowerCaseRepublican @ Aug 5, 2005 -> 11:58 AM)
I know a lot of you don't like Michael Moore -- but you should really see the episode where he gets together a group of gay people, got into a giant pink winnebago and they went to protest Phelps' protests in different states.


It was so hilarious.





Where would one find this to see it? That sounds really funny

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The God-given right to free-speech & free-assembly. Got to love it. I just wish groups would stop speaking for God. Both the left & the right. If they can't make a pragmatic argument on their own account they should just shut up.


Pragmatically speaking, the Bible teaches us that we are ALL children of God. Sinners & saints alike. It's simply illogical to believe God would ever hate anything he created.


Science tells us that it's more likely "f**s" are the result of weak chemistry than anything else. You can look at leading research on the issue from two perspectives: justification for their existence OR revelation of their existence. Either way the science is going to eventually lead to methods of control. It always does. In a marketplace such as ours you can imagine the impact such methods will have. Political correctness will eventually give way to the one-true-God of this world: $$$.


If you've not seen the movie GATTACA you should. It's our future. Our near-future. Just look at people born with genes that lead to crooked teeth. Another result of weak chemistry. Only this one affects MORE THAN HALF the population. Yet does society tolerate it? Please. Growing up with crooked teeth in America immediately paints you as lower class. If you don't believe that just visit some schools where such kids exist & see how they are treated by fellow classmates.


There is more tolerance in our schools today for gays than there are for kids with crooked teeth. Why? Because the medical community hasn't offered us a corrective measure for the gay question. That day will eventually arrive & when it does there will be no greater tolerance for a person being gay than there is for that person living with crooked teeth.


Society is naturally cruel. GATTACA is our inevitable future. Do I like it?

No. I think a person should be no less tolerated for having crooked teeth than he is for being gay. But America is the nation of unadulterated vanity & there's no reason to believe that will change.

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QUOTE(JUGGERNAUT @ Aug 7, 2005 -> 01:04 PM)
The God-given right to free-speech & free-assembly.  Got to love it.  I just wish groups would stop speaking for God.  Both the left & the right.  If they can't make a pragmatic argument on their own account they should just shut up. 


Pragmatically speaking, the Bible teaches us that we are ALL children of God.  Sinners & saints alike.  It's simply illogical to believe God would ever hate anything he created. 


Science tells us that it's more likely "f**s" are the result of weak chemistry than anything else.  You can look at leading research on the issue from two perspectives: justification for their existence OR revelation of their existence.  Either way the science is going to eventually lead to methods of control.  It always does. In a marketplace such as ours you can imagine the impact such methods will have.  Political correctness will eventually give way to the one-true-God of this world: $$$.


If you've not seen the movie GATTACA you should.  It's our future.  Our near-future.  Just look at people born with genes that lead to crooked teeth.  Another result of weak chemistry. Only this one affects MORE THAN HALF the population.  Yet does society tolerate it?  Please.  Growing up with crooked teeth in America immediately paints you as lower class.  If you don't believe that just visit some schools where such kids exist & see how they are treated by fellow classmates. 


There is more tolerance in our schools today for gays than there are for kids with crooked teeth.  Why?  Because the medical community hasn't offered us a corrective measure for the gay question.  That day will eventually arrive & when it does there will be no greater tolerance for a person being gay than there is for that person living with crooked teeth.


Society is naturally cruel.  GATTACA is our inevitable future.  Do I like it?

No.  I think a person should be no less tolerated for having crooked teeth than he is for being gay.  But America is the nation of unadulterated vanity & there's no reason to believe that will change.


Being homosexual is becoming more and more acceptable across the globe, I don't see how some science is going to change that. And I've never noticed anything about lack of acceptance of those with crooked teeth. Also are you saying Gattaca is America's future or the entire world's?

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Being homosexual is becoming more and more acceptable across the globe, I don't see how some science is going to change that.  And I've never noticed anything about lack of acceptance of those with crooked teeth.  Also are you saying Gattaca is America's future or the entire world's?


I disagree. If you take the time to discuss the issue with foreigners you'll learn it's tolerated as a freak-show more than anything else. You can support that with how gays are portrayed in the films they produce.


With respect to crooked teeth, again I disagree. Maybe your neighborhood is an exception but I know many kids who have been ridiculed for having crooked teeth. Most of them eventually get them straightened out with braces but some parents can't afford that & their kids continue to face ridicule. What's even worse is that I know of kids that had braces & upon their return from their travels overseas make fun of the kids they see there with obvious crooked teeth.


With respect to sex let's look at the question of "mojo". Ten years ago it was both reasonable & acceptable for people to have low times for their mojo. Stress, lack of energy, & other psychological factors were readily accepted as reasons for not being in the mood. Today Viagra has become such a big part of our society that such reasons are becoming less acceptable & tolerated. There are even ads suggesting that if you are not on something your a loser. That's coming from the same creative industry where many gays work. The almighty $$$ trumps everything else.


It's sad. It really is. The history of America has shown that the more wide-spride prevention becomes the less that human characterstic is tolerated. Generations ago it was acne, today it's "not being in the mood", tomorrow it will be hormones.


It's definitely America's future. It's a part of our culture that is endoctrinated in the "keeping up with the Jones'" philosophy of American life. It's evident in our media, & our entertainment. Will it become the entire world's future? Unfortunately yes. The media conglomerates of America are the media conglomerates of the world.

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Are you advocating "fixing" gay people?


No. I hate the "keeping up with the Jones'" philosophy of America that rules Hollywood, Wall Street, & the corporate board rooms of America. But I do recognize the $$$ driven world we live in. I think the gay marriage question was a good sign of where tolerance & acceptance stand on the issue.


The research happening all over the world today is not about people not liking gays.

It's about $$$. Pure & simple. We have birth control because people want to enjoy sex without the burden of child birth & raising children. The sales are in the billions even though such methods are not 100% reliable. As long as their is demand supply is inevitable. Do you really think there won't be demand for gay control? Apparently some bean counters have decided it will be huge. That would be my guess as to why billions are being spent on the research.


There is a B-grade movie this summer that illustrates our future. The media seems to want to ignore what is inevitable. Since when did something need to be legal to appeal to our vanity? The Island touches upon all the reasons why human cloning is inevitable. It's inevitable because the more a person wants to live longer & look younger the more they are willing to pay any price to get there. It's inevitable because cloning represents a threat to security for which there is no solution.

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