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Reality check


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15-16 record has next to NOTHING to do with Jerry just like like 95-67 record had nothing do with him. Nada. Thinking otherwise is displaying lack of baseball knowledge and familiarity with the team. Being frustrated shouldn't automatically lead to desperation-driven insane-talk IMO..


Blame Carlos Lee, Paul Konerko, John Garland, Frank Thomas, Joe Crede, Magglio Ordonez Aaron Rowand, Billy Koch, Flash Gordon, Damasso Marte, Rick White, Bartolo Colon...for not havig enough sense to make adjustments, hitting into DPs, giving up crucial runs late in the game, pitching with their C stuff despite making 8 million a year, making stupid defensive and baserunning gaffes, for conspiring to strike the word 'clutch' from dictionaries everywhere, etc.


Also blame the rain, shady umpiring and Jerry Reinsdorf if you wish.

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Brando is right in pretty much all aspects in regards to this season. I wouldn't blame JM that much for it, but I think he will be the scapegoat and I think this team needs a manager with some more fire in his veins.


Backman or Valentine imo.


The only thing I think JM could really of done different is been more agressive on the paths, but otherwise he's been solid with the pen etc, even though most would disagree with me on that.


If you want to blame someone blame our offense and Koch.

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I bet when Angels started 5-14 last year, it was because of M*THERSUCKING NEWBALANCEWEARING DIRTY COMMIE P*NKO Mike Sciossa, too

The Manager sets the example belive it or not. Manuel looks stoned half the time while Scossia got his team to the ws. And what happened with the playoff debut of JM? Yeah, the bats were quiet, but when it came to managing, Lou made him look like a little league coach. It's not just Manuel either. it's the idiots that surround this team. Ward, Kimm, And the morons who were fired last year for the current morons at 1st and 3rd.


This team does not have fun playing baseball. just look at them. that start from the top if you ask me.

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This team does not have fun playing baseball. just look at them. that start from the top if you ask me


And I guess you surmised all that;s going on in their heads using your patented SnR, beer-enchanced telepathy skills?


Fun playing baseball? WTF? These are highly-paid, grizzly PROFESSIONALS, not puny little leaguers who need to get a slice of pizza from their coach to sustain interest in the game....Unreal.


Put down the half-baked sports cliches about "having fun" and some such your daddy taught ya and get down with da real analysis of what's wrong: hitting, fielding, running, starting pitching, BP...JM is a run-of-the-mill manager who will not create miracles. He is not a problem nor the solution. Taking Sciossa's supposed greatness like it's gospel and a forgone conclusion is stupid. It was Salmon, Erstad, Anderson, Washborn, etc (plus a whole a lot of luck) who took themselves to WS, not him. Sorry.


Gary Ward s a different story, though.

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And I guess you surmised all that;s going on in their heads using your patented SnR, beer-enchanced telepathy skills?


Fun playing baseball?  WTF? These are highly-paid, grizzly PROFESSIONALS, not puny little leaguers who need to get a slice of pizza from their coach to sustain interest in the game....Unreal.


Put down the half-baked sports cliches about "having fun" and some such your daddy taught ya and get down with da real analysis of what's wrong:  hitting, fielding, running, starting pitching, BP...JM is a run-of-the-mill manager who will not create miracles.  He is not a problem nor the solution. Taking Sciossa's supposed greatness like it's gospel and a forgone conclusion is stupid. It was Salmon, Erstad, Anderson, Washborn, etc who took themselves to WS, not him.  Sorry.


Gary Ward s a different story, though.

I'm about sick of your s***. Can you ever have a debate with being a complete f***ing asshole? :fyou


I dont expect them to be doing back flips or act like a little league team. THEY ARE FLAT! read that very slow so you dont twist it around just to make an insult. Bad chemistry ever hear of it? Watch the twins, Angels, Yanks, and even compare to the 2000 Sox. Those are good teams. They dont look depressed out there.


And since you ask where i get my team chemistry ideas from, I'm willing to bet i pay attention to many details that others dont. Not saying i'm the greatest fan out there, but if i post something , it's not because it came off the top of my head. Bottom line.: Ever see a play off team that looks as depressed as this team?


And you're god damn right SnR promotes beer! We have fun

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I'm about sick of your s***. Can you ever have a debate with being a complete f***ing asshole? 


It's the first time I responded to you. Relax.


I take exception to the "ever" part. But whatever.


And you're god damn right SnR promotes beer! We have fun


And, most importantly, you are fun to listen to. Keep up the good work, stranger. I mean it.

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I'm not talking about just me. You are the same way with a lot of other people here and i get sick of reading it.


Ah, selective reading, how I adore thee....


The only "people" I treat like s*** is BMR and he ain't exactly an angel. I am VERY upfront about it, too. If you weight my insightful posts against my "irreverentl" posts, you'll see the unfairness of your statement...Not that I care either way, bro.


I concede, I might have overreacted in my reply to you, but I am sick and tired of this incessant JM bashing as well...ever think that?

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Guest hotsoxchick1

i rather enjoy his little diggs every once in a while.. they are amusing and keep me laughing during these sox stressful times......... :D


come on guys lets all get along ok......... :cheers

99 bottles of beer on the wall....99 bottles of beer.....take one down and pass it along ...98 bottles of beer on the wall..............come on everyone sing.......... :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Guest hotsoxchick1

concede, I might have overreacted in my reply to you, but I am sick and tired of this incessant JM bashing as well...ever think that?


ive been sick of it... and im sick of tryin to defend him all the time when we all know damn right well its not entirely his fault.............. :angry:

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I figured you hated us ........ 


Why? Because that'd fit nicely into a stereotypical idea you have of me?



Fat chance, bro, you guys are great. If 90% of comedies I say in 2002 provided as many laughs as your typical broadcast does......One time g/f caught me literally rolling on the floor listening to SnR when I told her I was supposed to be "rehearsing" all day and couldn't be bothered to go to some schmuck's party.....she gave me hell but make up sex to the sound of SnR was great!


Good times.

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Ah, selective reading, how I adore thee....


The only "people" I treat like s*** is BMR and he ain't exactly an angel. I am VERY upfront about it, too. If you weight my insightful posts against my "irreverentl" posts, you'll see the unfairness of your statement...Not that I care either way, bro. 


I concede, I might have overreacted in my reply to you, but I am sick and tired of this incessant JM bashing as well...ever think that?

I dont get to read as much o the board as i'd like to but i've seen you go off on quite a few people and it may be selective. I'm just pissed off today in general.


I dont blame Manuel for everything. Infact , i was one of the few that belived the Sox went on a tear in 2000 in spite of Manuel with his creative bulls*** overmanaging. I've never been a Manuel fan. But i do belive a Manager should be able to fire a team up. There are other things going on in the organization obviously. Not all players are smart players, but when a team cant play fundamental baseball and is one of the worst baserunning teams in baseball, It's partially the player, and the base coaches fault for blunders.


There's way too much talent on this team for them to perform like they do at times. Advice to KW........ Build a team around pitching and defense. Offensive #'s and clutch hits will come when you're doing things right as a team.


Eventhough i cant stand the Twins, they're perfect example of that. That team wasnt built around offense.

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concede, I might have overreacted in my reply to you, but I am sick and tired of this incessant JM bashing as well...ever think that?


ive been sick of it... and im sick of tryin to defend him all the time when we all know damn right well its not entirely his fault.............. :angry:

Since when do you back JM?

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I bet when Angels started 5-14 last year, it was because of M*THERSUCKING NEWBALANCEWEARING DIRTY COMMIE P*NKO Mike Sciossa, too



I only see four words. :)

Edited by soxheads
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Why? Because that'd fit nicely into a stereotypical idea you have of me? 



Fat chance, bro, you guys are great.  If 90% of comedies I say in 2002 provided as many laughs as your typical broadcast does......One time g/f caught me literally rolling on the floor  listening to SnR when I told her I was supposed to be "rehearsing" all day and couldn't be bothered to go to some schmuck's party.....she gave me hell but make up sex to the sound of SnR was great! 


Good times.

LOL! . I figured you didnt listen because you never replied in any threads or emailed us. People love us or hate us. No inbetween and that 's fine by me.


I'm glad you enjoy it. It's the only thing that keeps us doing it for free is we have a blast and so do the listeners. And the fact that no one in their right mind would hire drunken idiots like us. :lolhitting

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There's way too much talent on this team for them to perform like they do at times


Amen, my brotha. This is why I can't stand the way we're playing and have often been accused by those "people" of being "too negative" just because I dared to suggest after first KC series that "something was wrong" with some of the players......And I wasn't about to back down, either. Sadly more people jumped on the "sky is falling" bandwagon since then, many of em familiar "faces".


Take 1999 team: we had the lowest payroll in the game, were the youngest team in the game, lost pouting Frank to injury...were supposed to lose 100 games (while the Cubs were supposed to run away with the division, haha) and had nothing going for us....and, lo and behold, managed to hover around .500 for the most of the year, with some of the players breaking out. We had less talent that year, but it was INFINITELY more fun. Like Florida and Twins in the recent years.


I dunno, there was innocence about being a Sox fan back then....after 2001-2002 seasons fiasco, it so gone.


We need a 20-consecutive win miracle now or something. My 99-win preseason prediction sure looks stupid now :)

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Guest hotsoxchick1
concede, I might have overreacted in my reply to you, but I am sick and tired of this incessant JM bashing as well...ever think that?


ive been sick of it... and im sick of tryin to defend him all the time when we all know damn right well its not entirely his fault.............. :angry:

Since when do you back JM?

where the hell have you been all this time.. dumbass... read....lol... i have always backed jm......... im out for kw's blood remember now?????? lol... geez us take off the beer goggles once in a while ok.......... :D :D :D

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The only positive that keeps popping in my head is the 83 season. It's pretty damn close to the same exact structure of a team accept they only have one 1 guy with excellent speed. (Wille Harris).


The Sox really sucked most of the 1st half in 83 until Rolen Hemond traded for Julio Cruz. Sox went on a tear from that point on and won the division by 20 games. They had great pitching , bad defense, and a softball team of hitters.


I'm wishing for Borchard's arrival to give the similar spark. (sweet dreams)

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