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A spark for the sox down the stretch


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While this may belong in the minors thread, I thought this might be a better spot.

With all the rookies coming in and playing well across both leagues from as low as AA [like Murton, Francouer], the sox might be able to get a spark from one of their own. Jerry Owens is 2nd in the league in hitting [over .330], and has a great OBP [near .400]. With his speed and ability to get on base, he could really provide a spark. Whether its at DH or in LF [putting letting Pods, Dye and Aaron take some time off at DH], Owens could give the sox a lift as the regulars are tiring a bit. While Owens might not last long on the roster [hell, I'd put Carl on the 15 day DL to make sure his hammy is healed], the sox sure could use some energy that a guy like owens could bring.


Any thoughts on how or if his skills could help the sox out this year?

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QUOTE(beck72 @ Aug 9, 2005 -> 04:08 PM)
While this may belong in the minors thread, I thought this might be a better spot.

With all the rookies coming in and playing well across both leagues from as low as AA [like Murton, Francouer], the sox might be able to get a spark from one of their own. Jerry Owens is 2nd in the league in hitting [over .330], and has a great OBP [near .400]. With his speed and ability to get on base, he could really provide a spark. Whether its at DH or in LF [putting letting Pods, Dye and Aaron take some time off at DH], Owens could give the sox a lift as the regulars are tiring a bit. While Owens might not last long on the roster [hell, I'd put Carl on the 15 day DL to make sure his hammy is healed], the sox sure could use some energy that a guy like owens could bring.


Any thoughts on how or if his skills could help the sox out this year?


If we have to rely on an unproven minor leaguer to get us back on track, we are in trouble :o

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QUOTE(sti3 @ Aug 9, 2005 -> 04:26 PM)
not gonna happen.  sorry.

I don't think he really expects it to happen, he's more or less just suggesting it as he sees it could be benificial to the team. Throwing it out there for discussion.


Jerry Owens (24) is having a great year at B-Ham.


.339 BA, .398 OBP(which means his OBP is a little batting average heavy) 40BB/58SO, 31 SB, 137 H, 1 HR, 3 3B, 16 2B, 73 R, 38 RBI, 404 AB.


It could be interesting calling him up straight from AA. Francour is a much higher touted prospect, I believe he's in the BA America top 15 but Jerry Owens could do something for this club. However there's about no chance that we see him this season.


Not to mention the fact that we'd have to purchase his contract and put him on the 25/40.

Edited by Kalapse
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QUOTE(the People's Champ @ Aug 9, 2005 -> 09:31 PM)
If we have to rely on an unproven minor leaguer to get us back on track,  we are in trouble :o

the idea isn't to "get the sox back on track". I didn't say that. It's to give guys a rest while having a fresh pair of legs and bat like Pods around. Who knows, the sox might strike it big like with Jenks, and have a young guy stick around for the playoffs.


If he fails, no big deal.

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QUOTE(Kalapse @ Aug 9, 2005 -> 09:34 PM)
It could be interesting calling him up straight from AA. Francour is a much higher touted prospect, I believe he's in the BA America top 15 but Jerry Owens could do something for this club. However there's about no chance that we see him this season.

Francouer was hitting only .275 with a .320 OBP. At the minimum, he could give the sox OFers a rest, but still provide the sox with some Pods like energy

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Why not just call up Ross Gload?


He's (Owens) not great at stealing bases. He's 31/47 on the year, so he's right about at the break even point. He wouldn't play much, either -- Ozzie's got Timo.



Gload should be up here. It's dumb that he isn't up here. It's absolutely silly that we have a guy who put up a 115 OPS+ down in the minors (in a sizeable amount of at-bats, too).

Edited by CWSGuy406
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QUOTE(beck72 @ Aug 9, 2005 -> 04:37 PM)
Francouer was hitting only .275 with a .320 OBP. At the minimum, he could give the sox OFers a rest, but still provide the sox with some Pods like energy

I looked it up, Francouer is the #1 prospect in the Braves organization and #14 overall.

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QUOTE(CWSGuy406 @ Aug 9, 2005 -> 09:39 PM)
Why not just call up Ross Gload? 


He's (Owens) not great at stealing bases.  He's 31/47 on the year, so he's right about at the break even point.  He wouldn't play much, either -- Ozzie's got Timo.

Gload should be up here.  It's dumb that he isn't up here.  It's absolutely silly that we have a guy who put up a 115 OPS+ down in the minors (in a sizeable amount of at-bats, too).

My thinking is that the sox have the opportunity to try something different that could pay off big, like having a minor leaguer make the playoff roster. The sox already have made one such move in Jenks. Ross Gload is a proven bench player, with little upside or ability to spark a team.


The sox don't need to add a guy like Owens. But if it worked out and he hit better than .275 with his speed and ability to handle the bat [8 SH, shows good bunting ability], he could help the club in the playoffs by giving the sox regulars a rest in late august and early Sept. He wouldn't make the playoff roster [not unless he hit over .300 and was stellar in all aspects of his game]. But he could still help the club.


A move like this would have little downside, as the sox could play a rookie or two, give them a chance to succeed, and even if they failed miserably, the sox would still make the playoffs.

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QUOTE(The Ginger Kid @ Aug 9, 2005 -> 11:59 PM)
Bring me Leo

THe only problem with that is he's not any good. Otherwise hel yeah Leo Dailgle all the way. He's at Winston Salem and he'll be there for a while, maybe in 3 more years he'll be able to hit AA pitching.

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There are 2 guys who MIGHT be able to make an impact if they were called up today IMO. They are Brian Anderson and Chris Young. Anderson would be the safer bet (not that either would be a safe bet), but Young is so much more intriguing. I know his BA is low at Birmingham, but he has good HR and gap power, a good OBP, and good speed. I have a feeling that if he were hitting in a hitter's park (like Charlotte's park or Comiskey), his BA and HR totals would go up. I know it's highly unlikely, but I wouldn't be upset if he were called up.

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QUOTE(The Ginger Kid @ Aug 10, 2005 -> 02:59 PM)
Bring me Leo

BWAHAHAHA, he can come along with Derek Lowe if he wants.



Anyways, Owens has been in the minors for pretty much just over a full season now. I think they'll want to see how he does in Charlotte next season, but he projects to be a 4th OF in the long - term, unless he can keep hitting.


Anderson will be a September call - up, but the Sox can always call him up before then and use him in the playoffs. He could be used in the DH spot instead of Timo, and could also be used in the OF, instead of Timo.

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QUOTE(DBAH0 @ Aug 10, 2005 -> 03:30 AM)
BWAHAHAHA, he can come along with Derek Lowe if he wants.

Anyways, Owens has been in the minors for pretty much just over a full season now. I think they'll want to see how he does in Charlotte next season, but he projects to be a 4th OF in the long - term, unless he can keep hitting.


Anderson will be a September call - up, but the Sox can always call him up before then and use him in the playoffs. He could be used in the DH spot instead of Timo, and could also be used in the OF, instead of Timo.


In my best William Shatner voice: Anderson can be used instead of Timo.





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QUOTE(DBAH0 @ Aug 10, 2005 -> 08:30 AM)
Anyways, Owens has been in the minors for pretty much just over a full season now. I think they'll want to see how he does in Charlotte next season, but he projects to be a 4th OF in the long - term, unless he can keep hitting.


Anderson will be a September call - up, but the Sox can always call him up before then and use him in the playoffs. He could be used in the DH spot instead of Timo, and could also be used in the OF, instead of Timo.


That's the key. The Dh spot [or Timo's spot] could be used much better. There should be no reason to have him hitting on a semi regular basis when the sox have better hitting prospects in the minors.


Saying Owens is ready may be a stretch [though at age 24, he may be ready before others in the system--and his ability to get on base via the Pods way, the single and bunt fits the kind of player the sox could use now rather than a HR guy]. But someone should be able to get better AB's than Timo. Anderson, if healthy, definitely.

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