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White Sox Winner


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QUOTE(ScottPodRulez22 @ Aug 9, 2005 -> 10:58 PM)
They just said on Sports Center that the kid got arrested they think he did it on purpose. I doubt it with that scared look on his face no way does the jury find him guilty. O yah and pods #1 play 2 days straight.


Im guessing there has to be some sort of visual evidence of this kid jumping if they want to charge him with it.


Im glad Pods didnt have to get punched in the face this time to make the #1 play.

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QUOTE(kyyle23 @ Aug 9, 2005 -> 11:00 PM)
Im guessing there has to be some sort of visual evidence of this kid jumping if they want to charge him with it.


Im glad Pods didnt have to get punched in the face this time to make the #1 play.


They have about 40,000 potential witnesses.

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QUOTE(Steve9347 @ Aug 10, 2005 -> 03:20 AM)
let's go white sox.  sure, ozzie should have brought Hermanson in to start the 9th, maybe he will learn from this.


With the day game following this one, I could see why Ozzie didn't start w/ Dustin. Keep his pitch count down, have him able to pitch today as well. Politte was there to face the RH hitting ARod, and Marte then to face the LH hitters, with Dustin waiting in the wings. Cotts was warming up as well


Rivera or Gordon didn't come in in the 9th either. The Yanks had to use Sturtze when they didn't want to as well, after Embree gave up the HR. Yanks fans could second guess Torre for not bringing in one of their bullpen aces. Yet its a 162 game season and no one can throw every day of even every other day all yr.


The sox had a 2 run lead to start the 9th to play with. The easiest thing to do would be to start the 9th with Dustin. Yet Ozzie has shown he's not going to do what most people expect. I don't think it's him trying to be a "genius". But trying to find the best matchups while saving his bullpen from being overworked. You or I may not agree with Ozzie. But there is more to his decisions than we fans see

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