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OK HERES THE DOPE...........

Guest hotsoxchick1

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ok stop emailing me........heres the word as i got it ....was supposed to happen today but didnt for some reason or another but look for it to be announced anytime now..........kw will resign or take on another position in the org... due to family issues.....jm stays for now........there was a huge blow out on saturday and thats why kw was headed down to charlotte.......he was told by eddie to leave jm alone and let him do his job and when he was found interfeering with jm's decisions on friday he was warned the final time.... and the discussion fell into saturday and the rest is history.....or not for discussion........so look for kw to be ousted soon........ :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :headbang 



yippie y aaaaaaaaaa.........whoooo hooooooooo party.........yeaaaaaaaaaa..............

:lol: : :) :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :cheers :cheers HSC... i told rex on the other boards for posting there...


But i guess u deserve the credit...




You've made me a the happiest man in the world today.

Method, before you get to loving anyone, let it happen first. Then hug anyone and everyone. LOL

Thats a good point... but just the thought of it... well... its wonderful...


Like i've always said at the other board ""Only two things are infinite . . . the universe and Kenny Williams stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe." Albert Einstein/Method "

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I've been off the board for a couple of days and I was shocked when I saw HSC's original post on this thread. I've been a KW supporter based solely on the fact that he hastried to do the right things when it comes to acquiring players. Some things worked and others didn't. I've also been saying recently the as a way of shaking up the clubm, JM should probably be canned. But, after reading this entire thread, I can see where canning KW could be just exactly what this team needs. It would remove the "overbearing control freak boss" pressure from the club house. Maybe our guys can relax and just play ball. If Kenny is the problem, as HSC has been screaming forever :) then by all means, reassign his ass.

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I may have to retract my Anti-JM statements if Kenny was the puppetmaster this whole time.

They could make a movie about this called Being Jerry Manuel

I for one will not retract my Anti-JM stance..Its one thing to be controlled like a puppet when it comes to who's in the line-up and making pitching changes or whatver the f*** KW was making JM do, but its another thing to sit there and show no fire for this team, not sticking up for his players when a rotten call is made on the field,not standing up to the likes of Frank Thomas. Is KW's hands so deep in his JM's ass he's not able to move Frank down in the order for instance..Maybe..

But does not excuse the doldrum that is Jerry Manuel..Ship both Kenny and Jerry out of here...I wonder if we can raise enough money to put them in the Space Shuttle that N'sync guy was planning to go on...But we must make sure its a one way ticket. :headbang















ANNOUNCEMENT: Shipping KW and JM a one way ticket on a space shuttle does not automatically mean they will be killed up there(lack of Oxygen, food, water,etc) maybe they can live up in a space station or something similar with plenty of oxygen, food and water so they can live. We can also give them SAT video phones so they can be in contact with their loved ones..I don't want to be accused of wishing them dead cause I want to send them to SPACE forever. :D :lolhitting



(just covering my ass :headbang )

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Hypothetical situation here. Since it seems to be established that KW has been pulling on JM strings, maybe he has ordered JM not to run out of the dugout and argue with the umpire. It does not seem too far fetched to me.

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Hypothetical situation here. Since it seems to be established that KW has been pulling on JM strings, maybe he has ordered JM not to run out of the dugout and argue with the umpire.  It does not seem too far fetched to me.

Maybe, but Manuel never really ran out much before Williams anyway. He'll lose it at certain times though as we've seen in the past.


Hurry up and announce it!!!! :headbang

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I may have to retract my Anti-JM statements if Kenny was the puppetmaster this whole time.

They could make a movie about this called Being Jerry Manuel

I for one will not retract my Anti-JM stance..Its one thing to be controlled like a puppet when it comes to who's in the line-up and making pitching changes or whatver the f*** KW was making JM do, but its another thing to sit there and show no fire for this team, not sticking up for his players when a rotten call is made on the field,not standing up to the likes of Frank Thomas. Is KW's hands so deep in his JM's ass he's not able to move Frank down in the order for instance..Maybe..

But does not excuse the doldrum that is Jerry Manuel..Ship both Kenny and Jerry out of here...I wonder if we can raise enough money to put them in the Space Shuttle that N'sync guy was planning to go on...But we must make sure its a one way ticket. :headbang















ANNOUNCEMENT: Shipping KW and JM a one way ticket on a space shuttle does not automatically mean they will be killed up there(lack of Oxygen, food, water,etc) maybe they can live up in a space station or something similar with plenty of oxygen, food and water so they can live. We can also give them SAT video phones so they can be in contact with their loved ones..I don't want to be accused of wishing them dead cause I want to send them to SPACE forever. :D :lolhitting



(just covering my ass :headbang )

Well done on the ass covering......

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According to the SunTimes, Kenny accompanied the team to Oakland..... I don't know what this means, but I thought it was notable.

Confronting Billy regarding his comments. Perhaps a small little scandal to cover up the real reason for his exit?

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No can do the 13th. The pool is being installed that day... How bout the 14th. Afterparty at the Westin..?

I will be at the game the 14th also.

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The only thing missing is the obligatory sex.  Then it would be a great movie.  HSC, you should get the movie rights.


When do you think this will hit the papers.  I'm sure those guys read SoxNet.

from what i understand it was supposed to happen today.... dont know what the hold up was but.....i look for it to be announced within the next few days ..........im sure theres paperwork and loose ends to tie up tightly...........i still love that phone thing were the battery went dead.....from what i hear there was a smile on jm's face a mile wide......when he heard...........


hey steff is the for sale sign in the yard over there at his place yet.....lmao........ :D

The reason it didn't happen yesterday is due to an outpatient proceedure the mother in law had to have yesterday morning.. just passing along info guys.


And no HSC.. no for sale sign. But I did reeeeeeally want to put something up at the Rt 126 exit that said... "bubyeeeee Kenny". ;)

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It's already started ... one guy said it's a shame that HSC got run off, the next guy called her thin-skinned, hissy-fit throwing baby. The just can't stand it when HSC "scoops" them  LOL

It was a vicious wolf pack mentality. It's too bad because that web site has lots of good stuff on it. I read and I lurk but as of 3/27/03 I no longer post there. Only here, you're all stuck with me at least for now.

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i met him at soxfest this year...what a cool guy..he was talking about the '83 team...you would think it was happening today they way he talks about that season..the whole time he was talking i was thinking why isnt he our GM now


glad you like danny evans..i really was hoping he was gonna get the GM job when it opened up..never met him but from what ive read and seen of him he always carried himself like a true professional

I have met them both and not surprisingly, Danny came up when Roland was with the Sox previously. Danny should have gotten the job before. From my understanding, Danny was more Schueler's guy where KW was Reinsdorf's guy.


Apparently, KW always hung out in JR's suite while Danny watched and evaluated from Schu's.


I have spoken with Danny a few times since he became the Dodgers GM and other than having less time, he has not changed one bit.


On a different but similar note, KW has always alienated people. From contract negotiations to dealings in general, KW is widely known as "not being a people person". I do know that back when the Sox drafted Kip Wells, Kip was ready to go back to school because he and his family had been turned off so bad by KW. Danny Evans came in and smoothed things over and got the deal done. Kip's dad told me that there was no way they were signing with the Sox if Danny didn't get involved. This is only one example of many stories I have heard.

With all this evidence presented by those of you who are in a position to know better than the rest of us why oh why do some people refuse to see the truth?

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Well, I like to read and post on WSI, but its nice to see the free-form style allowed over here. And it will DEFINATELY be nice to see K Dub leave the building!!!

hey capn12


i post at both places...this site is my favorite..i really like the freedom here to say whatever you want....we seem to have a lot less confrontations here too...somehow or another we all learned to communicate w/o big daddy threatening to ban people :huh:


youre welcome to stay as long as you want..yes it will awesome to see kenny go off with elvis!!!

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It was a vicious wolf pack mentality. It's too bad because that web site has lots of good stuff on it. I read and I lurk but as of 3/27/03 I no longer post there. Only here, you're all stuck with me at least for now.

I was on hiatis from WSI at the time so I don't know all the details.. but there are some really great people there. And no matter what anyone says.. they do know their s*** - just like many here which makes sense since many are cross posters.

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I was on hiatis from WSI at the time so I don't know all the details.. but there are some really great people there. And no matter what anyone says.. they do know their s*** - just like many here which makes sense since many are cross posters.

There are some people over there that know their s***... that's for sure. but, personally, I have always fely more welcome here. So here is home.

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