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Is homosexuality normal?


Sexually speaking, where do you fall on this 10 pt scale?  

21 members have voted

  1. 1. Sexually speaking, where do you fall on this 10 pt scale?

    • 1: Dream-wise heterosexual only. Reality-wise heterosexual only.
    • 1.5: Dream-wise sometimes bi-sexual (gorgeous people only). Reality-wise heterosexual only.
    • 2: Dream-wise sometimes bi-sexual. Reality-wise sometimes bi-sexual (gorgeous people only).
    • 2.5: Dream-wise often bi-sexual. Reality-wise sometimes bi-sexual (gorgeous people only).
    • 3: Dream-wise often bi-sexual. Reality-wise sometimes bi-sexual, mostly heterosexual.
    • 4: Dream-wise often bi-sexual. Reality-wise sometimes bi-sexual, mostly homosexual.
    • 4.5: Dream-wise often bi-sexual. Reality-wise sometimes bi-sexual (gorgeous people only).
    • 5: Dream-wise sometimes bi-sexual. Reality-wise sometimes bi-sexual (gorgeous people only).
    • 5.5: Dream-wise sometimes bi-sexual (gorgeous people only). Reality-wise homosexual.
    • 6: Dream-wise homosexual. Reality-wise homosexual.

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Ozzie greeted long-time friend saying "This guys a homosexual! This guys a child-molester." or something like that.


He clearly doesn't view such statements with the sensitivity that some people do in America today. I say America because I do not see such sensitivity expressed in Japan, Germany, or the UK. Places I have visited often & have friends & colleagues in.


So I can fully understand where Ozzie is coming from. I view that comment has no different than ones I've received from others linking my Irish heritage to being drunken monkeys.


It comes as no surprise I prefer the world's view on such matters over America's. The basis being that if you include everyone in the "dark" humor pot then we are all offended equally & no one should take it seriously. On the days we actually resemble those stereo-types it makes it even funnier. If you can't laugh at yourself then there's something wrong with you.




So is homosexuality normal? Physically no, but mentally yes.


Physically they are not. Statistically they represent somewhere between 7-10% of the world's population & leading research is leaning towards abnormalities during reproduction as well as genetic inheritance as the primary cause. Simply put weak chemistry can lead to homosexuality. It is probable that in the near future science will narrow the physical causes that lead to homosexuality. Capitalism will likely drive the marketing & selling of preventive methods. It will be interesting to see the statistical consequence of what I call a GATTACA future.


Mentally they are. Not only are they normal but statistically their group has a larger % of creative talent than heterosexuals. Scientists are still trying to explain that one but it is believed to be partially related to the reproductive process. Obviously environment plays a role as well. Capitalism will no doubt turn those findings into a $$$ making scheme. Statistically there is no greater level of child-molestation or any other heinous crimes in the homosexual population than the heterosexual population. That is why the AMA & APA have come to the conclusion that as a group they are as normal as any other group.


More recent research has opened the door to environment playing a greater role than what was assumed in the 1970's. This isn't a knock against homosexuals as much as it's the belief that there is a much greater population of bi-sexuals than what the leading institutions (AMA, APA, & IMH) once thought. They believed bi-sexuals were even more rare than homosexuals but new findings are challenging that idea.


This has led to a general belief that ALL sexual behavior is influenced by both physical & social influences. On the physical side you have hormonal abnormalities experienced during reproduction from either genetic inheritance or chemical factors.

On the social side you have influences during upbringing. For example, there have been cases in the order of 1000's documenting mothers who brought their sons up as daughters because they had always wanted a daughter. There are cases on the opposite side but not as many.


When you sum it all up Kinsey was probably right in that we are all born bi-sexual to some degree (the 6 level scale) but that our experience in life determines where we fall on that level. Life jn general seemed to sort this stuff out in our society but I fear man's desire to play God will lead to the creation of supreme races. Weird won't be as tolerated or accepted then.


In relation to sin let's put it this way: in most religions of the world sodomy is considered a sin. Whether it be man-man, woman-woman, or man-woman. Ideologically speaking it's something undesireable. But in practice the data that's available suggests it's as common a practice as people who won't hesitate to sleep with a step-son, step-daughter, step-father, step-mom, or any other step-relative.


I'm having difficulty remembering Kinsey's 6 level scale & I'm too lazy to look it up so here's my version of it:

1: only heterosexual relationships accepted

2: all heterosexual relationships accepted, some bi-sexual relationships accepted

3: all heterosexual relationships accepted, all bi-sexual relationships accepted

4: all homosexual relationships accepted, all bi-sexual relationships accepted

5: all homosexual relationships accepted, some bi-sexual relationships accepted

6: only homosexual relationships accepted


I'm a 1.5. I could never see myself getting busy with the same sex but I can understand how others might. Having been to Japan on more than one occasion I know there exists she-males who are drop dead gorgeous to look at. If you're close enough to admire their beauty but far enough away not to notice they're male they will give you a hard on. Some of you are probably thinking "gross" but I would say they would fool you as well. How can you tell that the cutest dolled up person you've ever seen with really nice cleavage is a guy? By the time you find out your own hormones have kicked in to where you don't care. If not for religion I'd be a 2. The some being confined to drop-dead gorgeous she-males. Having been through that experience I'd be lying if I said otherwise. The same can be said for girl-girl. There are some times when it's a turn on. According to my religion such thoughts are sinful which is why I don't dwell on them. Temptation just waves goodbye :;


I hope that answers your question.

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This topic is way overused and overtalked about. IMO, everyone has a choice as to what they prefer. Let everybody be. I beleive relationships should be between a man and a woman but if a guy decides he wantsto date a guy and a girl a girl, good for them.

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Who cares if it's normal or not?


I don't care if someone is or not, but I don't get why they have to flaunt it when they are. Gay pride flags, stickers, parades and the Gay Games? What, are homosexuals banned from the Olympics? It's almost as they are craving attention, and don't tell me they do it because they are discrimnated against. The ones I have encountered are hypocrites who are discriminatory of people who don't dress a way that they like. I have heard some gay people compare gay pride groups to the NAACP where I almost punched them in the face. Gay people don't go through half of what blacks did, and blacks, and a thing like skin color that can't be changed is what used to hurt them. No one will ask you if you are gay on a job interview or college application. I don't care about gay people, but I don't see why everyone has to come out and say "WE SUPPORT YOU!", just live your life with whoever you want and live life like the rest of us if you don't want controversy. They sure love the benefits the government gives them that they take advantage of, but then crap all over the current adminstration with every chance possible, that bothers me. There is nothing stopping you from moving to Canada where gay marriage is legal. [/rant]

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QUOTE(Benson&Rexage @ Aug 12, 2005 -> 12:31 AM)
God created Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve. But its your choice even though it is not natural.


I know that in some carribean countires (Jamacia for sure) being a f** is really frowned upon and in some cases people get killed for it

Thank God we live in America and that doesn't happen here!


EDIT: spelling in quoted text fixed.

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QUOTE(JUGGERNAUT @ Aug 12, 2005 -> 12:34 AM)
I'm curious to see where others fall on the 6 level scale.  Do we need a poll?

Can't I just, like, accept everyone and worry about making myself right with God? Or is that not an option?


EDIT: By everyone I mean, of course, adults in a consensual relationship with other adults. I am talking here, in terms of the "scale" that Juggs laid out of the spectrum from homosexual to heterosexual that refers to adults.

Edited by ChiSoxyGirl
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I choose accepted to mean something a person would partake in. As opposed to tolerate which would be accepting what other people partake in.


Let me re-phrase the scale:

1: participate in only heterosexual relationships

2: participate in heterosexual relationships, and bi-sexual ones with gorgeous people

3: participate in heterosexual relationships, and bi-sexual ones with average people

4: participate in homosexual relationships, and bi-sexual ones with average people

5: participate in homosexual relationships, and bi-sexual ones with gorgeous people

6: participate in only homosexual relationships


Maybe we do need a poll so that people can weigh in anonymously. It would give us better results.


I just thought of a 12 level scale that might be better. I'll post the poll.

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QUOTE(JUGGERNAUT @ Aug 12, 2005 -> 12:47 AM)
I choose accepted to mean something a person would partake in.  As opposed to tolerate which would be accepting what other people partake in. 


Let me re-phrase the scale:

1: participate in only heterosexual relationships

2: participate in heterosexual relationships, and bi-sexual ones with gorgeous people

3: participate in heterosexual relationships, and bi-sexual ones with average  people

4: participate in homosexual relationships,  and bi-sexual ones with average  people

5: participate in homosexual relationships,  and bi-sexual ones with gorgeous people 

6: participate in only homosexual relationships


Maybe we do need a poll so that people can weigh in anonymously.  It would give us better results.

So, for me to TRULY accept lesbians I need to get it on with other ladies? Someone get me Kate Winslet--quick! I don't see the logical flow there--sorry.

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QUOTE(3 BeWareTheNewSox 5 @ Aug 11, 2005 -> 11:17 PM)
Who cares if it's normal or not?


I don't care if someone is or not, but I don't get why they have to flaunt it when they are. Gay pride flags, stickers, parades and the Gay Games? What, are homosexuals banned from the Olympics? It's almost as they are craving attention, and don't tell me they do it because they are discrimnated against. The ones I have encountered are hypocrites who are discriminatory of people who don't dress a way that they like. I have heard some gay people compare gay pride groups to the NAACP where I almost punched them in the face. Gay people don't go through half of what blacks did, and blacks, and a thing like skin color that can't be changed is what used to hurt them. No one will ask you if you are gay on a job interview or college application. I don't care about gay people, but I don't see why everyone has to come out and say "WE SUPPORT YOU!", just live your life with whoever you want and live life like the rest of us if you don't want controversy. They sure love the benefits the government gives them that they take advantage of, but then crap all over the current adminstration with every chance possible, that bothers me. There is nothing stopping you from moving to Canada where gay marriage is legal. [/rant]



I'm not sure what government benefits you have in mind that gays are taking advantage of. The "benefit" of being singled out for consideration in a possible marriage ban amendment? The "benefit" of not having to worry about adopting or being a foster parent in most states? The "benefit" of not being able to access to death benefits of your partner under public pension programs and the federal social security system? The "benefit" of self-identified gays to be denied the right to serve in the armed services? Please expound on the government benefits the damn gays are abusing.


Based on your post, I also gather you think gayness is something that can be readily changed, as opposed to skin color. Well, I know Michael Jackson is now whiter than me. And I know there is no evidence supporting reparative or healing and prayer techniques for "fixing" gay people. In fact, the founders of one of the ministries established specifically to 'heal' homosexuals later described their programm as ineffective and conceded that "not one person was healed."


As far as 'just living your life like the rest of us if you don't want controversy'... There wouldn't be organizations like the NAACP (which you seem to support) if there were not people willing to be controversial in demanding civil rights reform for blacks. Discrimination based on sexuality will not change unless the discrimination is pointed out and aggressively fought. That is, by definition, controversial and confrontational.

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I don't know if anything is normal now to be honest. There is really no normal. I think the best way to describe it is the word majority instead. Sure the majority of people go with woman and man, but if a woman and another woman or a man and another man want to be together, even though it's not the majority of people's interests, it should be ok.

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It is not scientificly correct for a man and a man or a women and a women to have sex. For many reasons

1) you cant reproduce

2) its nasty ( except in a few cases ie Wild Things)

3) Billy Ocean doesnt sleep with dudes

4) People who root for the cubs have limpt wrists

5) Billy Ocean is not gay

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QUOTE(Benson&Rexage @ Aug 12, 2005 -> 12:56 AM)
It is not scientificly correct for a man and a man or a women and a women to have sex. For many reasons

1) you cant reproduce

2) its nasty ( except in a few cases ie Wild Things)

3) Billy Ocean doesnt sleep with dudes

4) People who root for the cubs have limpt wrists

5) Billy Ocean is not gay

If you aren't going to say anything that adds to the discussion don't say anything.

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QUOTE(Benson&Rexage @ Aug 11, 2005 -> 11:54 PM)
Billy Ocean is the only reason there are gay dudes. Becasue Billy gets on the mic and not only does he make the panties wet he also makes dudes pitch tents.


:canada - gay

:usa - not gay



LOL, wow. No offense to Canada but I have to laugh about that one.

Edited by WilliamTell
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If you aren't going to say anything that adds to the discussion don't say anything.

I'm the only one on here who has answered the question.

It is not natural. Get two men together. Can they reproduce?

NO! There is your answer. It is not natural! and abortion in wrong except for rape. So vote for Kerry again so the Democrats can never have power again.


O Bamma is 08

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QUOTE(Benson&Rexage @ Aug 12, 2005 -> 01:00 AM)
I'm the only one on here who has answered the question.

It is not natural. Get two men together. Can they reproduce?

NO! There is your answer. It is not natural! and abortion in wrong except for rape. So vote for Kerry again so the Democrats can never have power again.


O Bamma is 08

So, should women that have reached menopause be allowed to have sex? What about infertile couples? Should straight women give their boyfriends blow jobs--doesn't serve to reproduce, so your theory would say no.

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QUOTE(Benson&Rexage @ Aug 12, 2005 -> 12:00 AM)
I'm the only one on here who has answered the question.

It is not natural. Get two men together. Can they reproduce?

NO! There is your answer. It is not natural! and abortion in wrong except for rape. So vote for Kerry again so the Democrats can never have power again.


O Bamma is 08

I heard Billy Ocean is gay. :o

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QUOTE(Benson&Rexage @ Aug 12, 2005 -> 12:00 AM)
I'm the only one on here who has answered the question.

It is not natural. Get two men together. Can they reproduce?

NO! There is your answer. It is not natural! and abortion in wrong except for rape. So vote for Kerry again so the Democrats can never have power again.


O Bamma is 08



Not to get sidetracked but I agree with you about abortion. It's not the child's fault, but anyways. As for as gays, like I said earlier, sure I wouldn't want to be one, but it's their choice I guess. I'm not gonna hate someone just because they're gay.

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So, should women that have reached menopause be allowed to have sex? What about infertile couples? Should straight women give their boyfriends blow jobs--doesn't serve to reproduce, so your theory would say no.

That is not what I'm saying at all. You asked if it was natural to be gay. I said no it is not. While the other stuff you mention is natural. A women going through menapuse- natural. I girl giving her boyfriend a bj when she is on the rag- natural. People adopting kids who cant have thier own- fine as long as they can support the kid finanicaly and emotionally.


Billy ocean getting no love- unnatural

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