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Einhorn quote


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I never cared for the Reinsdorf regime. Not in 1981, not now. Not long after Reinsdorf and Co took over wrote Eddie Einhorn a letter. It was polite and civilized because that's the way I am, but in it I addressed my concerns and criticisms. He shocked me by writing back, also very polite and civilized in addition to literate and humorous. We corresponded over a period of time. He's really a smooth and likeable guy, a great salesman. Probably a motivational guy to work for, although you could tell he 'd kick ass if the spirit moved him. I really think that the many PR problems of the Sox were in direct proportion to JR taking more of the spotlight and Eddie Einhorn fading more into the background. This franchise is currently staring straight into the abyss. If you know your Sox history then you realize this is far from the first time. However there are other factors in play now that did not exist in the past. I don't care how long the lease in the Cell is for Chicago could easily become a one baseball town sometime in the decade. I stand by past statements that this year is very important. If Eddie can be a catalyst for righting the ship then I say do it Eddie! Time is not on your side.

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I never cared for the Reinsdorf regime. Not in 1981, not now. Not long after Reinsdorf and Co took over wrote Eddie Einhorn a letter. It was polite and civilized because that's the way I am, but in it I addressed my concerns and criticisms. He shocked me by writing back, also very polite and civilized in addition to literate and humorous. We corresponded over a period of time. He's really a smooth and likeable guy, a great salesman. Probably a motivational guy to work for, although you could tell he 'd kick ass if the spirit moved him. I really think that the many PR problems of the Sox were in direct proportion to JR taking more of the spotlight and Eddie Einhorn fading more into the background. This franchise is currently staring straight into the abyss. If you know your Sox history then you realize this is far from the first time. However there are other factors in play now that did not exist in the past. I don't care how long the lease in the Cell is for Chicago could easily become a one baseball town sometime in the decade. I stand by past statements that this year is very important. If Eddie can be a catalyst for righting the ship then I say do it Eddie! Time is not on your side.

I get the feeling that you left a lot "unsaid". I find this post very ......... ummmm ..... troubling. I sure hope things don't work out as you fear.

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As the Cubs know, as do the Bears, Bulls and Blackhawks... a successful franchise in Chicago needs to rely on marketing, not its talent to make a profit. We've got a good product - even when we lose, we just need to figure out a way to make it saleable.

We had one of the best pitchmen of all time. Harry Caray.

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We had one of the best pitchmen of all time. Harry Caray.

During the party atmosphere Comiskey era, Harry and Jimmy epitomized working class, in-your-face baseball. The partiers all go to Wrigley now, get tanked there, and run out onto USCF during the game and try to pants umps for 15 minutes of fame. I truly believe that the White Sox marketing department is making a huge mistake with promotions that are definitely weighted towards the family. Most family's can only afford to go to one baseball game a year. Why are you marketing towards them? Market yourself towards the casual fan..... the single males and females with disposable income who can afford to take in 5 or 6, hell..... Sox 7 games a year. Have singles nights, ladies nights, promote the Bullpen Sports Bar and tailgates more often..... you hardly hear anything about these amenities available at USCF and in-between fans I know are usually pleasantly surprised when they go with a diehard Sox fan trying to sell his team. Could you imagine how many single males would be drawn to the ballpark on a Friday night during a "Daisy Duke" night..... where women dressed like Daisy Duke get in for free? Kid's Days, Seniors (?????) RTB's days and similar promotions are weighted entirely too heavily towards the fan that only goes to one baseball game a year.

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Market yourself towards the casual fan..... the single males and females with disposable income who can afford to take in 5 or 6, hell..... Sox 7 games a year. Have singles nights, ladies nights, promote the Bullpen Sports Bar and tailgates more often.....

Absolutely right!


You can still have family days and things like that, but you have to have balance.

You cannot market yourself as a Chuck E. Cheese and expect 30,000 people to show up every game.

The way I see it, more families go to games on the weekends.

Why not market the mid-week night games more towards singles and young adults and gear the weekend games more towards families?


...makes sense to me...probably because I said it... :D

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