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White Sox vs Red Sox - 8/13/05


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QUOTE(southsideirish71 @ Aug 13, 2005 -> 07:44 PM)
They couldnt hit in April or May.  They hit well in June and July.  And now they cant hit in August. 


In June and July they had this guy named Thomas that got on base, and got the guys behind him some better pitches to hit.

frank was good in about half the games he played, but he had his share of 0fers.

I think it has more to do w/ scotty getting on for us to be succesful.

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QUOTE(Soxpranos @ Aug 14, 2005 -> 12:43 AM)
Ozzie can only do with what he has in his stable.  In regards to that.. Timo needs to be  turned to glue and get a Bat with some pop in there.


Ozzie and KW are responsible for what's in our stable right now. Just look at what guys like Francoeur have done for the Braves this year. Why not allow Brian Anderson the chance to contribute to the MLB team. We desperately need some right handed power off of the bench.

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QUOTE(JimH @ Aug 13, 2005 -> 06:42 PM)
And if they got him he'd sing a different tune.  He is, after all, an employee of the White Sox.  It really isn't so surprising that he'd defend what they do, or don't do.

I know. Believe me, no one appreciates the Hawk more than I do. I actually get a kick out of him. I did find that line almost insulting, however. I think, considering the odds of Griffey coming to the Sox remote at best, he would just say nothing.

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QUOTE(fathom @ Aug 13, 2005 -> 07:41 PM)
Ok, I'm ready to get bashed for being negative, but am I the only one who feels like we're just trying to survive the rest of the season with our lead?  In a way, we're playing not to lose?  I just get the sense that Ozzie is praying we can just coast the rest of the way without it becoming a race.



other teams are getting better and we are not. Thats what it is.

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QUOTE(JimH @ Aug 14, 2005 -> 12:46 AM)
You are right, he takes pitches ... the strikes. 


He swings at all the balls.


At least Patterson can be dangerous when he hits the ball good. When Ozuna gets all of it...it's a 4 hopper to the 2nd baseman :P

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  quickman said:
its not like he is frail, the guy charged back, which made me charge back more. Can you go Wensday?


Frail, no. Not by a long shot, he knows what he's talking about. Here is a phrase to put in your Microsoft notebook computer, disgression is the better part of valor.


Wednesday ... yes, can do.

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QUOTE(fathom @ Aug 13, 2005 -> 06:46 PM)
Ozzie and KW are responsible for what's in our stable right now.  Just look at what guys like Francoeur have done for the Braves this year.  Why not allow Brian Anderson the chance to contribute to the MLB team.  We desperately need some right handed power off of the bench.



Dont worry, at soxfest KW promised that the money we didnt spend in FA over the winter would be like money saved so we can make the big trade for the stretch run.

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QUOTE(GBlum27 @ Aug 13, 2005 -> 06:48 PM)

This game is just about over, save his f***ing arm



Ozzie strikes again. He did this with Buerhle last night. Let him die out there. And then finally take him out after he is destroyed.


Dumb move Ozzie.

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