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1 = .278 OBP, 2 = .285 OBP


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I can understand why people on here do not care for them or there numbers, they are not my favorite players either...that being said, they are still a member of this team that I love. They go out there and give there best whenever they are called upon and there has been nothing that I have seen that has been reported that they are a nuisance in the clubhouse...so give em a break. They do there best and they are a part of the team chemistry, sure I wish they where better, but hell I wish we had Albert Pujols on our team too. All Im saying is give em a break there not going out there trying to throw games for the other team...they are apart of this team and they deserve to be rooted for as well....sorry for my rant

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QUOTE(fattyguy78 @ Aug 16, 2005 -> 01:06 AM)
I can understand why people on here do not care for them or there numbers, they are not my favorite players either...that being said, they are still a member of this team that I love.  They go out there and give there best whenever they are called upon and there has been nothing that I have seen that has been reported that they are a nuisance in the clubhouse...so give em a break.  They do there best and they are a part of the team chemistry, sure I wish they where better, but hell I wish we had Albert Pujols on our team too.  All Im saying is give em a break there not going out there trying to throw games for the other team...they are apart of this team and they deserve to be rooted for as well....sorry for my rant


By all means, have your rant. But Ozzie is playing with our lead here, which, after tonight, may well be just 5 games over Boston. Perez, Uribe, and Blum are all well under .300 in OBP, and Crede is in a horrible slump. That leaves 5 guys to make an offense, with Contreras on the mound. Do you think we're going to rally for at least 5 runs tonight???


If we screw around and think we can beat Minnesota just because they are down on their luck, they would like nothing better than to lay it to us, as they have done in the 4th inning.


All we would need would be a little pitching funk, which Buehrle and Garland both had in Boston, and we might not have the best record in the AL before August is out.

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QUOTE(VAfan @ Aug 15, 2005 -> 07:30 PM)
By all means, have your rant.  But Ozzie is playing with our lead here, which, after tonight, may well be just 5 games over Boston.  Perez, Uribe, and Blum are all well under .300 in OBP, and Crede is in a horrible slump.  That leaves 5 guys to make an offense, with Contreras on the mound.  Do you think we're going to rally for at least 5 runs tonight???


If we screw around and think we can beat Minnesota just because they are down on their luck, they would like nothing better than to lay it to us, as they have done in the 4th inning. 


All we would need would be a little pitching funk, which Buehrle and Garland both had in Boston, and we might not have the best record in the AL before August is out.

You're absolutely right, but many have been lulled into a false sense of security by the great start. They're playing like crapola now, and it's foolish to think they can hit the start button again in time for the playoffs.
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QUOTE(Yossarian @ Aug 15, 2005 -> 07:38 PM)
You're absolutely right, but many have been lulled into a false sense of security by the great start. They're playing like crapola now, and it's foolish to think they can hit the start button again in time for the playoffs.


Those are fighting words around this board. You might get flamed. BTW, I agree with you.

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My biggest beef is putting Timo in the lineup as the leadoff hitter. He hit Matt Clement in the rainout, so Ozzie thinks it is a good idea. But he has the worst OBP on the team. I'd rather see Joe Crede hit leadoff.


I just hope this experiment is over after 1 game. Ozzie can't afford to screw around. We better see Iguchi and Anderson in there tomorrow and hope Anderson doesn't start his ML career in a funk.

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I just got back from a bar watching the game. I'm not surprised that we lost given the lineup tonite, but two things that bothered me. One, the shoddy ass camera work that led me to believe konerko hit a two run homerun. Two, crede should have knocked mauer into next week on the play at home. He had zero chance to slide around him. He should have put his chin down and went right thru him. Safe or out a message should have been sent right there.

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QUOTE(marsh @ Aug 15, 2005 -> 09:41 PM)
I just got back from a bar watching the game. I'm not surprised that we lost given the lineup tonite, but two things that bothered me. One, the shoddy ass camera work that led me to believe konerko hit a two run homerun. Two, crede should have knocked mauer into next week on the play at home. He had zero chance to slide around him. He should have put his chin down and went right thru him. Safe or out a message should have been sent right there.


2 Herniated Discs. I'd like to see you with 2 herniated discs and plow over my nephew and you could tell me if it won't give you a one way ticket to the hospital.

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Timo=lead off hitter: The KC Royal Organization


You cannot put a already horrible bench player at the lead off spot. His BA and OBP are worse than most reserves in the AL. He does not belong EVER starting a game with that pathetic stroke of his. If we want to win a WS title, it will not be with a lineup made up of overpaid pathetic minor league throw-ins.

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QUOTE(nitetrain8601 @ Aug 15, 2005 -> 11:00 PM)
2 Herniated Discs. I'd like to see you with 2 herniated discs and plow over my nephew and you could tell me if it won't give you a one way ticket to the hospital.


If that's the case then he shouldn't be playing. It's part of the game and if he's not healthy enough to play the game then he should be on the dl or on the bench.

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QUOTE(nitetrain8601 @ Aug 15, 2005 -> 10:00 PM)
2 Herniated Discs. I'd like to see you with 2 herniated discs and plow over my nephew and you could tell me if it won't give you a one way ticket to the hospital.



My brother is a Chicago Cop in Area 2, he has 3 degenerated discs in his lower back. He gets epidural shots a few times a year to numb it up because his back hurts. If he can handle the eventual wrestling match that happens when he tells someone that they are under arrest where he is fighting with people that are much much bigger than Mauer. I think Crede can handle a single tackle.

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QUOTE(RockRaines @ Aug 15, 2005 -> 10:01 PM)
Timo=lead off hitter:  The KC Royal Organization


You cannot put a already horrible bench player at the lead off spot.  His BA and OBP are worse than most reserves in the AL.  He does not belong EVER starting a game with that pathetic stroke of his.  If we want to win a WS title, it will not be with a lineup made up of overpaid pathetic minor league throw-ins.


Preach it brother!


I went to the game tonight and was sorely disappointed with the product on the field. I'm seriously ready to start up a petition for KW to somehow get rid of Timo. If he's left on this team, Ozzie will keep playing him, night after pathetic night. I can't take watching him play anymore. 0-fer tonight grounding into 2 dp's, I think Brian Anderson would have had a tough time playing as poorly as Timo did. And it's not even hindsight... I said in the beginning of the game Anderson should be playing and NOT Timo. How can you bat a guy with a .221 (down to like .215 after this game) average in the leadoff position??? Stop screwing around Ozzie. Somebody mentioned that at least he's trying, so we should give him a break. Yeah? The Sox could pay me a million dollars a year, and I'd go trotting out on the field and give it my best shot too. That certainly doesn't mean that I should even be allowed to step on the field. Heart's great, but if you suck, you suck and that's all there is to it.


Contreras pulled his usual lack of focus act in the 4th, walking 2 batters that eventually came around to score. Putting hitters in 0-2 and 1-2 counts and giving them cookies. Falling behind batters all night otherwise. Typical crap. The worst part is he'd be so good except for his lack of consistency/concentration. It's all mental and that's the most frustrating part.


Crede committed another error tonight... in the beginning of the year, it seemed as if he was ready for that GG. Now it seems he's committing an error every week at least. Maybe it's his back... hopefully it is so at least he has an excuse although I would like to see his back get better.


Eighth inning rolls on. Uribe gets on base. Here we go, rally time, right? Wrong, Everett and Konerko visibly swing for the fences and strike out. AJ, not much better. Ridiculous.


Sox hitters, as usual, let first pitch fastball strikes go by. Hitter after hitter same stuff... a couple times Kyle "Cy" Lohse went 0-2 on hitters with 2 fastballs right there. The lone brightspot for me was the hitting of Geoff Blum. If the ball was over the plate, he swung at it almost every time. He may not have put it into play, but at least he swung... oh and hey, he got a couple hits out of it.

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QUOTE(Gene Honda Civic @ Aug 16, 2005 -> 02:33 PM)
yeah, Uribe was 2-3, and reached in 3 of his 4 PA's.  Add those in and it makes the numbers look respectable.

Thank you, that's why small ass sample sizes should not be used (a lesson for all of you playing at home).


Uribe's had a terrible year, we all know that. But last year he had great success in the #2 hole, and he had a good night tonight. Why not try to get him going because we're gonna need some offense without Pods.

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QUOTE(Gene Honda Civic @ Aug 15, 2005 -> 11:33 PM)
yeah, Uribe was 2-3, and reached in 3 of his 4 PA's.  Add those in and it makes the numbers look respectable.


--and his 1 for 2 with a walk on Sunday was also wiped out.


He is stringing together some pretty good at bats, in his own style. He fouled off a couple over his head, can't lay off them but he was missing them entirely earlier. He saw 30 pitches last night. He's a streaky hitter, if he could put together a 2 month hot spell of .350 --as he did last year, he could really be a shot in the arm.

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QUOTE(TLAK @ Aug 16, 2005 -> 05:53 AM)
He fouled off a couple over his head, can't lay off them but he was missing them entirely earlier. 


At some point our meathead hitters have got to stop swinging at crap neck and up. Arow Kd over the weekend on a neck high fastball from Schilling. Pauly swung at a pitch chest high last night. Do these guys have any clue on what a strike and what a ball is.

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QUOTE(southsideirish71 @ Aug 16, 2005 -> 10:01 PM)
At some point our meathead hitters have got to stop swinging at crap neck and up.  Arow Kd over the weekend on a neck high fastball from Schilling.  Pauly swung at a pitch chest high last night.  Do these guys have any clue on what a strike and what a ball is.

You take the good with the bad with Uribe, he's been hitting good the last few days, hitting in the #2 spot for a few days will probably help.


Although there are other hitters in the league who do swing at pitches outside the strike zone ya know........

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