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Hawk & Mariotti War Continues

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QUOTE(rangercal @ Aug 16, 2005 -> 01:10 AM)
Marrioti is a bandwagon jumper and only prints what sells.  Hawk is behind the mic , living and dying with this f***ing team.  Hawk gets paid for it , yeah. But, he is one of the few who watch every damn motherf***ing play.


As hard as it is, at times.  2004's mid season nose dive... Hawk was there.

2003's september collapse.. Guess f***ing what? he was there.

2002's nightmare season... Hawk was there.

2001's 14-29 start.... Hawk was there too. 

every play. good times and  his share of the bad.


While most of us can turn off the tv during a seven game losing streak, Hawk watches every f***ing play.  I will side  with Hawk over  someone who just conveniently decided to join in on our success.


So if Hawk were to say Abortions should be legalized and Mariotti were to disagree, you're siding with Hawk all the way because of him being there every play for the White Sox?? No thats dumb. And don't say you can't compare these situations because one has to do with real life and the other entertainment because this originated from Ozzie saying something that had nothing to do with being related to baseball and the same with Hawk.


You have that ride or die mentality. I could give a s*** less of Hawk owned the whole team, got us any player we wanted like the Yanks and gave each fan 100 bucks, right is right and wrong is wrong. What Hawk did was wrong and hypocritical. Nothing that has to do with baseball will change my opinion on that.

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QUOTE(nitetrain8601 @ Aug 16, 2005 -> 02:17 AM)
So if Hawk were to say Abortions should be legalized and Mariotti were to disagree, you're siding with Hawk all the way because of him being there every play for the White Sox?? No thats dumb. And don't say you can't compare these situations because one has to do with real life and the other entertainment because this originated from Ozzie saying something that had nothing to do with being related to baseball and the same with Hawk.


You have that ride or die mentality. I could give a s*** less of Hawk owned the whole team, got us any player we wanted like the Yanks and gave each fan 100 bucks, right is right and wrong is wrong. What Hawk did was wrong and hypocritical. Nothing that has to do with baseball will change my opinion on that.

How the f*** is that baseball related? You are really reaching on that one.

Nothing that has happened was even close to what you are trying to make an example out of. Why don't you just put words in Hawk's mouth?


You are acting like Hawk is completely wrong here. Put it this way. No one is right, no one is wrong. Jay just needs to shut the f*** up.

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QUOTE(rangercal @ Aug 16, 2005 -> 01:23 AM)
How the f*** is that baseball related? You are really  reaching on that one.

Nothing that has happened was even close to what you are trying to make an example out of. Why don't you just put words in Hawk's mouth?


You are acting like Hawk is completely wrong here.  Put it this way. No one is right, no one is wrong.  Jay just needs to shut the f*** up.


I'm equating that none of the stuff said has nothing to do with baseball by both parties. You also said you'll side with Hawk over Mariotti on anything for being there blah blah blah. I wasn't equating abortion with a sport, I was equating a hot topic with another hot topic.


Hawk also needs to shut the f*** up because he wasn't even discussed in the article. Where's Hawk ripping Morrisey?? All parties are wrong, but none are more wrong than Hawk.

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The White Sox pay Hawk's salary. MLB teams hire and fire their announcers. Hawk is just sucking up to the boss. Sad actually. He's a great announcer until he gets involved in office politics and sucking up for the team.

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QUOTE(nitetrain8601 @ Aug 16, 2005 -> 02:27 AM)
I'm equating that none of the stuff said has nothing to do with baseball by both parties. You also said you'll side with Hawk over Mariotti on anything for being there blah blah blah. I wasn't equating abortion with a sport, I was equating a hot topic with another hot topic.


Hawk also needs to shut the f*** up because he wasn't even discussed in the article. Where's Hawk ripping Morrisey?? All parties are wrong, but none are more wrong than Hawk.


Nite, Hawk and Jay have a had a personal problem with each other for a long time. Jay has had his say about Hawk plenty of times without Hawk saying anything, just because Hawk turned around and took some shots at Jay without being provoked TODAY doesnt mean he wasnt provoked previous to today. I have read some pretty awful things that Jay has said about Hawk, and it would eat me up too. Was it childish? Yes. Was it out of place Yes. Was it funny? Most certainly yes. Was it uncalled for? No. If it was uncalled for, than everything Jay ever has written about was also uncalled for. How are you going to assign blame to Hawk here? These two have been acting like schoolyard king-s***s for years, it isnt going to stop now. Just laugh at them and read Jays articles and notice Hawks response.


But abortion? Not even in the same sentence. Bad correlation buddy, it has no place in your argument.

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nitretrain take a look at mariottis past columns....believe me any time jay can he laces into hawk, even on around the horn reali will tease mariotti by sayign he gone, and mariotti will say "dont ever say that." mariotti has ripped hawk on a bunch of occasions in articles that seemed every bit as random as hawks rant. btw i personally agree with hawk when he says that mariotti takes every chance he gets to rip JR...the only thing thats wrong with it is that mariotti takes every chance he can get to rip ANYBODY in this town

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QUOTE(daa84 @ Aug 16, 2005 -> 09:45 AM)
nitretrain take a look at mariottis past columns....believe me any time jay can he laces into hawk, even on around the horn reali will tease mariotti by sayign he gone, and mariotti will say "dont ever say that." mariotti has ripped hawk on a bunch of occasions in articles that seemed every bit as random as hawks rant. btw i personally agree with hawk when he says that mariotti takes every chance he gets to rip JR...the only thing thats wrong with it is that mariotti takes every chance he can get to rip ANYBODY in this town

Mariotti is paid to be a sports columnist and give his opinion.


Hawk, on the other hand, is supposed to be a play by play announcer for the Sox. He is not paid to critique Jay Mariotti. He is also not paid to be the biggest homer in the history of sports announcing.


If I have to hear him administer another rimjob to a member of the Sox organization I might puke. Keep your damn mouth shut and announce the game old man.

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I think it's funny that some Sox fans are so thin skinned. With our historic lack of success, you would think that nothing could phase us. Once you get outside Chicago and the homers, there is a big world of sports announcers, pundits, talking heads, columnists, hosts, and most don't drink the White Sox koolaid. Mariotti is reporting and writing what 80-90% of the world is reporting and writing.


I have to agree a little with Aboz, Hawks can sometimes take his Sox PR duties a little too extreme. Crede and Uribe over Jeter and A-Rod GMAFB. Hell, most of this board has wanted Crede's ass a time or two. And Crede over A-Rod? LMAO.


But I am a big fan of Hawk's announcing. I love a homer announcing the game. But Hawks, quit being an apologist for the team.

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QUOTE(aboz56 @ Aug 16, 2005 -> 08:57 AM)
Rooney and Farmer > Hawk


I can't stand the guy and I hope Mariotti hands him his ass in the coming days.  I for one will support such an event.  He's got an ego bigger than the state of Texas.


Sheeeeeeeeeit, ain't no way that Farmer>Hawk. I'm not a fan of either, but I can tolerate Hawk. You wanna talk about an ego? Farmer doesn't do broadcasts, he does sermons. We should be thankful that we're blessed with his infinate baseball wisdom.

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It has gotten to the point , for me, that I will watch the opponent's feeds on DTV before I will watch the Sox Broadcast because of Hawk & DJ. I am an out of towner, so I get this option. The Hawk rants are just so over the top. He has become nothing but a JR spin doctor. Is this latest episode over the Ozzie "homosexual/pedophile" blurt? If Hawk is defending that one, I am totally lost on this guy.

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Mariotti is an idiot.He's really doesn't like the Sox,about the only ones he don't rip is

1.Brett Farve and the Packers

2.The Patriots

3.The Red Sox

4.Duke Basketball


But he doesn't like the Sox,Bears,Bulls,Black Hawks,and kinda has a soft spot for the Cubs.Like another jerk the had at the Sun Times who went to the Cubune,Steve Rosenbloom.I think him and Mariotti conspire every so often to rip the Sox no matter how good the team is.I call it the "Rick Talley"-effect.


So I agree with Hawk on this one,but in the words of Chief Wiggum on the Simpsons:"This is gonna get worse before it gets better".(He had his tie caught in a hot dog machine at the "Quick-E-Mart".)

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QUOTE(WSNS-TV44 @ Aug 16, 2005 -> 11:46 AM)
1.Brett Farve and the Packers

2.The Patriots

3.The Red Sox

4.Duke Basketball




You just listed his "model" teams. You forgot to add the Lakers, who he didnt really rip on much last year even though he had every chance to all year. Instead, Mariotti focused on how bad the Bulls were until it was apparent that they really werent bad.


Also, the red sox are interchangeable with the Yankees. Mostly, he uses those 5 teams to compare all other teams to, and if they dont compare then Mariotti gets as personal as possible.

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QUOTE(kyyle23 @ Aug 16, 2005 -> 08:36 AM)
Nite, Hawk and Jay have a had a personal problem with each other for a long time.  Jay has had his say about Hawk plenty of times without Hawk saying anything, just because Hawk turned around and took some shots at Jay without being provoked TODAY doesnt mean he wasnt provoked previous to today. I have read some pretty awful things that Jay has said about Hawk, and it would eat me up too. Was it childish?  Yes.  Was it out of place  Yes. Was it funny?  Most certainly yes. Was it uncalled for?  No.  If it was uncalled for, than everything Jay ever has written about was also uncalled for.  How are you going to assign blame to Hawk here? These two have been acting like schoolyard king-s***s for years, it isnt going to stop now.  Just laugh at them and read Jays articles and notice Hawks response. 


But abortion? Not even in the same sentence. Bad correlation buddy, it has no place in your argument.




And also, it may be moronotti's job to criticize, but he has obviously crossed the line and has been bashing Hawk. I'm certainly not against Hawk defending himself.

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QUOTE(Rowand44 @ Aug 16, 2005 -> 03:47 PM)
Here's how I hope they end this feud: They see each other somewhere, Hawk throws one punch, Mariotti is on the ground, game over.


"Two hits. Me hitting you, you hitting the floor."


Anyway, I hope some of you realize that Hawk has been with this team longer than some of you have been alive. Let's compare two announcers that are roughly the same age, Hawk and Vin Scully. Now I think Scully has the smoothest voice ever. I think if you are not a baseball fan and are trying to learn the game, Vin's your man. I think if you are listening to a ballgame that is between two teams you don't care too much about, listen to Vin.


If I'm watching my White Sox, I want a buddy to listen with. And Hawk's the man for the job. I know baseball pretty well. I can disagree with Hawk just like I would with any of you if we were watching a game together. He's fun to listen to and he's got a pretty damn good knowledge of the game, too.


Scully comes from a different era of announcers where the only time they get excited is if there is something HUUUUGE happening (Kirk Gibson in '88 comes to mind). Hawk gets excited on a big pitch in the game or a timely out or a ducksnort to keep an inning alive, just like I do. And THAT's what I like about Hawk.


As for Mariotti, he does his job. He gets people on boards to talk about him. And I think that this is like Professional Wrestling...they go out and have a beer when no one is looking. :lol:

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