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Bench Paulie's Ass!!!


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QUOTE(diehard chisox 1427 @ Aug 16, 2005 -> 03:07 PM)
OK people, Paulie didn't run it out.  OH WELL.  He is one of the best first basemen in the league.  All of you Paulie haters are complete idiots if you want to see such a great offensive weapon leave.  Get a clue people, Paulie is awesome.

So because in your mind he is one of the best 1B in the league that means he doesn't have to hustle? You can't be a great offensive weapon if you can't even hustle into 2nd because you are admiring a homer that you didn't get.

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QUOTE(sircaffey @ Aug 16, 2005 -> 11:59 AM)
You dont care that he was loafing from the start?  That bothers me more than anything.  Pauly deserved to be called out.  Sweet justice.  Maybe he'll run the next one out.


Amen to that. I just hate that Ozzie is a hypocrite and benches Uribe when he didn't run one out.


For all of you who think I'm talking about the hesitation between 1st and 2nd...I'm not . It's the fact that he didn't run to 1st. Ozzie will lose this team if he keeps playing favorites and only penalizes certain players.

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QUOTE(sircaffey @ Aug 16, 2005 -> 09:59 AM)
You dont care that he was loafing from the start?  That bothers me more than anything.  Pauly deserved to be called out.  Sweet justice.  Maybe he'll run the next one out.

I just watched the replay because I missed that inning last night. I don't see why he stood there in the box looking at it.


Bad play by Paulie, bad play all around by the Chicago White Sox baseball club last night. It's a loss.


Have you noticed that the Sox never get pounded like they used to in year's past? Or that even on bad nights they somehow, someway, manage to bring the tying run to the plate?


I want this team to peak in September anyway, not now. Oakland's already starting to cool off. The Bosox and halos are playing their best right now. We'll see if it lasts.

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QUOTE(BigSqwert @ Aug 16, 2005 -> 12:05 PM)
Amen to that.  I just hate that Ozzie is a hypocrite and benches Uribe when he didn't run one out. 


For all of you who think I'm talking about the hesitation between 1st and 2nd...I'm not .  It's the fact that he didn't run to 1st.  Ozzie will lose this team if he keeps playing favorites and only penalizes certain players.

If he "sprinted" out of the box right away, he still would of had to wait between 1st and 2nd, there was no chance for a stand up double when the throw could've beat him at 2nd if it was directly thrown there. He did run this out, and was safe.

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QUOTE(RockRaines @ Aug 16, 2005 -> 11:20 AM)
If he "sprinted" out of the box right away, he still would of had to wait between 1st and 2nd, there was no chance for a stand up double when the throw could've beat him at 2nd if it was directly thrown there.  He did run this out, and was safe.


No way...That was the most routine double ever. Pauly didn't start running until the ball was a foot off the ground. He lost at least 4 strides by standing in the box. More than enough to coast into 2B. Pauly should have easily been standing on 2B. No doubt about it. Even the defense was aligning for cut off to home plate, not to get the ball back into 2B to stop Pauly from getting into scoring position.

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QUOTE(sircaffey @ Aug 16, 2005 -> 12:45 PM)
No way...That was the most routine double ever.  Pauly didn't start running until the ball was a foot off the ground.  He lost at least 4 strides by standing in the box.  More than enough to coast into 2B.  Hell, the defense was assuming the double.  If they assumed a single, they would have thrown into 2B to keep Pauly from reaching scoring position.  Pauly should have easily been standing on 2B.  No doubt about it.

The throw was gunned to third, delayed, and then gunned to 2nd and he was barel safe and called out. If they saw Paulie going for 2nd he would have been gunned out directly. He is not fleet of foot, and that was an iffy double for him.

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QUOTE(retro1983hat @ Aug 16, 2005 -> 08:36 AM)
I was at last night's game (my 10th of the year with 4 more to go) and the way Paulie tried to coast into second on what seemed like a for sure double was disgusting.

The ball went off the wall, the LF threw to the SS, who threw to 3B who attempted to tag Carl and then threw to 2B to throw Paulie's slow ass out.


That would have been 2nd and 3rd no out. Ozzie benched Uribe for not running out a fly ball a few weeks ago, he should sit Pualie for the same thing.


And while he's at it, sit Crede for not taking out thier catcher on that play at home.

Good sox fans think a like. I thought the same thing yesterday. I was not mad at the umpire for calling him out. I was mad at paulie for making it close in the first place. How many $millions$ do we have to pay him to hustle?

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QUOTE(RockRaines @ Aug 16, 2005 -> 11:47 AM)
The throw was gunned to third, delayed, and then gunned to 2nd and he was barel safe and called out.  If they saw Paulie going for 2nd he would have been gunned out directly.  He is not fleet of foot, and that was an iffy double for him.


That's what happens when you wait at home plate long enough to tie your shoe, and then start running. The combined time Pauly spent standing in the box AND hesitating between 1B and 2B would have been more than enough to make it at least 45 feet. He loafed.

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QUOTE(sircaffey @ Aug 16, 2005 -> 10:34 AM)
That was a smart play to hold for an instant between 1B and 2B.  What wasn't a smart play was standing in the box thinking the ball was going foul, and then just before it hits down, start running.  That's where Pauly f***ed up.  Replays over and over showed Pauly's ass standing in the box as the ball dropped inside the line.  If he would have ran for the getgo, it would have been a standup double.  RUN IT OUT!


What does it matter? Paulie was standing in the right place at the right time, so the fact he didn't run to first is irrelevant.

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QUOTE(TheBigHurt @ Aug 16, 2005 -> 11:52 AM)
What does it matter? Paulie was standing in the right place at the right time, so the fact he didn't run to first is irrelevant.


Wrong. If he would have run from the getgo, he wouldnt have had to decide whether to hesitate or not.

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QUOTE(sircaffey @ Aug 16, 2005 -> 12:54 PM)
Wrong.  If he would have run from the getgo, he wouldnt have had to decide whether to hesitate or not.

Yes he would have, if he booked directly to 2nd base from the get go, they would have thrown him out. His hesitation and reaction were smart and agressive.

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QUOTE(sircaffey @ Aug 16, 2005 -> 11:54 AM)
Wrong.  If he would have run from the getgo, he wouldnt have had to decide whether to hesitate or not.


That's not true. No one could say whether that ball would be fair or foul, the hesitation, especially given his position, was not a bad thing. He got to second. The ump made a bad call. And if Paulie WOULD have been able to tell it was fair, what would have happened? He would have gotten to second. Same damn thing. As I said, the ump just made the wrong call.

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Konerko did the right thing.


Even if he was sprinting from the start he would not of had a stand up double.


Everett is much faster than Konerko, he also had a lead and was running on contact and it was a close play at 3rd (albeit a some what shorter throw). Had Konerko not waited they would have nailed him at 2nd easy.


Was there a 1 second delay between the ball being hit and Konerko running, yes.


If you want to bench him for that its fine.


The whole team will be benched because on pop up etc, most of the guys throw their bat before they start running, therefore they should be benched on that delay.


I wonder how many people would be complaining if Konerko had hit a home run the at bat before.



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QUOTE(RockRaines @ Aug 16, 2005 -> 11:57 AM)
Yes he would have, if he booked directly to 2nd base from the get go, they would have thrown him out.  His hesitation and reaction were smart and agressive.


The SS was cutting in down the left field line! They were lining up for a cut off to home. Not to "gun" Pauly out at 2B. No one from their team even looked to 2B.

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QUOTE(TheBigHurt @ Aug 16, 2005 -> 11:57 AM)
That's not true. No one could say whether that ball would be fair or foul, the hesitation, especially given his position, was not a bad thing. He got to second. The ump made a bad call. And if Paulie WOULD have been able to tell it was fair, what would have happened? He would have gotten to second. Same damn thing. As I said, the ump just made the wrong call.


Thats the point! No one knew. Pauly didn't know. That's why you run it out!


The hesitation was a good thing. However, it was set up by Pauly's loafing from home to first. And why people are just brushing this off is beyond me. This team is no where near being good enough to take plays off. Pauly is no exception. Just because you are slow. You sprint from the start and if it was clear that he couldn't have made it to 2B, then Pauly would have retreated back to first. If not, then advance to 2B. Instead, he stood in the box until the ball landed fair, and then started to run, and eventually put himself into the position of make or break. And he broke.

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QUOTE(sircaffey @ Aug 16, 2005 -> 01:02 PM)
The SS was cutting in down the left field line!  They were lining up for a cut off to home.  Not to "gun" Pauly out at 2B.  No one from their team even looked to 2B.

cut off at home??? What??? There was nobody even remotely going to home. Carl barely made third on that play.


Great Post Soxbadger, my sentiments exactly.

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Becuase he got to where he needed to be to make the decision to get to second anyway. What u are saying has absoultely no relevance.


if the ump had made the right call, this topic wouldn't exist, much less this conversation.

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QUOTE(sircaffey @ Aug 16, 2005 -> 01:07 PM)
Thats the point!  No one knew.  Pauly didn't know.  That's why you run it out!


The hesitation was a good thing.  However, it was set up by Pauly's loafing from home to first.  And why people are just brushing this off is beyond me.  This team is no where near being good enough to take plays off.  Pauly is no exception.  Just because you are slow.  You sprint from the start and if it was clear that he couldn't have made it to 2B, then Pauly would have retreated back to first.  If not, then advance to 2B.  Instead, he stood in the box until the ball landed fair, and then started to run, and eventually put himself into the position of make or break.  And he broke.

Are you kidding?? Seriously, you are little a little league coach telling his players to run out every play regardless. He took off when it was fair, made a good baserunning call in advancing to 2nd and was safe. These are professional baseball players, I trust their judgement more than your little or no experience playing at a high level. He made a good play, the ump blew the call, and the game is over.

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QUOTE(RockRaines @ Aug 16, 2005 -> 12:07 PM)
cut off at home??? What???  There was nobody even remotely going to home.  Carl barely made third on that play. 


Great Post Soxbadger, my sentiments exactly.


That's what you do on doubles down the LF line. You don't set up for a cutoff to 2B. If it was a routine single to LF then they would have setup for a cutoff to 2B to keep Pauly from advancing. Instead they lined up for cutoff to home in case Carl was sent. They conceded the double.

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QUOTE(RockRaines @ Aug 16, 2005 -> 12:09 PM)
He took off when it was fair, made a good baserunning call in advancing to 2nd and was safe. 


So players should just wait till the ball lands fair and then start to run? That's news to me....I'm not arguing the base running play between 1B and 2B. I'm arguing that Pauly wasn't running from the start. Little League, Big League, whatever.

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QUOTE(sircaffey @ Aug 16, 2005 -> 12:13 PM)
So players should just wait till the ball lands fair and then start to run?  That's news to me....I'm not arguing the base running play between 1B and 2B.  I'm arguing that Pauly wasn't running from the start.  Little League, Big League, whatever.



I get what ur saying, but he got to the right place at the right time in any case, made the right decision, and was safe. His speed at the start has no relevance, because the play would have looked the same regardless, mainly becuase of his speed in general.


Paulie was safe, the ump blew the call, bottom line. If the ump would have called him safe, would this topic exist? And would u be arguing? Surely not.

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QUOTE(sircaffey @ Aug 16, 2005 -> 01:13 PM)
So players should just wait till the ball lands fair and then start to run?  That's news to me....I'm not arguing the base running play between 1B and 2B.  I'm arguing that Pauly wasn't running from the start.  Little League, Big League, whatever.

And you my friend, are stuck in little league mode. He may have waited a bit to take off, but it was NOT a stand up double. Not even close. Carl, for instance, barely made it to 3rd on the play. He reacted, then made a nice baserunning play, and the ump blew it. Thats it, stop ragging on one play that pretty much didnt matter in the first place. If the ump didnt blow the call, your opinion would mean jack s*** because he would be standing on 2nd base. He is a professional baseball player, he made the right decision and an agressive one at that.

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QUOTE(TheBigHurt @ Aug 16, 2005 -> 12:15 PM)
I get what ur saying, but he got to the right place at the right time in any case, made the right decision, and was safe. His speed at the start has no relevance, because the play would have looked the same regardless, mainly becuase of his speed in general.


Paulie was safe, the ump blew the call, bottom line. If the ump would have called him safe, would this topic exist? And would u be arguing? Surely not.


Pauly didn't start running till the ball just landed fair. Slow or not, that cost Pauly substantial ground.

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QUOTE(sircaffey @ Aug 16, 2005 -> 01:18 PM)
Pauly didn't start running till the ball just landed fair.  Slow or not, that cost Pauly substantial ground.

Substantial ground for what? It was not a stand up double. The only way he could have advanced was on the throw to 3rd, which he did anyway. It would have been the exact same play if SLOWnerko sprinted out of the box right away. The ump blew the call, and thats it.

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QUOTE(RockRaines @ Aug 16, 2005 -> 12:17 PM)
And you my friend, are stuck in little league mode.  He may have waited a bit to take off, but it was NOT a stand up double.  Not even close.  Carl, for instance, barely made it to 3rd on the play.  He reacted, then made a nice baserunning play, and the ump blew it.  Thats it, stop ragging on one play that pretty much didnt matter in the first place.  If the ump didnt blow the call, your opinion would mean jack s*** because he would be standing on 2nd base.  He is a professional baseball player, he made the right decision and an agressive one at that.


How am I in little league mode? You even admit he even waited before running. That's what I am saying. He lost a good amount of ground, and the play COULD have been completely different.

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