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Whatever. Maybe I should be the young roman. Would you like that more?


And can you read the banner on my avatar? Without looking at the symbol of course...

US Marine Corp.


My Corp


Your Corp :headbang

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Whatever. Maybe I should be the young roman. Would you like that more?


And can you read the banner on my avatar? Without looking at the symbol of course...

US Marine Corp.


My Corp


Your Corp :headbang

Awesome. Are you a Marine? I hope to become a Marine officer after college, and I most likely will go to college...


OK, now, after Semper Fidelis, Im going to put the entire Marine hymn in my sig... ;)

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Whatever. Maybe I should be the young roman. Would you like that more?


And can you read the banner on my avatar? Without looking at the symbol of course...

US Marine Corp.


My Corp


Your Corp :headbang

Awesome. Are you a Marine? I hope to become a Marine officer after college, and I most likely will go to college...


OK, now, after Semper Fidelis, Im going to put the entire Marine hymn in my sig... ;)

No, I had an unfortunate incident with a lawn mower and lost a toe, they wouldn't take me. :angry:

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"My name is Maximus Decimus Meridius, Commander of the Armies of the North, General of the Felix Legions, loyal servant to the true emperor, Marcus Aurelius. Father to a murdered son, husband to a murdered wife. And I will have my vengeance, in this life or the next."

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"My name is Maximus Decimus Meridius, Commander of the Armies of the North, General of the Felix Legions, loyal servant to the true emperor, Marcus Aurelius. Father to a murdered son, husband to a murdered wife. And I will have my vengeance, in this life or the next."

Oh that was a great movie. Love that part especially.


Sorry about yoru unfortunate incident which kept you from serving. Its nice to know you tried tho...

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Roman....after getting off topic for a bit there...I have to ask you something.


If in 2000, the team was successful because of the players having career years, then how are we s***ty right now because of Manuel? What you might not realize is the fact that even though a lot of the starters from that year had career years...he somehow knew how to turn it into something great. You look at some managers....say, for instance, Frank Robinson in Montreal...last year, a lot of the Expos pitchers had great years. Armas Jr had a decent year...Colon had a great year, Vazquez had a solid year, Ohka had a great year...and he had a lot of tools offensively...but he couldn't turn it into a winner. Had Manuel had full control up there....that Montreal team could have been playing October baseball. Manuel may micromanage too much...but he can handle a pitching staff pretty well. If he can get the guys in the bullpen in a set order so they know their job...his bullpens are usually successful.


I realize he isn't managing the team greatly right now....but the team is hitting like .240 as a whole, when we should be hitting .260 at the very least. We have had poor run production all year. You're going to blame the fact that our offense has sucked ass on Manuel? But let me guess....you're going to say the pitching staff has been great because the pitchers have pitched great, and it has nothing to do with Manuel at all, correct?


Steff was right when she said you were talking out of two sides of your mouth....you are being totally biased against Manuel. Take off the rose-colored glasses and look what you said. You said we would have had success regardless of who was managing....yet say this year we suck because of Manuel. Huh? :huh: The more and more I look at it....the more and more I'd say the EXACT opposite. In 2000....the pitching staff was s***. We had 4 or 5 one-year wonders with mediocre seasons....yet got some great numbers out of all of them. He put together a great bullpen....and helped manage the team well offensively. However....this year, I'd say it has been strictly the players. In game 2 of the year....DJ I believe got a leadoff hit...and Manuel did the right thing, trying to move him over. Graffinino couldn't get down a bunt....that's complete horses*** on the part of Tony G. If you can't get a bunt down and you are the util IF....what the hell are you good for? I personally feel he could have put Jose in there....who is a better bunter, bunts from the left side(which in a certain scenario, had both Graffy and Val gotten the same bunt down, Val is safe by half a step and Graffy is out by half a step...simply because Graffy is going 2 feet more than Val). That was the one that popped out at the top of my head. He's also made proper pitching changes, except for a few times. Otherwise....I'd say it's been strictly the player's fault for lack of success. We've sucked with the bats...and it's probably already cost us 4 or 5 games.


Right now...I'm totally split on JM. I haven't liked what I've seen over the past year....espcially this past month...but I want to see how he does on his own, like in 2000. With KW acting as God...it's been hard for Manuel to manage. Manuel is a yes-man....refusing to do something is kind of hard for him. That's probably one reason why he let KW make him his b****, making him do many, many things. At the end....like right around now....I suppose Manuel has been getting a little pissed about this stuff...and is laughing his ass off when KW's cell phone battery dies. Eddie Einhorn is here to help save us.


If you can't realize that KW has been the problem....like EVERYONE else here believe....then you are being misguided. That's all I can say

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OK, from 2000-2002, the Sox hit 216, 214 and 217 bombs as a team respectively. Then, we could afford a crappy manager who does nothing and just relies on the longball, because, well, we hit a lot of homers. In 2003 we are on pace for 193 homeruns and that is a significant dropoff. We must turn more to small ball so that nearly everytime a man gets on base we get him in. Thats what good teams with good managers do. But JM continues to sit in "JMs corner" and do absolutely nothing. And the Sox blow scoring opportunities routinely, when we have a game where we get three runs on thirteen hits, something is seriously wrong. If he adjusted, I would accept him (notice I only said accept, I would never like this schmuck as a manager) but he hasnt adjusted.


And how can we blame all our problems on a guy whos given us Colon, Marte, Koch (yeah he doesnt look good but he has a good record, he will recover), and Jiminez? I dont care if hes writing the lineups. I like our lineups, except when Rowand/Harris start in place of Rios. But I dont care about the lineups, I care about what happens during the game. Like when he put the struggling Rick White in in the middle of a jam. Or when he refuses to bunt the tying run to second with no men out. Thats what bothers me. His in game tactical failures.


Geez, I thought everyone used to hate JM, now you all seem to love him. Can anybody tell me exactly why you support him so much? Hes done little to make me feel even neutral to him, much less like him. I will support JM in one scenario, and that is the moment he resigns or gets fired. And not a moment earlier. I dont care if we win the WS each year for the next decade with him in charge, I will never support him. Perhaps Ill give him credit when credit is due but thats not likely to happen. Koch This sums it up perfectly in his sig, "JM couldnt manage a box of peanuts"...

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OK, from 2000-2002, the Sox hit 216, 214 and 217 bombs as a team respectively. Then, we could afford a crappy manager who does nothing and just relies on the longball, because, well, we hit a lot of homers. In 2003 we are on pace for 193 homeruns and that is a significant dropoff. We must turn more to small ball so that nearly everytime a man gets on base we get him in. Thats what good teams with good managers do. But JM continues to sit in "JMs corner" and do absolutely nothing. And the Sox blow scoring opportunities routinely, when we have a game where we get three runs on thirteen hits, something is seriously wrong. If he adjusted, I would accept him (notice I only said accept, I would never like this schmuck as a manager) but he hasnt adjusted.


And how can we blame all our problems on a guy whos given us Colon, Marte, Koch (yeah he doesnt look good but he has a good record, he will recover), and Jiminez? I dont care if hes writing the lineups. I like our lineups, except when Rowand/Harris start in place of Rios. But I dont care about the lineups, I care about what happens during the game. Like when he put the struggling Rick White in in the middle of a jam. Or when he refuses to bunt the tying run to second with no men out. Thats what bothers me. His in game tactical failures.


Geez, I thought everyone used to hate JM, now you all seem to love him. Can anybody tell me exactly why you support him so much? Hes done little to make me feel even neutral to him, much less like him. I will support JM in one scenario, and that is the moment he resigns or gets fired. And not a moment earlier. I dont care if we win the WS each year for the next decade with him in charge, I will never support him. Perhaps Ill give him credit when credit is due but thats not likely to happen. Koch This sums it up perfectly in his sig, "JM couldnt manage a box of peanuts"...

Roman...I don't know which team you were watching last year....but I don't think it's the same team I saw. The team I saw last year failed to capitalize on opportunities to manufacture a run and didn't steal a lot after Durham was traded(because we all know that only Durham and Lofton could steal bases on last year's team). We rarely had anyone but Durham or Lofton bunt and I didn't see enough sac flies. The team we have right now is the EXACT same as the team of last year. They've done the exact same things wrong. Someone may need to let me know if this is right...but I do know that this all started right around the 2001 season....KW's first. Not sure if it started with Von Joshua still here, or Von Joshua fired. Regardless....this team has been s***ty fundamentally since KW has been here. In fact....we've always been s***ty fundamentally....shotty defense, missing the cutoff man, and flat out playing Earl Weaver ball is bad fundamental baseball, IMO. However...we were a better fundamental team in 2000 and we knew how to manufacture runs. In 2000....we scored 960 runs or so. Last year....we scored 870 runs. I would guess that by playing more small ball while still being a power house of a team instead of waiting for the 3-run homer like we do now is where the 90 run difference comes from.


When it rains, it pours....that's been said on here in the negative for the Sox...I'm saying it positively. Winning baseball is contagious...when you get a few guys playing baseball the way it should be played...by simply hitting the s*** out of the ball....the whole team will catch on, and you'll start to win.


KW did get us those you mentioned...and then some. What you are leaving out is the fact that he traded 3 good arms for 1 pitcher who ended up with an ERA higher than Mt Kilamanjaro. He made a very, very contraversial move in trading Sirotka for Wells....Shouldergate....and he played favorites. He would get players that he wanted to get, and he traded players that spoke against him...it was sort of a dictatorship in South Chicago. It needed to come to an end.


You are obviously avoiding the simple fact that KW was basically the one managing this team....not Manuel. KW was managing the team through Manuel. Manuel will now get to manage the team again.


Manuel has won.....KW has not. If this team continues to fail....we will fire Manuel.




I still want Ward gone though. BRING BACK VON JOSHUA! :cheers

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What are you talking about? KWs not done yet. No one has confirmed his resignation yet. Just wait!


And an above average player gets hit about every third AB. So you cant always count on him to smash it, sometimes you need to tak the low road and just advance the runner. Yes, I love line drives and towering homeruns but sometimes you need to just get the job done with bunts and steals.


As for the Ritchie trade. Wells and Fogg arent as great as everyone makes them out to be. And Ritchie was a decent pitcher before 2002. Thats what we needed, a decent pitcher, and thats what KW got. I realize we got ripped off but could anybody have honestly predicted that Ritchie would tank like that? I you could, ya lyin... :nono

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I don't want to take on an Old Marine (Roman) but I think wins will cure everything. Baseball players are men, even though they arguably play a kids game, and Manuel treats them like men. It's too early to dump Manuel and I think we can get turned around. It's up to the players to step up and deliver. If they don't do it by June I may be joining you.

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What are you talking about? KWs not done yet. No one has confirmed his resignation yet. Just wait!


And an above average player gets hit about every third AB. So you cant always count on him to smash it, sometimes you need to tak the low road and just advance the runner. Yes, I love line drives and towering homeruns but sometimes you need to just get the job done with bunts and steals.


As for the Ritchie trade. Wells and Fogg arent as great as everyone makes them out to be. And Ritchie was a decent pitcher before 2002. Thats what we needed, a decent pitcher, and thats what KW got. I realize we got ripped off but could anybody have honestly predicted that Ritchie would tank like that? I you could, ya lyin... :nono

KW's gone...it has, in almost everyone's book, been confirmed. I've heard it from two reliable sources(Steff and HSC) and that in almost everyone's book, is confirmation enough.


KW was the one making most of the calls.


As I said before...and as many others have said before....we have won with JM. We have NOT won with KW

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I don't want to take on an Old Marine (Roman) but I think wins will cure everything. Baseball players are men, even though they arguably play a kids game, and Manuel treats them like men. It's too early to dump Manuel and I think we can get turned around. It's up to the players to step up and deliver. If they don't do it by June I may be joining you.

MT, I wish I was a Marine but Im not. Im only 15. Joining the Marines is just my life goal... ;)

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JM wasnt the cause of our great play in 2000, the players were. JM was an idiot then just like he is now. The players in 2000 were awesome, JM doesnt deserve the credit for taking us to the playoffs...

So by the same logic, JM isn't to blame for the Sox poor play so far in '03 -- the players are. Seems like you're blaming JM, though. Which is it man?


If you hope the Sox lose the rest of the games this season just so Manuel can be fired, you are not a Sox fan. That is just stupid.

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