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Guest hotsoxchick1
I warned about this guy when the Sox first got him to the yawns of everyone


you didnt get any yawning out of me... i didnt want the dumbass here in the first place and i still dont want him here now..........lol ....thats no new news......... ;)


To all of you younger posters out there with little experience in the work world. There is NOTHING and I mean nothing worse at the job than having an arrogant prickface of a boss who thinks he or she if that be the case knows everything


there is nothing worse than working for an IKE (i know everything) type of person......it does suck.....life lesson #1 you always learn something new each and every day no matter how small of a deal it is, so you will never in fact know everything there is to know .............. ;)


Miles isn't the answer though. His presence isn't going to turn this team around.


he may not be the answer but the fact that hes a switch hitter whos got a hot bat right now may just help out a bit and ignite a fire??????cant hurt to try....

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i stand by what i posted day one of this season...whether miles is the answer or not doesnt matter,...he won the job out of ST..he outplayed jimenez..and this wasnt a situatio nwhere jimenez was a veteran incumbent..that position should have went to the player who showed the most in ST and that was miles...

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Guest hotsoxchick1

i agree baggs.. jm agrees with you too.. he wanted to take him.... its kw who didnt agree and didnt want that kid up here cause he PAID jimenez to take that position..........just like he paid clayton to stand out in ss, as opposed to riding the bench as jm told him to do...... it always boils down to kw making the stupid decisions because of a players contract instead of his actual capabilities........

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Umm, wouldn't Jimenez basically get paid the same amount if Miles was up?


Also, Jimenez was doing just fine in spring training too. One other key point is that Jimenez draws walks, and that is something a leadoff guy has to do and Miles has yet to show he can do that on a consistent basis.

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Umm, wouldn't Jimenez basically get paid the same amount if Miles was up? 


Also, Jimenez was doing just fine in spring training too.  One other key point is that Jimenez draws walks, and that is something a leadoff guy has to do and Miles has yet to show he can do that on a consistent basis.

a major leaguers needs to be able to catch pop ups too..thats something that jimeenz hasnt shown us....a major leaguer needs to be able to fielda ground ball and not lollipop the throw to the first baseman so a guy as old and slow as bj surhoff gets an infield hit on a play that he should have been out on by 5 steps...a major leaguer also need to get up off his ass and get into cut off position after he dives for a ground ball and misses it so the outfielder has someone to throw through , not lay on the ground and sulk like a baby...a major leaguer needs to "come ready to play" everyday...


ill take miles lack of walks over all of this garbage from jimenez...with miles attitude..ill bet he would leearn to walk more if asked too..will jimeenez ever learn to play the game the right way if asked??..id say no...this is his 3rd team now and he just doesnt get it

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DLo needs to be benched today, and tomorrow. I'm tired of this no-consequence managing. If a guy doesnt give a f*** and drops a damn popup for 3 unearned runs, you gotta bench him.


Look at the Astros, Julio Lugo was doing fine as their leadoff hitter. And then he beats his wife and they RELEASH him the next day.

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i stand by what i posted day one of this season...whether miles is the answer or not doesnt matter,...he won the job out of ST..he outplayed jimenez..and this wasnt a situatio nwhere jimenez was a veteran incumbent..that position should have went to the player who showed the most in ST and that was miles...

Miles may have "won" the second base job over Jimenez, but Jimenez was NEVER in a competition to lose it. Jimenez was the 2003 starting second basemen before Miles was named southern league MVP. JM never once mentioned anything about Miles being the starting second basemen. He wasalways mentioned in the final bench spot between him, Harris, and Paul.

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