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Dear Hawk,


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QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Aug 20, 2005 -> 04:46 AM)
I think Hawk is awesome and I love the homer routine but him toeing the party line night in and night out is getting rediculous.



The ole Hawkaroo knows who butters his bread. He also knows that is why Harry Caray got fired-not being buttery enough.

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QUOTE(Ozzie Montana @ Aug 20, 2005 -> 09:45 AM)
Thats why ive tuned into rooney and farm last 2 weeks and will continue to do so.  They dont keep on repeating the same things and actually have some contructive things to say instead of "where's that pitch" or "yay, a strike".  Id recommend this transition to the radio for any who have grown tired of the announcers.

The quality of the broadcasts have taken a nose dive this year. They put in a commercial for everything from the speed gun to the legal disclaimer. They routinely miss early pitches to read promotional drop ins.


The worst is when they do interviews during the games. Depending on the guest they completely ignore whats going on in the field. You can hear the pitch hit the mitt, or the crack of the bat in the background but they don't stop to tell you what happened. They have missed entire at bats. They are awful.


I listen to Vin Scully on GameDay at night and while he has to read all the extra commercials that Rooney and Farmer do, I don't remember him having guests or EVER missing a pitch. He is a joy.


Unlike Scully, I think the Sox team has lost sight of the fact that the reason people tune in is to hear the game.

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The three problems I've had with Hawk this year:


- The stretch call on any ball within 10 feet of the fence.


- Blaming the umpires for everything! Hell, even last night, Mussina was getting even more squeezed by the umpire, yet he didn't say a thing about that. Just cause a pitch is within 10 inches of the plate, it doesn't mean it has to be a strike


- The "where would he play" fiasco. Don't insult our intelligence Hawk.

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QUOTE(UC76 @ Aug 20, 2005 -> 10:55 AM)
1. Ask around. People who aren't diehard Sox fans. When do you hear Hawk's name mentioned as some great, likeable TV guy? It isn't. By anyone - except Sox fans. SOME Sox fans.


2. OK, you're using ticket sales numbers of a franchise notorious for low ticket sales.  :bang


3. I used my mom as an example of someone with absolutely no prior or prejudiced opinion. What's wrong with that? That actually makes perfect sense. Maybe you think it would be better if I asked someone who already hated Hawk or liked him. Yeah, that would make sense.


4. Paciorek? I've heard it. I bet plenty of others on here have heard it as well. I'm not making anything up. And I SAID that I HEARD it. I didn't say it was fact.


5. He's grooming DJ? Hahahahahahahah!!!!!!!!! Good one. Whatever. Get in the $%$#@ booth and do your job and stop stuffing your face with free food. Grooming DJ? I'm laughing here.


6. I never said Hawk's GM skills = broadcasting skills. I mentioned it as a completely unrelated topic within the same post. It's called a tangent.


7. I never mentioned my "Cubs fan buddies." Try reading the post. I mentioned baseball fans who aren't Sox fans. I'd say their opinion is pretty objective. And they don't hate Hawk. They just say he's boring and dull and repeats the same hamburgers over and over.

1. you said yourself you were asking cubs fans.

2. you got me there

3. you already said that she watched the cubs more often which shows her opinion is one of a biased cubs fab

4. Nobody knows what happened

5. THIS MAKES ME LAUGH HAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!! In case you didn't realize Hawk is old and DJ is young Hawk is helping DJ with his future career if you noticed during those "breaks" that hawk usually says a word here and there which shows he isn't in the back stuffing his face with food.

6. Then why go on the tangent? STICK TO THE TOPIC

7. Usually those baseball fans are going to be somewhat biased I'm sure there fans of some team ask someone who knows nothing about baseball.

Edited by ScottPodRulez22
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QUOTE(TLAK @ Aug 20, 2005 -> 11:15 AM)
The quality of the broadcasts have taken a nose dive this year.  They put in a commercial for everything from the speed gun to the legal disclaimer.  They routinely miss early pitches to read promotional drop ins.


The worst is when they do interviews during the games.  Depending on the guest they completely ignore whats going on in the field.  You can hear the pitch hit the mitt, or the crack of the bat in the background but they don't stop to tell you what happened.  They have missed entire at bats.  They are awful.


I listen to Vin Scully on GameDay at night and while he has to read all the extra commercials that Rooney and Farmer do, I don't remember him having guests or EVER missing a pitch.  He is a joy.


Unlike Scully, I think the Sox team has lost sight of the fact that the reason people tune in is to hear the game.

he is the best. He knows so much about the game and he hasn't gotten any worse.
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  UC76 said:
1. Ask around. People who aren't diehard Sox fans. When do you hear Hawk's name mentioned as some great, likeable TV guy? It isn't. By anyone - except Sox fans. SOME Sox fans.


2. OK, you're using ticket sales numbers of a franchise notorious for low ticket sales.  :bang


3. I used my mom as an example of someone with absolutely no prior or prejudiced opinion. What's wrong with that? That actually makes perfect sense. Maybe you think it would be better if I asked someone who already hated Hawk or liked him. Yeah, that would make sense.


4. Paciorek? I've heard it. I bet plenty of others on here have heard it as well. I'm not making anything up. And I SAID that I HEARD it. I didn't say it was fact.


5. He's grooming DJ? Hahahahahahahah!!!!!!!!! Good one. Whatever. Get in the $%$#@ booth and do your job and stop stuffing your face with free food. Grooming DJ? I'm laughing here.


6. I never said Hawk's GM skills = broadcasting skills. I mentioned it as a completely unrelated topic within the same post. It's called a tangent.


7. I never mentioned my "Cubs fan buddies." Try reading the post. I mentioned baseball fans who aren't Sox fans. I'd say their opinion is pretty objective. And they don't hate Hawk. They just say he's boring and dull and repeats the same hamburgers over and over.


First of all, I bet most of your buddies who don't like Hawk are your Cub fan buddies. I can't prove it, just like you can't prove all the nonsense you spewed in your posts.


You went on a tangent all right, no doubt about that. We agree there.


As for him grooming DJ, here's an idea for you, why don't you find DJ and ask him? I have. That's why I stated it. You might want to try that approach before coming on an internet board and broad brush painting things as if they are facts.


I did read your posts, I'll stand by my statements. You don't know what you're talking about, and I still believe you've been a Sox fan your entire life ... 19 or 20 years.


Oh, and by the way, did I mention, you don't know what you're talking about. You might want to stop posting on this topic on this site, you're embarassing yourself.

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QUOTE(aboz56 @ Aug 20, 2005 -> 02:54 PM)
I cant wait for the day where I can say....Hawk....HE GONE!


Petition for Alex, Jason and I to just get drunk in the booth and mimic other announcers.


Seriously, how can you people stand this tool? He intentionally answers e-mails about his time playing in Fenway or DJ's time in Japan instead of talking about the game. Do I really give a s*** that you batted behind Yaz, Hawk? Does anyone? No one cares about your past with the Red Sox, Athletics or Senators except old farts like yourself. You had one good cumulative year where you probably just hit as many fly balls to the green monster as you could. Your career line was .239 .325 .414, talk about that. Talk about how you were an awful hitter but still had an ego of Georgia. Talk about how you played in the World Series, and then went 1-13. Talk about the game in front of your eyes instead of the the game 30 years ago.

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QUOTE(Cerbaho-WG @ Aug 20, 2005 -> 04:42 PM)
Petition for Alex, Jason and I to just get drunk in the booth and mimic other announcers.


Seriously, how can you people stand this tool? He intentionally answers e-mails about his time playing in Fenway or DJ's time in Japan instead of talking about the game. Do I really give a s*** that you batted behind Yaz, Hawk? Does anyone? No one cares about your past with the Red Sox, Athletics or Senators except old farts like yourself. You had one good cumulative year where you probably just hit as many fly balls to the green monster as you could. Your career line was .239 .325 .414, talk about that. Talk about how you were an awful hitter but still had an ego of Georgia. Talk about how you played in the World Series, and then went 1-13. Talk about the game in front of your eyes instead of the the game 30 years ago.

you could have Len Kasper or the great Bob Brenly.
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QUOTE(bighurt2719 @ Aug 20, 2005 -> 07:11 PM)
a true sox fan can at least tolerate hawk, even if they do not like him. there are too many non-sox fans on this god damn post. get out of here if you are not a true sox fan!!


well hell, I dig Hawk.

I understand all the criticism, but he's still the familiar home-team voice that lives and dies with the team.

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QUOTE(bighurt2719 @ Aug 20, 2005 -> 07:08 AM)
your statement is so stupid it requires no response. hawk's not going anywhere- it's not even worth arguing about. i love hawk, but if you dont, whatever. if you dont have anything noce or constructive to say, dont say anything.


Whoops. I meant to type GO HAWKKKK HE IS TEH BEST !!!!1!!!1


Oh, and excuse me on the "noce or constructive" thing. I was unaware that this was a kidnergarden discussion board.

I can tolerate Hawk, but I'd like to see a higher level from my broadcasters.

Especially as it relates to the casual observer. I'm not joking when I say it drives people away.

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I enjoy hearing Hawk's stories and just about every thing he says. If you don't want to listen the I'm sure most of today's televisions have a button that says "MUTE" on it. Deal with it and stfu.. He is part of the team...

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QUOTE(wsox08 @ Aug 21, 2005 -> 12:17 AM)
I enjoy hearing Hawk's stories and just about every thing he says. If you don't want to listen the I'm sure most of today's televisions have a button that says "MUTE" on it. Deal with it and stfu.. He is part of the team...


Or, get really, really, really, really, really, really f***ing creative, and turn down the volume, and turn up Rooney and Farmer... and if you have a problem with Hawk, Rooney, and Farmer, then go be a Cubs fan.

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QUOTE(Steve9347 @ Aug 21, 2005 -> 01:43 AM)
Or, get really, really, really, really, really, really f***ing creative, and turn down the volume, and turn up Rooney and Farmer... and if you have a problem with Hawk, Rooney, and Farmer, then go be a Cubs fan.

I actually did that today when the game was on FOX.. God I cannot stand those announcers or any fox ones.. SO the radio was good except we knew what was going to happen on TV because the radio was ahead by a few seconds... :lol:

Edited by wsox08
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QUOTE(wsox08 @ Aug 21, 2005 -> 02:47 AM)
I actually did that today when the game was on FOX.. God I cannot stand those announcers or any fox ones.. SO the radio was good except we knew what was going to happen on TV because the radio was ahead by a few seconds... :lol:


good point 08... i can deal though... rooney and farmer call an incredible game. Plus, there are chances to win free oil changes and tickets!

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QUOTE(effectivelywild @ Aug 20, 2005 -> 02:37 AM)
Honestly, most of my white sox fan friends think that Hawk is almost single-handedly detroying the fan base.  Television is crucial to developing fans.  Hawk can be just painful to listen to sometimes.  Honestly, I could do a better job.


Would you care to explain to me how the Cubs have any fans that ever watch them on TV or listen to them on radio then? Because Hawk has nothing on the sucktitude that has been Cubs broadcasts for years now.

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  effectivelywild said:
Oh, and excuse me on the "noce or constructive" thing.  I was unaware that this was a kidnergarden discussion board. 

I can tolerate Hawk, but I'd like to see a higher level from my broadcasters. 

Especially as it relates to the casual observer.  I'm not joking when I say it drives people away.



Well, we'll take just take your word for it Robert Feder, media critic.

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  lukeman89 said:
does anybody else hate it when hawk says something like


"in 40 at bats against [insert name of pitcher here] has 11 hits, 8 of which have stayed in the park"


stop with the math hawk, just say 11 hits, 3 home runs.


I'm sorry you can't understand the math. Maybe try not worrying about it? It's obviously a catch phrase, chill.

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