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They Deserve Answers


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Dear Jim,


President Bush has a major opportunity today. He's leaving Crawford to speak to the Veterans of Foreign Wars' convention in Utah. When he does, he needs to leave behind the pep talks, the open-ended "things are looking better" claims and the empty rhetoric.


It's time for the President to stand and deliver.


That's why I am asking you to support an "America Demands Answers" petition to President Bush. Starting with today's VFW speech, we're going to keep the pressure on George W. Bush until he finally addresses questions that have gone unanswered for far too long.




Every American deserves straight answers from the President -- and no one deserves them more than America's veterans and our military families.


When will the President get it right in Iraq?


When will he deliver to the nation and those sacrificing so much in Iraq a concrete plan for peace and victory?


Why, at this late date, is the Pentagon still struggling to get the right supplies and body armor to America's troops?


When will the President support a military large enough to face the challenges of today's world?


And when will the President stop short-changing America's veterans? When will he stop closing hospitals, cutting benefits, and making veterans wait weeks for a doctor's appointment?


Tell the President, it's time for answers. I am a veteran who is deeply concerned about the administration's lack of clarity on Iraq and lack of compassion on veterans' benefits. Join me in signing the "America Demands Answers" petition.




Our goal is to announce that thousands of people from all 50 states have signed the petition before the President delivers his VFW address later today. You can help us get there.


For what the President and his Republican allies are wasting on pork barrel spending and tax giveaways, we can honor America's promise to our veterans. But, earlier this year, the Department of Veterans Affairs admitted that they were more than $1 billion short of meeting veterans' health care needs this year. Time after time, the President has opposed adequate funding for VA health care.


A President who leads a nation into war shouldn't have to be pulled kicking and screaming into keeping America's promise to our veterans and to their families.


With critical votes on the President's budget and the Defense Authorization bill scheduled for September -- and critical deadlines fast approaching in Iraq -- it's time for President Bush to speak to the American people with clarity and conviction. It's time for a plan.


There's no better time to deliver it than now. And no better place to deliver it than before an audience of those who have served and sacrificed for this great nation.


So, please, sign our "America Demands Answers" petition now. And forward this message immediately to others you know who care deeply about the need for President Bush to act.




John Kerry



Paid for by Friends of John Kerry, Inc. 

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QUOTE(winodj @ Aug 22, 2005 -> 11:49 AM)
Me too. I wish he'd start being a Senator again and stop being a candidate. He had my respect until about February. I still get around 15 emails a month from him.


But Bush stopped sending me stuff, and I had one of his campaign yard signs on my front lawn.

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I find it ironic that Kerry calls for

When will he deliver to the nation and those sacrificing so much in Iraq a concrete plan for peace and victory?

when he can't even set a timetable for confirming a Supreme Court nominee. That HAS to be many steps easier than winning a war.

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QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Aug 22, 2005 -> 10:46 AM)
John Kerry is now out stealing soundbytes from a woman who lost her son in Iraq.  God I hope someone else wins the nomination for the Democrats. :headshake



Nah, another run by this insipid moron would suit me just fine.


:headbang :lolhitting

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QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Aug 23, 2005 -> 10:16 AM)
Nah,  another run by this insipid moron would suit me just fine.


:headbang  :lolhitting


No not at all. I want a canditate on the other side that will force this group to get back to some true conservative values that I believe in. I want to see them talking about smaller government, less taxes, less intrusion, etc. With Kerry all they will do is run another soundbyte campaign, with no substance in response to Kerry's "I'm not Bush" campaign.

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QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Aug 23, 2005 -> 11:20 AM)
No not at all.  I want a candidate on the other side that will force this group to get back to some true conservative values that I believe in.  I want to see them talking about smaller government, less taxes, less intrusion, etc.  With Kerry all they will do is run another soundbyte campaign, with no substance in response to Kerry's "I'm not Bush" campaign.


how about coming back to just spending what they take in, not increasing the debt to become popular? The GOPerheads spend and not collect, and convince the public that somehow someone else will pay when the economy grows, is a dangerous scam. Basically the Grand Ol' Party is equating the Dems with Russians, and trying to spend the Dems into oblivion.


How about respecting the checks and balances built into our system and not attacking the judicial branch?


How about respecting the fourth estate and their efforts to keep freedom of speech intact, and corruption exposed?


Then I will come back to the party.

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QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Aug 23, 2005 -> 04:20 PM)
No not at all.  I want a canditate on the other side that will force this group to get back to some true conservative values that I believe in.  I want to see them talking about smaller government, less taxes, less intrusion, etc.  With Kerry all they will do is run another soundbyte campaign, with no substance in response to Kerry's "I'm not Bush" campaign.

I don't give a micros*** if this person is a Democrat or Republican, they get my vote if they REALLY stand for these beliefs. The problem is, no such candidate exists because all the damn dollars start telling them how they think right after they get nominated. I HATE our government right now, because it's so corrupt. But I don't Terry McVeigh hate it - better put that disclaimer in there before the FBI comes knocking on my door. :P

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QUOTE(Texsox @ Aug 23, 2005 -> 10:41 AM)
how about coming back to just spending what they take in, not increasing the debt to become popular? The GOPerheads spend and not collect, and convince the public that somehow someone else will pay when the economy grows, is a dangerous scam.  Basically the Grand Ol' Party is equating the Dems with Russians, and trying to spend the Dems into oblivion.


How about respecting the checks and balances built into our system and not attacking the judicial branch?


How about respecting the fourth estate and their efforts to keep freedom of speech intact, and corruption exposed?


Then I will come back to the party.



On the point of spending too much I wholeheartedly agree. Congressmen and senators are gonna have to bite the bullet and truly cut spending and cut it deeply if we're gonna get away from defecit spending.


On that same note I want to see them make a real and concrete effort, none of this "slowing the rate of increases" bulls***, to cut spending before they come ask me for more of my money. The government should be made to live with less before its citizens do.

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QUOTE(winodj @ Aug 23, 2005 -> 04:20 PM)
The problem is that we really aren't doing with less, we are just shifting the burden to states and cities which tax you MORE as a result.


To me that is not a problem, but the way it should have been all along. Now the problem IMO is that the federal government is still making too many rules that should be decided at the local levels.

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