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You're stressed now because of your family situation, I'm guessing. You will soon enough adapt to that and cope with it. As far as school goes, it sounds to me like you have the right attitude. Set your goals high and work your ass off now. This will not only develop a foundation of hard work and dedication, but will also make it much easier to achieve those, or any other, goals in later years. Hang in there kid. You'll do just fine. Good luck.

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So anyways gettin back on the Sports Management thing, that'd be a path I'd just absolutely love to take in the future career wise. Is it going to happen for me as an Aussie if I want to work in the States for the next 30 to 40 years? Unfortunately, probably not, unless I get insanely lucky. Hence, why I'm on the Accounting / Finance track. Always good demand there isn't there.


Anyways on the College thing, just enjoy it. You only get to experience College Life once, so make the most of it. It's really a lot diff for me though, I don't live in a dorm or anythin, and I usually bum around the house pretty much all day if I'm not at Uni, but for god sakes all of you guys up there who are moving to college, don't fret that you won't get to see your HS buddies anymore (hell I don't really get to see mine because of diff. schedules / part time jobs etc.), but the oppurtunity is there to meet so many new people you've never seen before at College. And at least try to pass your courses now people. :P

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And SF1.. a bit of unsolicited advice.. The stuff with your parents, you need to stay out of it. Adults in life changing situations like this need to work through it themselves and while you think you getting involved (kicking your father out - or whatever you did) might be helping it's likely stressing your mother out more. If she needs you, she will come to you.


And regarding your father.. you might want to keep in mind that that's the only father you'll ever have.


You'll never get the time you miss back.

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QUOTE(Tadahito15 @ Aug 23, 2005 -> 08:32 AM)
Thanks for the advice guys. Right now I might be leaning towards University of Michigan or U of I because they both fit a lot of things that you all recommended. Thanks again for the help.



Crap.. I totally forgot this thread was about you. I'm sorry.. :bang



Good luck with whatever you choose. :cheers

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Here's one more bit of advice. Don't make important life decisions from advice you receive on an internet message board. :D


I don't know about yourself or,

What you plan to be - Yea!!

When we gamble with our time,

We choose our destiny.

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QUOTE(Tadahito15 @ Aug 23, 2005 -> 08:32 AM)
Thanks for the advice guys. Right now I might be leaning towards University of Michigan or U of I because they both fit a lot of things that you all recommended. Thanks again for the help.


Michigan's tough to get into, but they have a great business program.

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QUOTE(Kalapse @ Aug 22, 2005 -> 11:14 PM)
IMO, this is not the best way to go about things. Talk to 97% of all 35+ year olds and most will tell you that they wish they made more out of their time in HS. I have absolutley no regrets about what I did in HS and I'm perfectly setup for my future. I know that when I hit 40 years old I'll look back at my HS experience and think of how great that time was and how I made the most of it.


You can't gaurantee yourself "fun" after HS. To say that when you're done with school you'll start living is pretty dumb.


I guess I must be in the other 3% and dumb. I busted ass in high school and college - I think I might have gone to a total of 2 parties in that time period. I am having the time of my life now.


I said (while in HS and college) that I will have fun later and I'll be damned, that is just what I am doing.


This method won't work for everyone, but to say someone is dumb because it is the method that does work for them is well, dumb.

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QUOTE(CWSGuy406 @ Aug 23, 2005 -> 02:03 AM)
Dude, we'd take you seriously, but you're what, five, six years old? 

Before you get all pissy, I'm just kidding.  :D  :P


Pauly, speaking of parties and having a good time, I gotta go to one before school starts.  I need to...  uhh... "cleanse" myself...  rather...  heal the pain that is reading Jane Eyre.

sounds like keith needs to make a trip down to champaign ;)

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QUOTE(Tadahito15 @ Aug 23, 2005 -> 08:32 AM)
Thanks for the advice guys. Right now I might be leaning towards University of Michigan or U of I because they both fit a lot of things that you all recommended. Thanks again for the help.

just an FYI

U of I's great programs right now are engineering (something like 3rd in the nation) and business.

PM me or any of the other U of I guys if you have any other questions

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QUOTE(Queen Prawn @ Aug 23, 2005 -> 11:10 AM)
I guess I must be in the other 3% and dumb.  I busted ass in high school and college - I think I might have gone to a total of 2 parties in that time period.  I am having the time of my life now.


I said (while in HS and college) that I will have fun later and I'll be damned, that is just what I am doing.


This method won't work for everyone, but to say someone is dumb because it is the method that does work for them is well, dumb.



BTW, little note to end all this bs, thank to all who supported. I appreciate it.

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QUOTE(CWSGuy406 @ Aug 23, 2005 -> 03:03 AM)
Dude, we'd take you seriously, but you're what, five, six years old? 

Before you get all pissy, I'm just kidding.  :D  :P


Pauly, speaking of parties and having a good time, I gotta go to one before school starts.  I need to...  uhh... "cleanse" myself...  rather...  heal the pain that is reading Jane Eyre.

OMG...I was about to post something so bad I would get banned from not only SoxTalk but every message board on the internet! Then, I scrolled down and my rage subsided. :D

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QUOTE(SoxFan1 @ Aug 23, 2005 -> 06:49 PM)
OMG...I was about to post something so bad I would get banned from not only SoxTalk but every message board on the internet! Then, I scrolled down and my rage subsided. :D

Take some anger management classes, you little, young, don't know anything whippersnapper.:lolhitting

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University of Michigan


If you can get into Michigan, I would run with it. Michigan is one of the truly elite colleges in the nation. It combines great academics, with a great sports atmosphere. Having a degree from Michigan on your resume will help your cause no matter what you major in. I'm in engineering right now, and take it from me, its no cake walk. Just be prepared for alot of math, alot of science, and in my case, alot of programming. I'll put it this way, by the time I'm through with the degree, I will have enough math classes to have a minor in math.


I had a similar conundrum 4 years ago when I was deciding what I wanted to do. I absolutely love sports and wanted to do something sports related, but then I realized the financial burdens that would be required. Kap did a nice job pointing that fact out. People will tell you that money doesn't matter, just do what you love. But I've found that to be misleading. You have to have enough money to pay the bills and have fun occasionally, otherwise you aren't going to be happy no matter what job you are doing if you are in debt up to your ears. You just need to find a nice balance, and 2 of your 3 choices seem to be financially stable choices, while the other might be a tough choice. Here's how I would look at your choices, just my opinion...


Medical: hard work, lots of school, lots of money

Engineering: hard work, decent amount of schooling, nice amount of money

Sports: less work, decent amount of schooling, less money, happier?


Its a tough choice to make, again in my opinion, I would go through degree plan of the majors at whatever school you choose and find similar basics classes that all of your possible degree plans need. Take those first, then you are buying yourself more time to make your decision and won't fall behind in classes.

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to be honest, one of the big reasons i chose to come here was because of the sports. i needed someplace with a good atmosphere and big teams somewhere close to home and cheap. perfect fit.

going to a fball/bball game is really my favorite thing to do on campus.


Let alone, it's the best public school in the state and looks great on any resume.


Plus you get to be arrogant to other in-state school's students.......joking, joking :P

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