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I hope we keep doing bad so manuel gets fired

spoken like a Lions fan.


I cannot understand the illiogic of hoping a team does bad to accomplish something.


Make changes as needed to do what is good - we can still accomplish everything this season - adjust where we have to -


but to wish losses on this team, on my team - no, don't begin to go there.


The holes that are dug become the obtsacles that one can not get out of.


It is making adjustments as needed, not waiting for devastation and then change, that separates winners from perennial also rans.

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You guys are f***ing pitiful. You want the team to LOSE, so JM can get fired. You guys are NOT true fans. To lose to accomplish something is out of the question. You guys are a disgrace. WTF! Just cuz the team is doing bad as of late, you want everyone to go. Oh no, Maggs had an 0-4 game, let's trade him! Man, I cant believe you guys! Yes, the team suck as of late, but then why dont we just contract the Sox! Sheesh! If Frank goes 50-50 in a 20 game span, and we lose 10 of those games, we should cut Frank and fire Manuel right! Man, you guys are f***ing disgrace!

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spoken like a Lions fan.


I cannot understand the illiogic of hoping a team does bad to accomplish something.


Make changes as needed to do what is good - we can still accomplish everything this season - adjust where we have to -


but to wish losses on this team, on my team - no, don't begin to go there.


The holes that are dug become the obtsacles that one can not get out of.


It is making adjustments as needed, not waiting for devastation and then change, that separates winners from perennial also rans.

i can understand it CW and to a point i agree..my biggest fear is this team will play just well enough to not win anything but not bad enough to force any real changes...and so the '04 season will just be another extension of '01 ,'02 '03....


at this point i dont care whether they turn it around or not...i dont like this team..i dont like a lot of the players on it...it lacks heart and intensity...and today our manager just gave the team another excuse when he said what are they supposed to do..come back to the dugout going yippee i struck out...what an idiot..he's making excuse for lackluster performances...


im tired of this group..we have a bunch of right handed power hitting dh/corner outfielders /1b types that obviously only care about themselves...after all this we still are grounding out to 3rd base at a record pace....we need to purge this team....and with the pitching staff as young as it is we could rebuild quickly..we need left handed power , alot of speed and some guys that can throw leather..


WE NEED BALANCE...other GM's have built those kinds of teams..it can be done...


jimenez, lee, konerko , maggs , even my favorite st.josE6 , even thomas...all of them could be traded right now for all i care...last night was the final straw for me..what i saw out there made me sick...it should not be tolerated..but not only is it tolerated the manager is in the press making excuses..i wonder how JR will feel when during the next home stand he cant get 7k people in the park...maybe then he will wake up and do something...


crede and olivo i keep...the other everyday players would be fair game...


like you said we could dig out of this hole...but so what...this team is not fundementally sound and will not win anything accept maybe the weakest division in baseball..barely , just to be swept...

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You guys are f***ing pitiful. You want the team to LOSE, so JM can get fired. You guys are NOT true fans. To lose to accomplish something is out of the question. You guys are a disgrace. WTF! Just cuz the team is doing bad as of late, you want everyone to go. Oh no, Maggs had an 0-4 game, let's trade him! Man, I cant believe you guys! Yes, the team suck as of late, but then why dont we just contract the Sox! Sheesh! If Frank goes 50-50 in a 20 game span, and we lose 10 of those games, we should cut Frank and fire Manuel right! Man, you guys are f***ing disgrace!

Im not rooting for us to lose. I just want everyone in Sox management to be ousted. You can look in the thread "I wish they would announce it" to see why Ive turned on Kenny Williams. I will never root for us to lose tho, no matter how much I hate JM and the rest of management.

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Baggio, do you pull for the Sox to lose?


I doubt it. If you did, I'd be calling you out big time! As it is, since you said you saw a point there, I am responding to my good friend who would rather die than see the Sox lose.


To want our team to lose is astounding.


Look at the Lions. A lot of their fans were hoping they would tank last season to get their head coach and GM fired.


So what happened.


Both stayed. Then Mariucci got fired by San Fran, so they coach was fired to get Mariucci.


So if Maricuui hadn't been fired, they would still have Morningweh.


And damn if they still don't have Mullen as GM.


And a 2-14 record and the same GM and the coach only changed by luck. What does losing accomplsih but make it more difficult to get free agents and an orgainization saddled with a loser label and that is hard for the players to shake.


Do you think the Yankee fans are wishing for big losing streaks to make the adjustments to keep winning? I doubt it.


If adjustments need to be made, cry out for them.


But do you think it is easier to build a winner from a team that goes 50-112 or 81-81?


Do you think the Lions can pick up a few games and be a Super Bowl contender? No, the hole is too deep.


To wish one's own team to lose is a loser mentality and we sure as hell don't need that. And losing has never solved the problem of winning. It only is another loss.


(Which may be why the parade of free agents the Bulls had in what, 2000, and not one signed by the Bulls - no one is attracted to a losing orgainization. Much easier to build a team that is 500 rather than way below.)


Unless you want to have the Sox lose 100 games so you can say, see, I was right. But you can say that with an 81 loss team or a 61 loss team just as well.

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Baggio, do you pull for the Sox to lose?


I doubt it.


To want our team to lose is astounding.


Look at the Lions.  A lot of their fans were hoping they would tank last season to get their head coach and GM fired.


So what happened.


Both stayed.  Then Mariucci got fired by San Fran, so they coach was fired to get Mariucci.


So if Maricuui hadn't been fired, they would still have Morningweh.


And damn if they still don't have Mullen as GM.


And a 2-14 record and the same GM and the coach only changed by luck.  What does losing accomplsih but make it more difficult to get free agents and an orgainization saddled with a loser label and that is hard for the players to shake.


Do you think the Yankee fans are wishing for big losing streaks to make the adjustments to keep winning?  I doubt it.


If adjustments need to be made, cry out for them.


But do you think it is easier to build a winner from a team that goes 50-112 or 81-81? 


Do you think the Lions can pick up a few games and be a Super Bowl contender?  No, the hole is too deep. 


To wish one's own team to lose is a loser mentality and we sure as hell don't need that. And losing has neevr solved the problem of winning.  It only is another loss.


(Which may be why the parade of free agents the Bulls had in what, 2000, and not one signed by the Bulls - no one is attracted to a losing orgainization. Much easier to build a team that is 500 rather than way below.)


Unless you want to have the Sox lose 100 games so you can say, see, I was right. But you can say that with an 81 loss team or a 61 loss team just as well.


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Jim Mora was excellent...



But, how in the hell is this season over? Correct me if I'm wrong but haven't we got a winning record against Minnesota and trail them by 1.5 games? They just finished two series against Tampa, we've played the West, there are peaks and valleys to every season, to be posting this season over trash so soon is beyond me?


New quote from me!

"Anyone who doesn't think we can win the Central is crazy".

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Jim Mora was excellent...



But, how in the hell is this season over?  Correct me if I'm wrong but haven't we got a winning record against Minnesota and trail them by 1.5 games?  They just finished two series against Tampa, we've played the West, there are peaks and valleys to every season, to be posting this season over trash so soon is beyond me?


New quote from me!

"Anyone who doesn't think we can win the Central is crazy".

Ya know, wsf pointed something out to me the other day. The 1983 Sox started 38-35 and won 99 games. Make your own conclusions...

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Jim Mora was excellent...



But, how in the hell is this season over?  Correct me if I'm wrong but haven't we got a winning record against Minnesota and trail them by 1.5 games?  They just finished two series against Tampa, we've played the West, there are peaks and valleys to every season, to be posting this season over trash so soon is beyond me?


New quote from me!

"Anyone who doesn't think we can win the Central is crazy".

Since when did the Royals change divisions?

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Jim Mora was excellent...



But, how in the hell is this season over?  Correct me if I'm wrong but haven't we got a winning record against Minnesota and trail them by 1.5 games?  They just finished two series against Tampa, we've played the West, there are peaks and valleys to every season, to be posting this season over trash so soon is beyond me?


New quote from me!

"Anyone who doesn't think we can win the Central is crazy".

Ya know, wsf pointed something out to me the other day. The 1983 Sox started 38-35 and won 99 games. Make your own conclusions...

My conclusion is the '83 Sox were really good. I remember watching them at old Comiskey.

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Jim Mora was excellent...



But, how in the hell is this season over?  Correct me if I'm wrong but haven't we got a winning record against Minnesota and trail them by 1.5 games?  They just finished two series against Tampa, we've played the West, there are peaks and valleys to every season, to be posting this season over trash so soon is beyond me?


New quote from me!

"Anyone who doesn't think we can win the Central is crazy".

Ya know, wsf pointed something out to me the other day. The 1983 Sox started 38-35 and won 99 games. Make your own conclusions...

My conclusion is the '83 Sox were really good. I remember watching them at old Comiskey.

This team could do that. They just need to have some motivation, which JM fails to give, which is why he needs to be fired...

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Jim Mora was excellent...



But, how in the hell is this season over?  Correct me if I'm wrong but haven't we got a winning record against Minnesota and trail them by 1.5 games?  They just finished two series against Tampa, we've played the West, there are peaks and valleys to every season, to be posting this season over trash so soon is beyond me?


New quote from me!

"Anyone who doesn't think we can win the Central is crazy".

Ya know, wsf pointed something out to me the other day. The 1983 Sox started 38-35 and won 99 games. Make your own conclusions...

My conclusion is the '83 Sox were really good. I remember watching them at old Comiskey.

This team could do that. They just need to have some motivation, which JM fails to give, which is why he needs to be fired...

Never said this team couldn't.

I also remember everyone wanting Larussa fired in '83 after the slow start.

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