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Back to school


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Today was back to school for those of us in Northwestern Indiana. The following is a list of the classes I have with a thought of mine on them. This was the first day of school so not much happened...


Spanish I - I have a pretty much an alright teacher. She can be pretty cranky at times. I know her because there were times that I went to after school detention and she was the teacher for the after school. The class is not going to be too bad. Spanish is not too hard for me. I should do okay.


Chem/Phy - The teacher is great. I’ve known her so I know if I’ll like her or not. She says that the whole classroom is basically like an Algebra class. Not too bad because I did alright in Algebra.


World History - Awesome teacher. She has such a great attitude. She’s the girls basketball teacher and she can be very energetic. She does not care if we have cell phones out as long as we don’t make any calls. Majority of the teachers would take away a cell phone from a student if they saw one. So you make your judgment on how she takes care of that type of case.


Geometry - Another great teacher. Very friendly and it seems like I’m going to enjoy this class. Math is my favorite subject so hopefully she’ll make this class very fun because I am stuck with her for the rest of the year.


English 10 - Yet another female teacher. Personally, I much rather have a female teacher. She made us introduce ourselves in front of our whole class. That kind of thing can be embarrassing. Many of the juniors say she is very cool and it seems like they’re right. I like her, judging by just today. Craziest class I have, BTW.


P.E. Weigh Training - All we did was sat on the stands and that’s how it’s going to be for the remainder of the week. Very boring. This is sure to be one of my favorites though. We get to do pretty much what ever we want. The teacher says we can have the radio on so this class should be like free time. Not to mention that after this class its strait to home.


Only problem I had today was that I have second lunch. BLAH. I get to eat at 12 when the previous years it was at 11:10. And my bus driver, who was an elderly man, is not driving my bus anymore. He was a great person to talk to. He was a big Bears fan. Why he’s not driving my bus I have no clue. But hopefully I do see him again just to say hi. He’s probably driving another bus or he just isn’t working anymore.

Edited by Yoda
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I've got a weak schedule for this semester. Early classes, nothing hard. My biggest pain in the ass class will either be Psychology or Micro-Economics (simply because I can't understand s*** the teacher is saying) and Psychology because it's Psychology and it's meant to be hard.


15 credit hours, very simple.

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Spanish= ok, Doesnt seem to mean Homework isn't bad so far

Economics= good, Lets us goof around a lot and we stupid stuff a lot

Health= ok, just teaches usually like 10-15 minutes at end of class to talk


geometry= great, easy teaches the lesson in about 10 minutes we get 40 minutes to do homework and talk

English= good, talks a lot but keeps you interested by telling you stupid stories

Biology= Great, Funny which teacher usually arnt, seems like a cool guy plus we watched a movie on the first day.

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I have 3 people, including myself, in the class I'm taking this semester.


I'm figuring that either not many people want to take Assembler (I'm not exactly looking forward to it) or this whole program for working adults to get their 4-year degree without having to travel all the way to Dekalb isn't working out. Either way I'm sure as hell going to take advantage of it.


The teacher seems pretty cool and has said that most nights we'll get out 30 - 45 minutes early, depending on how long she feels like talking. :D

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QUOTE(Gene Honda Civic @ Aug 23, 2005 -> 07:07 PM)
Oh sure it's cool....


They have stores named 'Drugtown' and and 'Kum & Go'





The proportion of fat girls here is astounding, however.


You forgot both UBS AND CBS!


I got my first taste of a frat party the other nite.

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Last semester of college here. I am done with my major and I am just taking credits to graduate. Seems like a pretty easy load so far.


Middle East Politics- Should be cake, already took a middle east independent study about a year ago

Asian Politics- Had the teacher for another class before. 3 Take home tests and participation are the only grades = cake

Billiards- Hahah

Meaning and Religious Belief- Teacher seems pretty dry but the subject matter should be somewhat interesting and repetitious of what I have already studied

Introduction to Torts- First class is tomorrow night. 3 Hour night class

American Diversity- Basic US History type class/views from native american, african, womens perspective. Should be a piece of cake as well.

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I'll tell you Monday. I'm moved into my dorm at IU and the place seems great thus far. Moving in on five hours of sleep wasn't fun, and I was surprised to take a nap with all the music that's playing here at Collins.


Dark Side of Oz tonight, woo!

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QUOTE(Chisoxfn @ Aug 24, 2005 -> 03:06 PM)
Finance classes blow....thats all I got to say (and I'm taking 4 of them).  I need an interprator for two of my classes too.


Haha...ask me if I miss classes like "Financial Statement Analysis" and "Financial Institutions & Banking"...have fun with that garbage :P


The worst thing about them is you pretty much learn nothing...sad but very very true

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Had my first day today


Physics- Teacher is fun but he sucks at teaching

Foreign Policy- Meh

German IV- Native german teacher, goint to be hard

Debate- Should be fun

Pre-Cal- Teacher is a total die hard math nerd and a b****..

Study Hall- Much needed

World Literature- Cool teacher


I'm not in the routine for school at all.

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QUOTE(whitesoxin' @ Aug 24, 2005 -> 07:52 PM)
Had my first day today


Physics- Teacher is fun but he sucks at teaching

Foreign Policy- Meh

German IV- Native german teacher, goint to be hard

Debate- Should be fun

Pre-Cal- Teacher is a total die hard math nerd and a b****..

Study Hall- Much needed

World Literature- Cool teacher


I'm not in the routine for school at all.

You're not going to find many that teach Calculus or pre calc that aren't complete math nerds. They love what they do, that's why they're teaching math. The good thing is, if you pay attention and do the work you'll be pretty well set for the future when it comes to advanced mathematics. I took pre calc my junior year in high school, then took Calculus my senior year. Both years I had the same teacher, I hated it at the time but I really learned it. Now any math classes that I take are uber easy.

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Japanese Cinema - Very fun professor and the work load seems just about right for the class. Plus we get to watch a bunch of movies.


Chinese Cinema - Professor didn't show up on the first day.


Literacy in Content Area - Originally only supposed to meet 3 times during the semester, they've made it a seven week course now. Tonight we spent an hour learning about our professor's favorite text books that she would not have us use and then had to tell in one sentence what we thought literacy means in social studies. Prof. got visibly angry when I started tapping my feet and murmuring that I wanted to go home since this was pointless. It almost made the 3 hr. lecture on the color wheel that I had last semester seem enthralling.


Got my other two classes tomorrow.

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Spanish- a joke as usual. This is my 3rd and final spanish course here, all of them are 1/2 online. You basically are given free a's on all the online homework and they grade the exams super easy.


Calc for business - really can't tell how it's going to be so far, could be easy, could be hard, all depends on how fast they go i guess.


Other 2 classes tommorow: accounting and econ stats

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