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Are you IN or OUT?


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QUOTE(fathom @ Aug 23, 2005 -> 10:38 PM)
Anyone who's giving up on rooting for the Sox now is a f***ing pussy.  First, baseball is one of most important things in my life.......but I can't do anything to change the results, so you have to learn how to deal with it.  If you're going to give up when you're 7 games up in the division, I can't imagine what your life must be like about 9 out of 10 baseball seasons.  Enjoy the rest of this season, because there's no guarantee we don't turn into the Royals in the future.  Now....f*** TIMO!



Yeah no kidding, we have the division lead still and the best record in the American League still. Sure there are reasons to concern, but to just abandon the Sox because of a slump, you just can't do that.

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I don't know if this will help some of the people who are thinking of jumping off the ledge, but I've been saying this for a while: If the 2005 Sox don't make the playoffs, then they didn't deserve to make it. They had absolute control of their destiny to make the playoffs, and if they don't, there's no one to blame but the WHOLE organization. Not umpires, announcers, fans on a message board, or attendance figures.

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QUOTE(Milkman delivers @ Aug 23, 2005 -> 10:38 PM)
Everyone in this thread has a different definition of IN and OUT.  I feel like I'm surrounded by Bill Clintons.


I said out because I have to faith in this team to win.  I have faith in them to do one thing, and that's break my heart.  I won't let them break my heart again by admitting right now that I know they'll f*** it all up.  I'll root for them, but I'm not going to let them inevitably ruin my days and break my heart.  This sort of thing happens every single year, just on different levels.  I think a lot more people feel like I do than are letting on in here.


EDIT:  I reiterate, I still root for them to win and I am still a fan.


Nice edit.


And no, you have no way of being so sure that they'll "f*** it all up." There is no way to gurantee that.


The pessimism on this board is both maddening and sad at the same time...

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I understand where people are coming from about giving up now before another heart break, its understandable, this team fools us a lot. Thats why everyone was so reluctant to "believe" when this team was winning. Even with a lot of the media believing in us most of the fans didn't.


Sure we still have a great record but we are sinking now and with the tribe coasting with their O, its gonna be hard. Hopefully they wake up and realize playtime is over. It starts with Buehrle tomorrow, he needs to step up his game because hes been horrible.


I am in even though my faith is dwindling. Tomorrow will be a big game for the sox no doubt about it. Hopefully they come out on top with some energy and start a good streak and hopefully the tribe and twins start a bad one.


Tomorrow will be very important :gosox1: :gosox1: :gosox1: :gosox1: :gosox1: . Lets go sox, don't let us down again. :headbang :headbang :gosox1:

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QUOTE(SleepyWhiteSox @ Aug 23, 2005 -> 10:47 PM)
Nice edit.


And no, you have no way of being so sure that they'll "f*** it all up."  There is no way to gurantee that. 


The pessimism on this board is both maddening and sad at the same time...


I edited to make sure somebody doesn't assume the wrong thing.


It's a feeling. You have no way of knowing they won't f*** it all up. There is no way to guarantee that.


Why is pessimism looked down upon when this team has done nothing in almost 90 years to warrant a happy-go-lucky approach?

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QUOTE(fathom @ Aug 24, 2005 -> 03:42 AM)
The Royals were once one of the best franchises in baseball.  Also, I bet you two seasons ago, they thought they were primed for a great stretch.

Tigers too. I mean, man, they had Ty Cobb.


The Royals draft based primarily on salary, they'll trade away anyone who'll earn more than $5 mil, unless he's named Sweeney. Not only are they awful, there's been no commitment to improve, and there's no great hope in sight. I'm sure a couple delusional souls thought the turnaround was real, but still I don't remember the 'fluke' talk ever being louder. The Sox won't get to that. I'm not saying an awful year isn't possible, though I don't think it'll be next year. But it won't be a perpetual thing.


That is, we won't be the new Cubs, dammit.

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QUOTE(SleepyWhiteSox @ Aug 23, 2005 -> 10:55 PM)
Do you really need to know why pessimism is looked down upon?    :huh:


Yes, because I'm apparently another poster on here that isn't as intelligent as you believe you are. Why exactly is pessimism looked down upon when it is completely warranted by the constant failure of this team?


Oh, and before someone gives me s*** for using the word failure, I mean that any year without winning the WS is a failure.

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If someone would've known our pitching would be this good I don't know who would say we won't make the playoffs. With our pitching, we can compete with the best, THE BEST people. Thats without mentioning the offense in which people would say "with that pitching and d, how can't you win?"


Well here we go, the sox said earlier that their playing hasn't yet been felt as personal, thats over. This was personal, the sox had one of the best pitching performances of the year and blew it. Now its personal, its time for them to be obsessed with revenge. They better flip it around because its now personal and its now about their reputation. I expect a new game tomorrow after todays performance.


"Ozzie has something up his sleeve," well he better pull it the f*** out, because tomorrow its on. That magazine that said the sox were chokers that ozzie posted sure as hell better not be the only thing up his sleeve. I know the sox are trying and they are trying too hard to get it done. Tomorrow isn't about trying, its about performing. Good luck tomorrow sox and I hope you start a winning streak that will put everyone talking s*** to sleep. :gosox1: :headbang

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QUOTE(Milkman delivers @ Aug 23, 2005 -> 10:59 PM)
Yes, because I'm apparently another poster on here that isn't as intelligent as you believe you are. 


Seriously, STFU with that s***...People that assume what I think, know, and/or believe is a huge pet peeve...Let's at least keep it respectful.

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QUOTE(Greg Hibbard @ Aug 23, 2005 -> 10:05 PM)
I will always root for the Sox, but I don't have any faith that they will do anything more than they did in 2000, if even that. And that's okay. I hope they prove me wrong.

I am sure everyone is 100% behind you on this one. I know I am, everyone one week from now would love to have a plate full of crow. If tomorrows game was at home, I think some type of acknowledgement of their efforts would put a positive sign through the whole game. Since they are not at home they have to feel it themselves. Hopefully they do. :gosox3:

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QUOTE(Milkman delivers @ Aug 23, 2005 -> 11:13 PM)




Yeah, you're a class act.


I'll take the high road and let you continue with your kiddy s***. I've never responded to your posts until recently so I have no idea why you're tring to be an asshole towards me and bait me into a petty argument...Have fun with that though.

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QUOTE(SleepyWhiteSox @ Aug 23, 2005 -> 11:16 PM)
Yeah, you're a class act. 


I'll take the high road and let you continue with your kiddy s***.  I've never responded to your posts until recently so I have no idea why you're tring to be an asshole towards me and bait me into a petty argument...Have fun with that though.


Have fun up there. :headshake

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