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Mullet March

Antonio Osuna

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Ed Farmer said on the radio that on Mullet Night there will be a "Mullet March" around the warning track for those who have a mullet. Now, I don't currently have a mullet, but I have long hair that can easily be trimmed in the front to create a mullet and I am more than willing to do so if it means I get to walk around the warning track.


Does anyone have info on what I have to do to get into the Mullet March? Do I just show up to Gate 1 before the game with my mullet on, or do I have to do something special?

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QUOTE(Antonio Osuna @ Aug 24, 2005 -> 10:06 PM)
Does anyone have info on what I have to do to get into the Mullet March? Do I just show up to Gate 1 before the game with my mullet on, or do I have to do something special?


looks like you gotta wait at Gate 1 for instructions... and apparently you can get your hair styled into a mullet for free at the park... do they really want to embrace the white sox/white trash stigma like this?




Shake your mullet to the beat of the band Identity Crisis.


Let your mullet loose as you jam with the band Backstage Pass.


Don't have a mullet? Have a stylist at one of four Great Clips haircut stations located throughout the ballpark trim one up for you. Donations will be accepted to benefit the Ronald McDonald House and Chicago White Sox Charities.



Then, march your mullet over to Gate 1, where mulleted men and women will parade their classic cuts around the warning track. Wigged mullets will be accepted. The first 500 mullet marchers will get a free White Sox Mullet Night T-shirt.

Edited by maggliopipe
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  maggliopipe said:
do they really want to embrace the white sox/white trash stigma like this? 


If it means I get to walk around the warning track prior to the game? Absolutely. And several friends of mine feel the same way.


Moreover, the mullet is not necessarily a white trash haircut. In Canada, it is the traditional haircut for hockey players, and James K. Polk, our 11th President, had a mullet.

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It's a ridiculous promotion because it only reinforces our stereotype as a ballclub which draws greasy haired mullet wearing trashballs.


You know the day following this promotion there is going to be a blown up picture in the Tribune of some overweight guy chugging beer and making a complete ass of himself. This will be followed by a William Ligue and Eric Dybas update.


I'm guessing Boyer is attempting to poke fun at this image, but I'm dreading the moment this promotion reaches the national level.

Edited by Flash Tizzle
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Agreed, Boyer is cool with emailing the fans and fulfilling requests for them and everything, but this promotion and many of the commercials have been horrible


QUOTE(the People's Champ @ Aug 24, 2005 -> 07:03 PM)
They better not say anything when everyday is GAY day at Wrigley


Actually they did have a gay pride day, i think last year

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QUOTE(Antonio Osuna @ Aug 24, 2005 -> 06:39 PM)
If it means I get to walk around the warning track prior to the game? Absolutely. And several friends of mine feel the same way.


Moreover, the mullet is not necessarily a white trash haircut. In Canada, it is the traditional haircut for hockey players, and James K. Polk, our 11th President, had a mullet.


touche. your response is unbeatable. and i learned something new: polk had one!

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QUOTE(tonyho7476 @ Aug 25, 2005 -> 07:26 AM)
What a horrible promotion.  I thought it was a joke.  Then when I heard that Great Clips would give mullets out for free, I almost fell out of my chair.  Definately stupid.




But the $$ goes to charity so that's a good thing. It's not so bad.. more of a joke I think. Have fun with it guys.

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Y'all think this is worse than Elvis Night? Don't kid yourself, if it put asses in the seats Veeck would have in a heartbeat. In fact, I could see him sporting a fake mullet.


Tacky ballpark promotions are a staple of baseball. If we can't laugh at ourselves, we'd all be in trouble. Let me break out in song . . .


I took off for a weekend last month

Just to try and recall the whole year

All of the faces and all of the places

Wonderin’ where they all disappeared

I didn’t ponder the question too long

I was hungry and went out for a bite

Ran into a chum with a bottle of rum

And we wound up drinkin all night



It’s these changes in latitudes, changes in attitudes

Nothing remains quite the same

With all of our running and all of our cunning

If we couldn’t laugh we would all go insane


Reading departure signs in some big airport

Reminds me of the places I’ve been

Visions of good times that brought so much pleasure

Makes me want to go back again

If it suddenly ended tomorrow

I could somehow adjust to the fall

Good times and riches and son of a b****es

I’ve seen more than I can recall



These changes in latitudes, changes in attitudes

Nothing remains quite the same

Through all of the islands and all of the highlands

If we couldn’t laugh we would all go insane


I think about paris when I’m high on red wine

I wish I could jump on a plane

So many nights I just dream of the ocean

God I wish I was sailin’ again

Oh, yesterday’s over my shoulder

So I can’t look back for too long

There’s just too much to see waiting in front of me

And I know that I just can’t go wrong



With these changes in latitudes, changes in attitudes

Nothing remains quite the same

With all of my running and all of my cunning

If I couldn’t laugh I just would go insane

If we couldn’t laugh we just would go insane

If we weren’t all crazy we would go insane


Damn, I just realized the beach season is over in another month or two. I need to head west and sit on the beach with some BB&B* and contemplate the meaning of life.

*Beer, Bikinis, and Buffet

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I know the guy that put this promotion into their heads same guy that proposed half way to St. Pat's night. There is a stereotypical promo for the south side if there ever was one


His idea was to have Ligue bottlehead night and mullet night.


I think it is funny, cub fans by the way would eat this promo up, see 70's night.


This is baseball not polo enjoy it, geez the way you guys are acting you would think it was pedofile night where everyone dressed as a clown gets in for free.

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QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ Aug 25, 2005 -> 08:52 AM)
I know what they're trying to do, but I think it's a very, bad idea.  Just wait for the backlash from all the haters.


The haters won't be buying tickets anyway. To hell with them.

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QUOTE(Jenks Heat @ Aug 25, 2005 -> 07:41 AM)
I know the guy that put this promotion into their heads same guy that proposed half way to St. Pat's night.  There is a stereotypical promo for the south side if there ever was one 


His idea was to have Ligue bottlehead night and mullet night.


I think it is funny, cub fans by the way would eat this promo up, see 70's night. 


This is baseball not polo enjoy it, geez the way you guys are acting you would think it was pedofile night where everyone dressed as a clown gets in for free.


How about shirtless, tatooed 'meth head' foot races? The finish line could be a manequin dressed in an ump's uniform? First guy to get 4 punches in wins.



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