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Kenny Williams ESPN 1000 Interview RECAP

Mr. Showtime

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I'll report....


-- Starts off talking about Wunsch and his comments on how Manuel is quiet in the Clubhouse.


-- He sounds real quiet like he's depressed, but maybe I'm trying to hear certain things.


--Thought team was to good to have a long losing streak like this.


--Have to ask Manuel why Frank bats 3rd. Frank always gets on base. Not his decision to bat Frank 3rd. (Yes, he said that :lol:)


--Saw good signs from the offense last night.


--Don't really know till June what kind of club you have. Some teams start slow. Have time to right the ship.


--Within striking distance of first place.


--Just left Charlotte he says, wants Dorn (Rowand) to stay inside the ball. If he continues to do well will see him. Manuel gets to decide if it's 50-50 Harris and Rios. Or more of the other. :lol:


--Says we have the talent, but just not clicking yet.


--Borchard still has a long swing, would be overmatched if up here now. Making progress. Worst thing would be for him to be here and struggle.


--He sounds like he doesn't know what to say when talking about Manuel. Like he doesn't have any REAL power anymore.


--Says harder you try the worse you play. Wants to see guys relax, it's a mental game. Wants to see guys smile again, players have SERIOUS faces. Players have to loosen up.


--At what point do you have to make a change? Says what about expressing confidence in the PEOPLE IN CHARGE (IE HIM). And expressing confidence in Manuel and the players. Not looking to make changes. Rash knee jerk move would be more harmful than helpful.


--Fundaments, why are they so s***ty? Joshua and Nardi gone and still bad. Thinks players know they are responsible. D'Ang was crushed after f'ing up last night. All players and management feel responsible for the s***ty play. "Feeling it" meaning the pressure from the fans and the desire to win. Common thing in sporting world is to place blame and look to fire people "NOT THE WAY TO TREAT PEOPLE." Sometimes job isn't getting done, have to express confidence in coaching staff.


--Would prefer if replay was in effect. Last time vote was up for replay in MLB vote was split. For his money, wants the call right.


--Koch is the closer if it's a situation. Claims Jerry is on record as saying he is. But we have options if situations present them the chance to use others. Like Marte and Gordon. Will proove to be a positive to use Damaso and Flash.


--Doesn't feel his job is on the line. If a change is made along the lines of him, he says he feels he tried his best. Mac says to him "if you retire and site health reasons we know it'll be BS, since you're buff." And it got real quite for a few seconds and then he laughed. Mac was talking about Jerry Krasue. But Williams seemed to think otherwise for a few seconds.


End Interview.

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I wonder why he doesn't want Frank batting 3rd?


Let's see....he and Frank have always had a s***ty relationship...and KW's favorite player, Carlos Lee, is batting 5th or 6th nightly.


KW's a f***in nut. I want him to announce his resignation RIGHT NOW.

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From the sounds of it, doesn't seem like he's going anywhere, but maybe he has to say that and if in fact he got quiet for a second after that comment about him resigning then it could mean something.


Then again, maybe they all made ammense.

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I used to support KW. I really did. But now I dont. Frank is a legend, a legend that made me a Sox fan. And due to Kenny dislike for him, I can no longer accept Williams as the GM. He tried to trade Frank and that is completely unacceptable. He must go before he has enough of a reason to make a firesale and trade Frank. No exception.

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Why should the White Sox continue to play and pay Frank Thomas if he isn't capable of playing at the levels they are paying him?


A general manager should be willing to trade any player if the price is right and in Frank Thomas's case it wouldnt' take much for Williams to get rid of him and I'd completely agree with him if we moved him and were able to add a left handed bat of some sort to help break up the lineup.

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KW is not talking like a guy who will be fired soon...... :huh:

you are right.


i been reading about how he might get axed. i know hsc and steff has hardly ever been wrong esp by this much. i am wondering if they, the owners are not going to do the right thing just for spite.

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Guest hotsoxchick1

i did not hear this interview... and when was it done ... if he is in oaktown then he most likely did this a few days ago??? dont know... but i do know i can read inbetween the lines here.. this sounds (if im readin this right) like a man whos on the verge of being ousted....a kw not in charge...a kw whos not blowing smoke up everyones ass to convince himself and everyone else that hes making good moves and theres nothing wrong with this team.......i dont know.. i wish i did hear this so i could tell by the tone of his voice (which speaks the real truth if you listen closely, something i learned about him with the q and a sessions at soxfest)...........if i had heard it in person i could tell ya more about what hes saying.........or how i feel about what he said........

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Michelle brings up a great point, a lot of interviews are recorded. If KW is in Oakland, I doubt he would of done an interview. The real answer is if people called in and asked him questions or if they said it was a live interview.

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Guest hotsoxchick1
Michelle brings up a great point, a lot of interviews are recorded.  If KW is in Oakland, I doubt he would of done an interview.  The real answer is if people called in and asked him questions or if they said it was a live interview.

thats pretty much what im wanting to know.. i didnt hear it so i cant tell ya how to react to it........sorry guys............

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thats pretty much what im wanting to know.. i didnt hear it so i cant tell ya how to react to it........sorry guys............

no need to be anything, when you or steff hears things you are mostly, 99.9 % right. i am just wondering if the owners are not going to do anything and see if the ship can be straighten out.

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Guest hotsoxchick1

well ldf all i can tell ya is i got my info from three sources....1. a player....2. a personal friend in the sox offices...3. a person who is close to the sox and their daily activities and a voice you all hear each and every game.. but thats all i can tell ya... you make your assumptions on who they are from there............... :D all three have been right on the money with things they have told me in the past and i trust them whole heartedly.. if something doesnt happen then im sure there is a logical explaination but i dont forsee anything not happening based on what they tell me day in and day out...........

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well ldf all i can tell ya is i got my info from three sources....1. a player....2. a personal friend in the sox offices...3. a person who is close to the sox and their daily activities and a voice you all hear each and every game.. but thats all i can tell ya... you make your assumptions on who they are from there............... :D  all three have been  right on the money with things they have told me in the past and i trust them whole heartedly.. if something doesnt happen then im sure there is a logical explaination but i dont forsee anything not happening based on what they tell me day in and day out...........

i hope you understand my point and that is you were hardly ever wrong and that is why i believe you without question. that is until you start talking about miguel olvio. :lol:

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Guest hotsoxchick1
i hope you understand my point and that is you were hardly ever wrong and that is why i believe you without question. that is until you start talking about miguel olvio.  :lol:

i got your point ldf ... no problem... and now get mine.. this is the final time i tell ya to stop dissin on my bud miguel.... next time and its dukes up time.........capiche......... :D :lol: :o

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--Fundaments, why are they so s***ty? Joshua and Nardi gone and still bad. Thinks players know they are responsible. D'Ang was crushed after f'ing up last night.


Assuming this is talking about the three run dropped pop up in Oakland, and not some other f-up... then this was not a days old interview.

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well ldf all i can tell ya is i got my info from three sources....1. a player....2. a personal friend in the sox offices...3. a person who is close to the sox and their daily activities and a voice you all hear each and every game.. but thats all i can tell ya... you make your assumptions on who they are from there............... :D

I know (1) and (3), but not (2). But I could take a stab at it though. :usa

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I got to hear a replay of this interview, which was live yesterday. Kenny was very complacent and calm. Making not specific statements.. but general "it's everyone's fault" comments. This is not the KW I've seen and heard. KW makes no quams about pointing fingers and assigning blame. This was a man very much minding his P's & Q's. I, like HSC, have complete faith in the things I have been told (the specific details were just way to blatently identical combined with the fact that I know for sure that her sources and mine definitely do NOT talk ;) ). IMO, Kenny is setting the stage. Calm, cool, and rational... then when the announcement is made he'll feed a line of BS like.. "I am not satisfied with my performance... bla, bla, bla.." combined likely with family issues (even though that was mentioned in the interview.. his mom in law really does have some issues). I was told end of the week yesterday. We'll see what happens.

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The end of the week is fast approaching and I await with eager anticipation for the announcement. I think the team will play better baseball just having the weight of Kenny's overbearing presence lifted off of their collective shoulders.

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The end of the week is fast approaching and I await with eager anticipation for the announcement. I think the team will play better baseball just having the weight of Kenny's overbearing presence lifted off of their collective shoulders.

yasny, this is soooo unlike you to post during the day. i was thinking that you were a vampire. :D


good to see you here in the DAYLIGHT.

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Guest hotsoxchick1
I got to hear a replay of this interview, which was live yesterday. Kenny was very complacent and calm. Making not specific statements.. but general "it's everyone's fault" comments. This is not the KW I've seen and heard. KW makes no quams about pointing fingers and assigning blame. This was a man very much minding his P's & Q's. I, like HSC, have complete faith in the things I have been told (the specific details were just way to blatently identical combined with the fact that I know for sure that her sources and mine definitely do NOT talk  ;) ). IMO, Kenny is setting the stage. Calm, cool, and rational... then when the announcement is made he'll feed a line of BS like.. "I am not satisfied with my performance... bla, bla, bla.." combined likely with family issues (even though that was mentioned in the interview.. his mom in law really does have some issues). I was told end of the week yesterday. We'll see what happens.

i missed the gosh damn thing again......s***...... ill have to call in and ask mac to go through it again for me........i have full confidence in what i was told and by whom i was told it......... :fyou for anyone who has a problem with it (you all know who you are and this is not directed to anyone here on these boards who regularly posts its for the lurkers from other places).........i stand by my sources completely and totaly.... they do not have to tell me anything.. they do so because they want to and know i appreciate the info.....i dont pass it along to you guys so i can have some type of ego trip status.. i do so because i know how you guys are all dedicated sox fans and have a need to be prepared for something happening....(see botch trade discussions in archives for explaination of that statement)...... to the lurkers here .. i dont care what you think of my info.. i dont do it for you to take back to your boards and bash on... if you dont like what i have to say then skip it please i would rather you didnt read it, if all you have to do is complain about it or question the reality of it in a condescending way........i anxiously await the weekend..... surprises are on the way..........

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