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ozzie has big balls..Tooo big or just right?


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I want to start off by saying i enjoy having ozzie as the man. Its different.. and in a way i think its pretty tight. I mean we could have any bob brenly 50 yr white dude with a mustache who does everything by the book and be bored out of our mind. However I just need ozzie to learn so I don't get so mad. Ozzie likes to show he is real smart and knows how to hit and run and steal and suicide squeeze and all that and i think its real cool to do that b/c its not by the book 100% of the time. That said ozzie also has big balls and likes to do big manly things like leave pitchers in when they have low odds and of course playing timo(and others) roughly twice as many at bats as they should. Where ozzie has problems are when he tries to be smart and have his balls itch at the same time. These are things like sending runners on hit and runs at early times of games when we are on losing streaks and doing toooo much running on the basebaths and being stubborn about players who frankly just don't need to be playing at all. Ozzie is cool 95% of the time during games but like i said when the 2 things about ozzie happen together we get that other 5% and the bad thing about this is that 1yr and 2/3 later it might be 93%-7% instead of ozzie getting smarter and him being 98%cool 2% meathead. So.. basically what i'm saying is Ozzie cmon man.. bro.. be cool.



You'll agree disagree.. what can ozzie do better/different?


Also don't s*** your pants (you all know who you are) we'll win this game

Edited by iguchi=dank
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I think too many look at the day to day situational stuff without taking a look at the big picture. Ozzie has to manage for the long haul and not just today's game. In my opinion, Ozzie's done a masterful job with this team.


Welcome to Soxtalk. :cheers

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QUOTE(Carlo Paz @ Aug 27, 2005 -> 01:56 AM)
Ozzie = Ditka.  Great leader, horrible strategist.



Preach On Brotha, Why El Duque was out there for the 8th is beyond me he sould have the Win and the Phenom the Loss

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QUOTE(YASNY @ Aug 27, 2005 -> 05:57 AM)
I think too many look at the day to day situational stuff without taking a look at the big picture.  Ozzie has to manage for the long haul and not just today's game.  In my opinion, Ozzie's done a masterful job with this team. 


I've heard this argument lately, and I'm really interested in hearing exactly what this means. Is Ozzie really planning on letting Duque go more than 7 innings if we make the playoffs? Hell, is Duque even going to be starting in the playoffs? He's been pitching better, but he's still clearly not one of our top 4 starters. One thing I really want to see is Cotts pitch in late inning situations.

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QUOTE(fathom @ Aug 27, 2005 -> 01:12 AM)
I've heard this argument lately, and I'm really interested in hearing exactly what this means.  Is Ozzie really planning on letting Duque go more than 7 innings if we make the playoffs?  Hell, is Duque even going to be starting in the playoffs?  He's been pitching better, but he's still clearly not one of our top 4 starters.  One thing I really want to see is Cotts pitch in late inning situations.


You are focusing on just one aspect of things. He may have left El Duque out there because of a bullpen situation or something. Who knows? I agree with on Cotts.

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QUOTE(fathom @ Aug 27, 2005 -> 01:12 AM)
I've heard this argument lately, and I'm really interested in hearing exactly what this means.  Is Ozzie really planning on letting Duque go more than 7 innings if we make the playoffs?  Hell, is Duque even going to be starting in the playoffs?  He's been pitching better, but he's still clearly not one of our top 4 starters.  One thing I really want to see is Cotts pitch in late inning situations.

I beg to differ. Duque has been great of late. If he pitches this way going into the playoffs, He will start games, Book It.

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QUOTE(rangercal @ Aug 27, 2005 -> 06:42 AM)
I beg to differ.  Duque has been great of late. If he pitches this way going into the playoffs,  He will start games, Book It.


Duque's last three starts before tonight, he was 0-3 with an ERA over 5 (according to ESPN). While he's pitching a lot better than he when he was injured, I still think that he's the 5th best starter we have (which isn't an insult at all). I'm sure Ozzie would choose Duque over Contreras though if he had to pick between them.

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For the record, EJ.


Some comments and posts in game threads lately have gotten the staff talking. Watch for less and less tolerance from the mod team when posters make comments that Sox players "should have their arms broken" or when there is sexual innuendo made about a player. There is no faster way to discredit a website and its posters than with thoughtless comments.


Believe it or not, players have read the site, and some have commented both to me and other posters that comments directed at players with the thought of an 10 year old leave many people disgusted, including the players themselves.


You can show your displeasure with the play of the team. There is no reason to demean a player as an individual or send a "f*** You" their way, unless, of course, you want to be considered an idiot by the majority of intelligent posters here.


As always, contact anyone on the mod team if there are any questions or comments. Someone is always here.


Green doesn't make it acceptable.

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ozzie is ditka.



seriously folks ... that is the best post of ALL TIME.

You are right my friend, Oz is Ditka.


He left Duque in. We still won!

Amazing win and Ox is Ditka.

Unconventional but a winner.


Like da bears let's win it all.



--remember ditka always going for that yard even on his own fricking 30 yard line?

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To get back on topic...


I have talked to redandwhite about this before.


Ozzie is not the best manager in the game...not even close. Probably not even a top 15 manager. And, IMO, he is probably one of the worst, if not THE worst, in-game managers in the league...and while that is an opinion, the mass would agree.


But without Ozzie...are the Sox 78-47? Is there any other manager in the game that could have the Sox at 78-47 right now? I don't think so.


So ya, he is pretty much Ditka. These guys would run through a wall for this guy(or at the very least, into a wall), and you can see it day in and day out.

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QUOTE(witesoxfan @ Aug 27, 2005 -> 03:56 AM)
To get back on topic...


I have talked to redandwhite about this before.


Ozzie is not the best manager in the game...not even close.  Probably not even a top 15 manager.  And, IMO, he is probably one of the worst, if not THE worst, in-game managers in the league...and while that is an opinion, the mass would agree.


But without Ozzie...are the Sox 78-47?  Is there any other manager in the game that could have the Sox at 78-47 right now?  I don't think so.


So ya, he is pretty much Ditka.  These guys would run through a wall for this guy(or at the very least, into a wall), and you can see it day in and day out.


What determines a "good manager" if not the won/loss record?

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Ozzie can be maddening, yes, no doubt. He's pulled some bonehead moves, especially in the pitching category, but HOW REFRESHING it is to have a manager who doesn't play by the book. Look at the North Side, my Sox brethren. There's a manager who would and has gotten "A's" from all the Talking Heads, but would any of you want to make that managerial trade? This team--when on a winning tear or during these more inconsistent days--has done it not through "Oz Ball" or "Small Ball" but "Heart Attack Ball."




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QUOTE(One Pump Chump @ Aug 27, 2005 -> 03:56 AM)
To get back on topic...


I have talked to redandwhite about this before.


Ozzie is not the best manager in the game...not even close.  Probably not even a top 15 manager.  And, IMO, he is probably one of the worst, if not THE worst, in-game managers in the league...and while that is an opinion, the mass would agree.


But without Ozzie...are the Sox 78-47?  Is there any other manager in the game that could have the Sox at 78-47 right now?  I don't think so.


So ya, he is pretty much Ditka.  These guys would run through a wall for this guy(or at the very least, into a wall), and you can see it day in and day out.

Why do people hate on Ozzie? He has a passion for what he does, something which most managers lack...Francona? Torre? All those guys do is manage personalities and sit on their ass in the corner of the dugout all game. Do they even talk to their players? Actually, if I had to manage Manny "Being Manny" Ramirez or Gary "Poo comes out of my mouth when I talk" Sheffield, I probably wouldn't talk to my team either.


Without Ozzie, the Sox aren't where they are today. He knows his team, and he goes with his gut based on his knowledge of what kind of effort his guys can give him on any given day.


I'm getting so sick of people who have no faith in this team.


I think our play in the last five games - winning four of those five - has shown that this team can overcome adversity and play their way out of a slump. My Yankees friends tell me the Sox will be done in the first round. Bulls***. You will see this team in the American League Championship Series and we will compete.


Go Sox.

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I applauded the hiring of Ozzie in contrast to the emotionless Manuel. I like how he handles his players, I think he's an idiot in how he handles his bullpen. His "gut" is closer to tarot cards or a ouiji board. I don't see anything beyond what is unconventional, I'll do it. In a long season, it works out with some talented players. In the playoffs, where every game counts, it could spell disaster.

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QUOTE(YASNY @ Aug 27, 2005 -> 02:03 AM)
For the record, EJ.

Green doesn't make it acceptable.


Baseball players offended by sexual innuendo? The same players that force rookies to wear dresses and has a player bring in extra large women's panties insinuating you have to have sex with a fat chick in order to break a streak?


If they are claiming that posts here look like a ten year old has written them it is only because they are all too familiar with that exact behavior themselves.


That said, I personally don't make those references, and it's your guys website to make whatever rules you want. But there is something disconcerting about making board policy based on what the players feel is acceptable or unacceptable.


All in all I enjoy reading this website and there is a ton of good info here. :drink

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Ozzie has that David vs Goliath mentality mixed in with Tony Montana. The worst (or best) thing that coulda happened to him was that Marlins WS. He now is sold on that whole, 'we don't need any superstar, big money, players' attitude. Sorry, but to me, chemistry and grinder ball will more often than not lose, to big money superstar players. It's a nice underdog plan, in theory.

He also has that Tony Montana chip on his shoulder. The one that sometimes makes him do the unconventional and dare the opposistion to prove him wrong.

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