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QUOTE(Heads22 @ Aug 30, 2005 -> 02:32 PM)
GM usually means "Give me". I also know what T&A means, so draw your own conclusions... :P

Man, college has made you an imprudent little wippersnapper! :D

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I like knowing that you guys are going to crack down on the personal attacks. However that is really only one of the many problems that have plagued this site lately. I realize that the Sox might not have the biggest track record of success lately, but it's almost sickening that you can come on a White Sox fan site and see so much negativity directed at the team. Now I'm not talking about guys like Fathom, I at least respect him because he always stays consistant with his opinions even if I don't agree with him. I'm talking about the ones that change their minds at the drop of a hat. ...and before one of you has a chance to point it out yes I was guilty of not being the most positive person myself for the first 6 months or so that I joined the site, but I was far from bashing a first place team into the ground. I'd like to think that I was at least consistant in my opinions. I'm just so darn sick of seeing the same people who bash the offense and demand KGJ when we lose praise the offense and act like were world beaters when we win.

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QUOTE(Jeckle2000 @ Aug 30, 2005 -> 06:37 PM)
I like knowing that you guys are going to crack down on the personal attacks. However that is really only one of the many problems that have plagued this site lately. I realize that the Sox might not have the biggest track record of success lately, but it's almost sickening that you can come on a White Sox fan site and see so much negativity directed at the team. Now I'm not talking about guys like Fathom, I at least respect him because he always stays consistant with his opinions even if I don't agree with him. I'm talking about the ones that change their minds at the drop of a hat. ...and before one of you has a chance to point it out yes I was guilty of not being the most positive person myself for the first 6 months or so that I joined the site, but I was far from bashing a first place team into the ground. I'd like to think that I was at least consistant in my opinions. I'm just so darn sick of seeing the same people who bash the offense and demand KGJ when we lose praise the offense and act like were world beaters when we win.

I agree, Jeckle, but that's something that we have to live with.


Pale Hose Talk is a "pulse" of the White Sox, good, bad, or ugly. And that's the reality of it.


But we don't want the "pulse" to become a cancer and it was starting to get that way.

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QUOTE(Jeckle2000 @ Aug 30, 2005 -> 01:37 PM)
I like knowing that you guys are going to crack down on the personal attacks. However that is really only one of the many problems that have plagued this site lately. I realize that the Sox might not have the biggest track record of success lately, but it's almost sickening that you can come on a White Sox fan site and see so much negativity directed at the team. Now I'm not talking about guys like Fathom, I at least respect him because he always stays consistant with his opinions even if I don't agree with him. I'm talking about the ones that change their minds at the drop of a hat. ...and before one of you has a chance to point it out yes I was guilty of not being the most positive person myself for the first 6 months or so that I joined the site, but I was far from bashing a first place team into the ground. I'd like to think that I was at least consistant in my opinions. I'm just so darn sick of seeing the same people who bash the offense and demand KGJ when we lose praise the offense and act like were world beaters when we win.


Who exactly praises the offense and acts like we're world beaters when we win and then bashes the team when they lose?

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QUOTE(kapkomet @ Aug 30, 2005 -> 01:26 PM)
No, that's someone's opinion about a newsworthy event.  Sexual innuendo about Timo and Ozzie isn't, and crosses the line.


Look, it's common sense.  Most of you know what's right and not right, so use a little common sense and there will be no problems.


Being serious and calling Natalee a whore/slut and saying she got was she deserves is o.k.


Joking that Timo and Ozzie are gay because Timo is playing is vulgar and crosses the line.


This is common sense? Sounds like the exact opposite.

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QUOTE(marsh @ Aug 30, 2005 -> 01:51 PM)
Being serious and calling Natalee a whore/slut and saying she got was she deserves is o.k.


Joking that Timo and Ozzie are gay because Timo is playing is vulgar and crosses the line.


This is common sense? Sounds like the exact opposite.


Really I don't think any of it is OK. But I guess that is something we (the mods and admins) would deal with if and when it happened.


Any other nitpicking, shades of gray scenarios you all would like to hash out?

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QUOTE(Heads22 @ Aug 30, 2005 -> 01:31 PM)
Of course, if we want to be part of more things like Core of the Core in the future, it doesn't hurt to be in good standing with front office officials.


I am fine with the policy, seriously, I welcome less personal attacks as long as everyone is treated the same.


The only thing that is rubbing me the wrong way is the motivation behind the new player bashing policy. What you say above, along with mentioning how players don't care for certain things written say that there is more to it than just the people here.


Personally, I think this is the main reason for the change, you guys disagree. fine. I've said what I wanted to say and now I'm dropping it. Thank you for your replys.

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I know a lot of people dislike me as a poster, but I think these new rules are easy to follow. I used to make fun of the Ozzie/Timo stuff, but all it took was one person to say stop it, and I did. It's not a hard concept. Since a lot of people hate the negative posts that people like myself, Milkman, and SSI make, how about just a running thread for pessimist/negative posts so that we don't upset other posters that don't want to deal with it?

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QUOTE(fathom @ Aug 30, 2005 -> 02:05 PM)
I know a lot of people dislike me as a poster, but I think these new rules are easy to follow.  I used to make fun of the Ozzie/Timo stuff, but all it took was one person to say stop it, and I did.  It's not a hard concept.  Since a lot of people hate the negative posts that people like myself, Milkman, and SSI make, how about just a running thread for pessimist/negative posts so that we don't upset other posters that don't want to deal with it?

i may disagree with alot of stuff you say, but i respect you as a poster. I've never thought "wow, he went too far" or something like that. You're fine in my book.........and that means the world. :P

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I hope these new guidelines don't create a crew of jackbooted mods tossing out threats of suspension every time they see something they disagree with. That's why WSI blows. (personal attack!) Today, I've already seen one mod threaten to suspend someone new for calling Konkerko "pop up Paulie" and asking if another poster is having a bad day, just because they were debating a point.


I love reading the debates in here and occasionally jumping into the scrum. If there's a thread I don't like I treat it like the 700 Club -- I change the channel. Certainly calls for players to drop dead or that sort of thing should be treated differently. As should name calling. But there seems to be a rather large gray area here. Let's hope it's not abused.

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QUOTE(The Ginger Kid @ Aug 30, 2005 -> 07:10 PM)
I hope these new guidelines don't create a crew of jackbooted mods tossing out threats of suspension every time they see something they disagree with. That's why WSI blows. (personal attack!) Today, I've already seen one mod threaten to suspend someone new for calling Konkerko "pop up Paulie" and asking if another poster is having a bad day, just because they were debating a point.


I love reading the debates in here and occasionally jumping into the scrum. If there's a thread I don't like I treat it like the 700 Club -- I change the channel. Certainly calls for players to drop dead or that sort of thing should be treated differently. As should name calling. But there seems to be a rather large gray area here. Let's hope it's not abused.

And that admin who "threatened" asked for it to not be used, not suspend someone. And in fact, we discussed it and clarified that it's ok as long it is not abused. This will be something that changes. RESPECT and not abusing people is what this is about. Again, I ask, why is that so hard for people to accept?


And a "mod" (that was me who was interacting in that thread) didn't ask if another poster was having a bad day. Re-read the thread.


R-E-S-P-E-C-T is what we are asking for. That's all.

Edited by kapkomet
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QUOTE(Milkman delivers @ Aug 30, 2005 -> 02:03 PM)
Wouldn't nitpicking also be telling people not to use harmless nicknames when showing the lineups?


Or just assuming too much from people... Either way there is a reason that this is happening. If people had been smart and respectful with the freedoms that they had been given on this site, there wouldn't now be a 100 post thread about this, and people still trying to poke holes in it.


Is this stuff asking too much? Seriously, why is either people are all in favor of this, or they are spending all of their time trying to see what they can get away with? This should be a simple as respecting the people on this site, but instead we are wasting all kinds of time having to get into nitpicking specifics about what exact phraseology and terminology can be used for exactly which people, and at what specific times, during which conditions, on what planet, in what atmospheric pressure, figuring with or with a waiver from your parents if you are under 18, with what specific lawyer, under what guise, with which particular meaning, on whose team, in which league, taking into account if it is really a sport or not, depending on if your agent approves, at what times of years, in which font and color, spelling, punctuation, language, accent, and/or context is acceptible.


Just treat the site and the people involved with it with some respect. I guarentee if you follow that one stinking rule, you will never be suspended.

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QUOTE(marsh @ Aug 30, 2005 -> 02:03 PM)
I am fine with the policy, seriously, I welcome less personal attacks as long as everyone is treated the same.


The only thing that is rubbing me the wrong way is the motivation behind the new player bashing policy.  What you say above, along with mentioning how players don't care for certain things written say that there is more to it than just the people here.


Personally, I think this is the main reason for the change, you guys disagree. fine. I've said what I wanted to say and now I'm dropping it. Thank you for your replys.


I'd be lying if I said that what players have said about the site have nothing to do with it. It's got about this ----->

Edited by Heads22
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QUOTE(Heads22 @ Aug 30, 2005 -> 02:15 PM)
I'd be lying if I said that what players have said about the site have nothing to do with it. However, we didn't start talking about it til posters and other fans brought it up. I understand what you are saying, but again, we are doing this so Soxtalk is an enjoyable place to come again. You wouldn't believe how sick a lot of the mods and admins were of coming here.


There was a reason I quit for a while... It wasn't worth it anymore. And if it can make me stop, its gotta be bad :P

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QUOTE(Heads22 @ Aug 30, 2005 -> 02:15 PM)
I'd be lying if I said that what players have said about the site have nothing to do with it. However, we didn't start talking about it til posters and other fans brought it up. I understand what you are saying, but again, we are doing this so Soxtalk is an enjoyable place to come again. You wouldn't believe how sick a lot of the mods and admins were of coming here.

:cheers :gosoxretro:

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QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Aug 30, 2005 -> 07:17 PM)
There was a reason I quit for a while...  It wasn't worth it anymore.  And if it can make me stop, its gotta be bad :P

Ditto. Which is why I (among some others) felt so strongly about getting this brought under control.


I like what you said about respect, ss.


Gonna leave this open for about 30 more minutes, and that's it. Enough's enough. You all get this, I know you do.


We're not going to be stupid about this. You all have to hold us accountable, and I would expect that from this community. It would be adviseable to stop looking for holes.


RESPECT the site and the posters, and you're going to be fine. Surely, that's not so hard.

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QUOTE(kapkomet @ Aug 30, 2005 -> 02:22 PM)
Ditto.  Which is why I (among some others) felt so strongly about getting this brought under control.


I like what you said about respect, ss.


Gonna leave this open for about 30 more minutes, and that's it.  Enough's enough.  You all get this, I know you do.


We're not going to be stupid about this.  You all have to hold us accountable, and I would expect that from this community.  It would be adviseable to stop looking for holes.


RESPECT the site and the posters, and you're going to be fine.  Surely, that's not so hard.



How many guys felt strongly enough to give up their admin powers at some point? 4?


It's like if the people who love and devote more time to this site than anyone else think the place sucks, then it does.

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